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For several years, RMB kept rising trend all times. The appreciation of yuan affects China's economy inevitable . Enterprises in Zhejiang as an important part of China's economy, in this case, the small and medium-sized enterprises are the first to be affected. With the improvement of production cost, and foreign trade decreases, enterprise capital chain rupture, some small and medium-sized enterprises even shut-down, or closing, or bankruptcy or merged. Although now RMB exchange rate has stable, SMES(中小企业)in zhejiang has struggled to recover from the crisis, but how serious that RMB appreciation affect in small and medium-sized enterprises in zhejiang , how the enterprise take measures, how these measures make sence? Combining statistics,I through revalue the RMB's appreciation of actual situation and the reasons to illustrate the influence to the smes in zhejiang, and finally give some Suggestions on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

自己翻译的哦 累死了 希望帮到你~!!! (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
第1个回答  2011-02-22
For several years, RMB kept rising trend. The yuan appreciation for China's economy caused by the inevitable effects. Zhejiang enterprises as an important part of China's economy, in this case, the small and medium-sized enterprises the brunt.
With the improvement of production cost, and foreign trade decreases, enterprise capital chain rupture, some small and medium-sized enterprises and shut-down, closing, bankruptcy or merging.
Although now RMB exchange rate has stable, zhejiang smes has struggled to recover from the crisis, but renminbi appreciation in small and medium-sized enterprises in zhejiang

produced how serious influence, the enterprise take how measures, these measures on how to play the role.
Combining statistics, oneself through revalue the renminbi's actual conditions and the analysis of the reason to illustrate the influence of smes, and finally puts forward some Suggestions on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
第2个回答  2011-02-22
In recent years, RMB has maintianed the escalating trend. The appreciation of RMB makes an inevitable difference to China's economy.Under the circumstance that Zhejiang enterprise plays an significant part of China's economy, SME will suffer first. With the increase of production cost, decrease of external trade, the rupture of capital chain, parts of SME even occur to shut down,bankrupt or be mergered.Although now RMB rate is stable, it is difficult for Zhejiang SME to recover from the crisis.However, how does the appreciation of RMB influence these SME,what measures should the enterprise takes, and how will these measures operate,combing with statistical information, I give advice on these problems by the analyse of the situation and reason of the appreciation of RMB.




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