


你天地孕育的橘树哟,生来就适应这方水土。 禀受了再不迁徙的使命,便永远生在南楚。

你扎根深固难以迁移,立志是多么地专一。 叶儿碧绿花儿素洁,意态又何其缤纷可喜。

层层树叶间虽长有刺,果实却结得如此圆美。 青的黄的错杂相映,色彩哟简直灿若霞辉。

你外色精纯内瓤洁白,正如堪托大任的君子。 气韵芬芳仪度潇洒,显示着何其脱俗的美质。

赞叹你南国的橘树哟,幼年立志就与众迥异。 你独立于世不肯迁移,这志节岂不令人欣喜。

你扎根深固难以移徙,开阔的胸怀无所欲求。 你疏远浊世超然自立,横耸而出决不俯从俗流。

你坚守着清心谨慎自重,何曾有什么罪愆过失。 你那无私的品行哟,恰可与天地相比相合。

我愿在众卉俱谢的岁寒,与你长作坚贞的友人。 你秉性善良从不放纵,坚挺的枝干纹理清纯。

即使你现在年岁还轻,却已可做我钦敬的师长。 你的品行堪比伯夷,将永远是我立身的榜样。


Orange ah, do you that between heaven and earth was a good tree, born on adaptation to local soil and water.
The quality of your unwavering constant, grows in the south of the country ah.
Deep-rooted hard to move, it is because of your single-minded determination ah.
He wanders the dark green leaves white flowers, lush was making people feel happy ah.
Several layers of branches, thorn sharp, successful fruit ah.
Green flash of yellow, Huang Li Dai Qing, colors What a brilliant ah.
Appearance of fine inner cleansing, similar to the moral gentleman ah.
Looks lush and beautiful, Graceful flawless ah.
Ah, your childhood aspirations, on the different ah.
Independent special line will never change, how can one make people respect ah.
Firm's quality, you have nothing open-minded private demand ah.
You are away from the secular loner, and not daring to cross the drift ah.
Careful never taken lightly, from start to finish commit fault ah.
There is no self-interest to comply with the moral, the true heaven and earth, compared with the ah.
Like all things wither in the season that I do not form a confidant ah.
Good things and not loose inside the United States, how honest and full of Arts and Sciences, ah,
Your age was not much, but it can make people's mentor ah.
Boyi character is like the ancient and planted here as an example I am a man ah.




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