英语作文《I want to be a reporter》(我想成为一名记者?)词量:80字左右。


How to find school news that’s worth reporting?

What is school news?

“School” means you should write things that happen in the school or in your student life, rather than things that happen in a factory or, at your home. “News” means you should write special or new things, rather than something that’s ordinary(普通的).

Is it school news?

: Sophie wrote news about how the students ran to the dining hall when the bell rang so as to get their lunch as soon as possible.

Judgment: It is not school news. Most of the students have the same experience as these students, so it is not “new” at all.

But: If you write about a boy trying to get his lunch in a strange way, it would be interesting to read.

: David wrote news about a bird that flew to his house and wouldn’t leave.

Judgment: It is not school news, because it did not happen in the school or in one’s student life.

But: If you write about your class taking a wandering(流浪猫) cat as a pet, that’s interesting to read.

What kind of school news is worth reporting?

If you were a student of other schools, do you still like to read your school news?

As a student of your school, you may find whatever happens in it is worth reporting, but students in other schools may not think the same way. That’s why you should become a reader of your own news and to see whether you enjoy reading it.

Is this news worth reporting?

: Echo wrote news about her school’s anniversary(校庆): the headmaster made a speech, the students danced and sang, and many old schoolfellows(校友) came back.

Judgment: Do you like to read this news? Almost all the schools have anniversaries, and they all do the same thing.

But: You can find something special in the anniversary and tell the readers your discoveries(发现).

How to find school news?

Just be sensitive(敏感的) to things around you and let your curiosity (好奇心)guide you.

From now on, open your eyes and your ears and look for interesting things around your student life. I am sure you will find that your life becomes more interesting than before. Do remember: try to find out something interesting in it, something that is unique(独特的).




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