




Thank you for teaching us knowledges that are hard to comprehend for us.

Your interesting classes are always able to make us laugh, but learn a lot as well.

Teacher, with your fun languages and movements, you have taught us many vocabularies, sentences, grammar, and more.

Whenever we do a great job on our exams, it is you who made us understand these difficault questions. When we have trouble with the grammar, you always help us and make us understand them.

不会错的O(∩_∩)O 我是国外滴·~
第1个回答  2011-02-12
Thanks for you to teach us the knowledge which is difficult for us.
Your interesting classes in which we can get a lot of knowledge always make us burst into laughters.
(Dear) teacher,the interesting words you said,the funny actions you did,have taught us words,sentences and grammers one after another,and so on.
It is you who help us work out these hard questions when we get good grades,and you always taught us some grammers,even some questions in which many students make mistakes.
第2个回答  2011-02-12
Thank you teach us these originally it is very difficult for us to knowledge.
You interesting classroom always makes us laugh, but can acquire knowledge in this one.
Teacher, you use your that witty language, funny movements, teaches us a another words, sentences, grammar, and more.
When the exam to good grades, is you let we learned these problem, when some grammar or have some many wrong wrong topic, you always want to teach us.


第3个回答  2011-02-12
Thank you teach us these originally it is very difficult for us to knowledge.

You interesting classroom always makes us laugh, but can acquire knowledge in this one.

Teacher, you use your that witty language, funny movements, teaches us a another words, sentences, grammar, and more.

When the exam to good grades, is you let we learned these problem, when some grammar or have some many wrong wrong topic, you always want to teach us.
第4个回答  2011-02-12
my little dog can't read

Mrs. Brown: Oh, my dear, I have lost my precious little dog!

Mrs. Smith: But you must put an advertisement in the papers!

Mrs. Brown: It's no use, my little dog can't read.





第5个回答  2011-02-12
Thanks for teaching us that was difficult for us.
Your interesting classes always not only make us happy,but let us learn from them.
Teacher,your interesting words,acts make us understand words,sentences,grammar,and more.
When we get good grades。。。。后面不会了



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