

Snake bite after implementing early treatment is very important

In accordance with the calm, ligation, flushing, detoxification steps

1, be calm, do not run, extreme sports, to slow down the body of the snake venom of absorption and diffusion.

2, ligation, in be bitten after 1 ~ 2 minutes quickly with thatched, such as cloth in the above the wound 3 ~ 5 cm ligation, 15 ~ 30 minutes phlebotomy once.

In 3, flushing, after ligation of rapid search for water, with water on wound repeated washing.

In 4, after completing the steps above, try to squeeze the wound discharge poisonous blood, but by Agkistrodon acutus bite, never blindly ejection, in order to prevent bleeding.

After the above steps can remove part of venom, in self at the same time, quickly find out how the medical condition of the hospital for treatment


第1个回答  2014-10-13
To participate in outdoor activities, rest or through the grass snake habitat, crevice, dead wood, bamboo groves, Creek, or other relatively dark, dank office, if accidentally bitten by a snake, do not scared. Should first determine whether the snake bite.
Observation of the wound is usually larger and deeper with two teeth marks in order to determine the snake bite. If there are no teeth marks, and in 20 minutes there is no local pain, swelling, numbness and weakness and other symptoms, for the non-poisonous snake bites. Just need to clean the wound bleeding, bandaging. If the conditions can be sending the hospital a tetanus shot.
The main symptoms of snakebite are: the case of hemorrhagic snake venom: wound burning, local swelling and proliferation, wound around the purpura, ecchymosis, blisters and a slurry of blood seeping from the wound, skin or, subcutaneous tissue necrosis, fever, nausea, vomiting, QiQiao bleeding. There is blood sputum, urine, blood pressure reduced, the pupil to narrow, cramps and so on. 6-48 hours after the bite may lead to an injured person dies. The case of nerve venom: wound pain, local swelling, lethargy, ataxia, ptosis, mydriasis, local weakness, swallowing, paralysis, stuttering, drooling, nausea, vomiting, coma, difficulty breathing and even respiratory failure. The injured may die within 8-72 hours.
In general, were victims of snake bite after 10-20 minutes later, the symptoms come back to the coming into bei ng. After being bitten, seek time is the most important. First need to find a cloth belt or long shoelaces at the top of the wound near the heart of truss 5-10 minutes to ease the toxin spread.
However, in order to prevent limb necrosis, every 10 minutes, relax for 2-3 minutes. Repeated application of cold water wash the wound surface of the venom.
Then teeth marks as the center, with the sterile knife to cut into the skin wound cross. Then forced his hands squeezing, cupping, or 4-5 layer of gauze covering the wound, mouth forcefully separated gauze Xi Yun (the mouth can not have open wounds), as far as possible to suck out the venom within the wound.
Snake venom solution immediately taking pills, and powder coated venom solution around the wound. Try to slow down action injured and quickly sent to a nearby hospital for treatment. (If they can not determine the kind of venom the snake should be killed, and be taken to the hospital.
第2个回答  2014-10-13
第3个回答  2014-10-13
go to hospital
第4个回答  2014-10-13
call 120 at once追答

try to screeze off the poisoned blood as much as possible



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