
Abstract: The Chinese nation which originating and living interior hinterland, with people-centered , and take astronomical into humanistic to form the world outlook .It is essential to called The nature and man unites as ones .Under this conception, the philosophical thought in china cannot make subject and object separates . However, with the western festival that were popular in foreign countries and had been introduced into China . In western culture, with affirmation human nature freedom、 affirm to create value by appreciate beauty spirit .Nowadays ,the concept accepted by Chinese people .what is called the conception nature and man two cents are impact on everywhere in china .Therefore ,how to built a culture tradition belong to ours? How to make the Chinese nation's culture more extensive and more profound 、go around the world ,and in line with the world ? This will make us expanding Chinese cultural bottom for oneself, as Chinese year's take heart respond together ,at the time of integrating more cultural colors, starting to achieve to have thriving source of vitality. We will make the people proud of brilliant year culture

The Chinese civilisation, which originated from the hinterlands of China, had a humanistic world view. They absorbed "astronomy" into "culture" to form a world view that can be described as a "harmony between nature and people". Under the influence of this view, Chinese philosophies and schools of thought had never really separated the objective from the subjective. However, with the wide spread celebration of western festivals, western values such as "personal freedom" and "creative value" are gradually being accepted by modern Chinese. The dichotomy between nature and human in western philosophies are penetrating every aspect of Chinese society, especially since Chinese people are distancing themselves from tradition in recent years, which has a strong correlation with the recent dwindling of traditional customs being celebrated. Henceforth, how do we create customs and traditions that are entirely our own? How do we take the deep and profound essence of Chinese culture to the world, to influence others, to integrate with others? It is our responsibility to promote the Chinese culture. Enriching Chinese traditions as well as inciting them with meaning to achieve vitality in the glorious traditions of Chinese culture.
第1个回答  2007-03-25
Abstract: The Chinese culture, based upon hinterland civilization, highlights a human-oriented world view of “harmony of people and nature”, in which the subject and objective in philosophical thoughts are always separated. The modern Chinese culture, however, has partly embraced western views and cultures with the ideas of individualism and self-value becoming increasingly popular among Chinese people. The philosophical though of “objective and subjective separation” from western civilizations is impacting every social aspect of modern China, which is an underlying factor for the “westernization” and “modernized ways” in celebrating the Spring Festival, the most important traditional Chinese festival. How can the modern Chinese people rebuild the proper ways in celebrating the festival? What should China do to promote its traditional cultures to overseas and to maintain its traditions in a globalization era? The author’s view is that traditional Chinese values and ideas should be highlighted in celebrating the festival to re-present the “harmonious nature-human relationship” in modern approaches so that the traditions could be preserved in face of invasion of western lifestyles and the nobleness of being of Chinese can be appreciated!
第2个回答  2007-03-25
中华民族发源的和居住的内部内地, 与人民集中, 并且作为天文学入形成世界外型的人文。它是根本的对叫自然,并且人团结作为一个。在这个构想之下, 哲学想法在瓷不可能做主题,并且对象分离。 然而, 以是普遍的在外国和被介绍了进入中国的西部节日。 在西部文化, 与肯定人类本性自由、肯定创造价值赞赏秀丽精神。现今,中国人民接受的概念.what称构想自然,并且人二分继续下去冲击到处在瓷。所以,对怎么建立了文化传统属于我们的? 如何使中华民族的文化更加广泛和更加深刻的、根据世界在世界四处走动,和? 这将做我们扩展中国文化底部为自己, 汉语年的作为心脏在integra之时一起反应,
第3个回答  2007-04-05
Abstract: With the wide spread celebration of western festivals, western values such as "personal freedom" and "creative value" are gradually being accepted by modern Chinese. There is an obvious example that the difference between the Chinese civilization and Festival style. This research paper takes up the new view as the thesis , and take enrich as well as incite to achieve vitality。To support this thesis, the paper is developed into four major parts. The first part deals with the background of Chinese culture, especially Chinese people are distancing themselves from tradition in recent years. However, there is no connection between the material civilization and traditional culture. The second part, because of absent the humanism, we cannot change our culture in a short time. There is not absent beautiful at all. The third part, under the mode of western, we need the spiritual civilization such as"individuality″ and "humanity″. The fourth part focuses on the spiritual civilization .The only we absent is the mood of natural and placid. The conclusion highlights the cohesive force. The civilization of the Chinese nation is full of life. It has never been cut off, whenever it experienced turbulence in the long history. Therefore, the traditional Chinese is certain to develop in a vigorous and in the melody of the true, the good and the beautiful, and to build a communication bridge between the material and spiritual.
第4个回答  2007-04-03
can't help it




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