

鲁教版初二英语下册第一单元Unit1检测试题 【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)
1. Please keep the door _________. A. closing B. close C. closed D. closes 2. Thanks for __________me.
A. invitation B. invite C. inviting D. to invite 3. Don’t forget ________ her to come to my party. A. tell B. tells C. telling D. to tell
4. –Will you go shopping with us? –Yes, ________. A. I do B. I’d like to C. I’d love to do D. I’m busy 5. _______is today? It’s October 2nd.
A. When B. What time C. What day D. What date 6. Could you ask him ________here? A. comes B. come C. to come D. coming 7. –Would you like to come with us? _____________.
A. Great! I’d love to. B. Good, I’d like. C. Yes, I would. D. Sure, I like.
8. Thanks a lot _______ helping me _____ my English. A. to, in B. to, with C. for, with D. of, with 9. I’m free _________22:00 tonight. A. at B. till C. / D. on
10. –What are you __________ next Wednesday? --I _________do my homework.
A. doing, can’t B. do, may C. does, want D. doing, have to 11. ________go for a walk after dinner? –That’s a good idea. A. How about B. Would you like C. Why don’t D. Why not 12. What’s the date? It’s _______. A. Saturday B. July
C. August 20th, 2007 D. Monday the 11th
13. This one is too big. Can you show me ____________one? A. the other B. other C. another D. others 14. It’s ________cold today.
A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too 15. Don’t drink ______ water.
A. the whole B. all the C. the all D. whole the 16. You can’t go out ________ the bad weather. A. on B. at C. in D. for
17. He came back _______ a windy evening. A. in B. on C. at D. to
18. Does she _______ finish reading the book today? A. must B. can C. have to D. need
19. This man ________ be his father, I’m sure.


A. can B. may C. mustn’t D. can’t 20. He didn’t ______go home so early. A. has to B. had to C. have to D. need
1. Please telephone him after you finish the work.
Please _______ _______ _______ _______after you finish the work. 2. They are visiting London.
They are _______ _______ _______ to London. 3. They needn’t clean the room now.
They _______ _______ _______ clean the room now. 4. You visited me last Sunday. Thank you. Thank you _______ _______ me last Sunday. 5. Can you come over to my house?
_______ you _______ to come over to my house?
There is going to be a picnic(野餐)on Sunday. We’re ___1___that you can come to it. Here is ___2___you can find us. We will ___3___our picnic in the People’s Park. You know ___4___it is, don’t you? ___5___you get into the park, walk ___6___ the road till you come to a small river. ___7___ the river and turn left. After walking for ___8___minutes, you’ll come to a hill. There you’ll see a lake. We’ll have our picnic in the small forest ___9___the lake. I’m ___10___that you can find it easily. 1. A. happy B. sorry C. nice D. kind 2. A. where B. what C. the way D. the map 3. A. make B. cook C. have D. put 4. A. where B. who C. why D. what 5. A. Because B. Before C. After D. Until 6. A. to B. along C. around D. from 7. A. Jump B. Fall C. Cross D. Swim 8. A. few B. a few C. a little D. little 9. A. in B. on C. by D. at
10. A. afraid B. sure C. glad D. worried
1. C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. D
11. D 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. C 二、

1. give him a call/ ring 2. on a visit 3. don’t have to 4. for visiting 5. Would, like 三、
1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B 四、写作 Dear Tom,
Thanks a lot for your invitation. I’m sorry I can’t come to your birthday party on Friday. I’m very busy. I have to study for the test on Monday. On Tuesday I’m going to New York, and I’m staying there for two days. On Thursday I have to have the piano lesson. And I will visit my grandpa on Friday. So I don’t have time. I have to say sorry to you. Wish you a good time! Mike

10. me, a good friend likes to do the same things me.
A. For, as B. As, for C. With, for D. To, like 11. Which color do you like , white, red blue? A. more, and B. better, and C. best, or D. much, or
12. He has friends than I.
A. much more B. many more C. very more D. too more
13. Of the two boys, Jim is .
A. heavy B. heavier C. the heavier D. more heavy
14. The twins have each other.
A. a few difference about B. a few different from C. a few differences from D. a few different about
15. Lucy is very short, but she is than me. A. shorter B. longer C. calmer D. taller
16. I’m athletic than my sister.
A. a little more B. a little C. much D. little more
17. he is a student, he plays the piano than any other person in the city. A. Though, well B. Because, well C. But, better D. Though, better
18. Paul and Pedro English boys. A. are all B. are both C. both are D. all are
19. Peter and Bill look .
A. same B. like C. difference D. different
20. Anna is good at English.
A. speak B. speaks C. speaking D. to speak
1. This story is as interesting as that one.(否定句)
This story interesting that one. 2. Jim is more athletic than Bob.(同义句)
Bob Jim.
3. My haircut is different from hers.(同义句)
My haircut isn’t hers.

4. Mary is friendly Kate is friendly, too.(合并为一句)
Mary is Kate.
5. Li Lei is twelve. Han Mei is thirteen.(同义句)
Li Lei is Han Mei. Li Lei isn’t Han Mei.
6. John is thin, Jack is thinner.(合并为一句)
Jack is John.
7. Who should get the job? Do you think?(合并为一句)
should get the job? 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Who looks (serious), Tina or Tara?
2. The picture is (beautiful) than the one on the wall.
3. Your room is much (big).
4. Are there any (different) between the countries?
5. Who is the (good) student in your class?
6. My grandma enjoys (tell) stories. 7. Your bag is the same as (she). 8. Joe isn’t so (calm) as Mike. 9. It’s necessary for us (learn) English well.
10. Who made the baby (cry)?
1. shorter, than, he, hair, Sam, has 2. Lucy, good, not, sports, as, is, at, as, Lily 3. think, a, I, good, makes, friend, me, laugh
4. important, me, is, very, it, for 5. children, is, he, good, with 6. information, could, me, you, give, some
一、1~5 CCABB 6~10 BDADA 11~15 CBCCD 16~20 ADBDC
二、1. isn’t so/as, as

2. is less athletic 3. the same as 4. as friendly as 5. younger than; so old as
6. thinner than 7. Who do you think
三、1. more serious 2. more beautiful 3. bigger 4. differences 5. best 6. telling 7. hers
8. calm 9. to learn 10. cry 四、1. He has shorter hair than Sam. 2. Lucy is not as good at sports as Lily. 3. I think a good friend makes me laugh.
4. It’s very important for me. 5. He is good with children. 6. Could you give me some information?
第1个回答  2011-01-28
shenme yisi
第2个回答  2011-01-28



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