

Rational consumption is now a topic of social concern,how to make rational consumption, but also peoplethinking of problem.
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shopping Carnival to reason. Fourth, the loanpurchase a car also need to be considered. Fifth, buy a lottery ticket.
第1个回答  2020-05-01
What caused people’s irrational behavior?
To our satisfaction or dismay, we have to get our behavior displayed in social life every day. Sometimes our behavior turns out to be as desirable as our wishes, and sometimes so undesirable as to fill us with post-behavior regret. Why has some of our behavior proved to be an exception to our intention? There are two major factors for such consequences: We fail to keep our emotions under control and put up with the stress from life.
The first factor for our irrational behavior is our uncontrolled emotions. This usually happens when we have ourselves misunderstood or put in the wrong. Our life is rich with cases in point. Just think of the scapegoat you were once made for a practical joke others played on your teacher. When you had nothing to do with the practical joke but you were believed to have carried it out, I am sure, you couldn’t bear to let go of any chance to clear yourself of the charge. However, if you became the sole target of penalty for it in the end, no matter how hard you tried, it was far from easy for you to feel in control of your emotions.
Another key factor for us to behave irrationally is our stressed feeling. As is known to all, our life is never short of stress. But it is a cold fact that our life is loaded with more and more stress every day,thus making it impossible to keep our stress in hand. When that happens to your life, irrational behavior will lie in wait for you at every turn, especially if you tend to be of a volcanic temper. For example, you are at a loss what to do to finish too much homework without any delay when your monitor rushes in and assigns you to fulfill an urgent task right away. I bet you are more likely to respond to it with irrational action. After you cool yourself down, you might apologize for your hot temper. But I don’t think so. Instead of the excuse to be in a quick temper, underneath it your desire is to avoid the root of getting your stress out of control.
To sum up, any of our irrational behavior is a direct fruit of our failure to keep our emotions as well as our stress under control. Therefore, we need to discard any causes for our uncontrolled emotions and stressed feelings in favor of rational behavior, thus making little room for our post-behavior regret.



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