

飞事亲至孝,家无姬侍。吴玠素服飞,愿与交欢,饰名姝遗之,飞曰:“主上宵旰,宁大将安乐时耶!”却不受。玠大叹服。或问:“天下何时太平?”飞曰:“文臣不爱钱,武臣不惜死,天下太平矣。”师每休舍,课将士注坡跳壕,皆重铠以习之。卒有取民麻一缕以束刍者,立斩以徇。卒夜宿,民开门愿纳,无敢入者,军号“冻死不拆屋,饿死不掳掠”。卒有疾,亲为调药。诸将远戍,飞妻问劳其家,死事者,哭之而育其孤。有颁犒,均给军吏,秋毫无犯。善以少击众。凡有所举,尽召诸统制,谋定而后战,故所向克捷。猝遇敌不动。故敌为之语曰:“撼山易,撼岳家军难。”张俊尝问用兵之术,飞曰:“仁、信、智、勇、严、阙一不可。”每调军食,必蹙额曰:“东南民力竭矣!”好贤礼士,雅歌投壶,恂恂如儒生。每辞官,必曰:“将士效力,飞何功之有!” 然忠愤激烈,议论不挫于人,卒以此得祸。

第1个回答  2014-02-19
Yue Fei Peng Ju words, a state Shangyin. Bank of farmers. Father and to diet in Dhi day. Have their land invasion, and with cutting; Who do not borrow the money for compensation. Fei Health, a big bird if swan, Feiming room, because they were. Not reconciled months of the Yellow River must, and water prices, with fly home Yao Block Weng, salt -- and a free shore, people from it. Less emotional Festival layers words, poor mechanics, particularly good in Spring and Autumn -- 080-022421, Sun Wu Tzu. Health have funded, not up, pull bow three hundred pounds of cross-bow eight stone. School radio and Zhou Tong, to do their games, could influence fire. Mon death back at their graves located Ji. Father justice, the expression : "deeply use the death of actions between countries. " Fei Lan, home to Hebei, seeking to dig, welcome to. Home with chronic disease, crops will be pro-. Home maintenance, water does not mix importers 3. Home-Ji wrote. Wu Jie clothes flying, and would like to enjoy, ornaments were pretty woman behind it. Fei said : "The last night suggest that risks of general well-being? "are not, Jie benefits accurately. Less anxious, Timor warning of expression : "State-specific, to Heshuo, is to drink. "was not drinking. Dichu to fly Battalion, fly by expression : "the enemy is not poverty, why home? "or asked when peaceful world, flying expression :" Wen Chen do not love money, Wu Chen to death, peace across the land borders. " Each division off homes, class officers and men of note slope jump ditches are the heavy armor Xi. Son cloud taste Xi Note slope, Ma stumble, anger and whip them. China has taken the first ever to beam Chu, Aguilar Tsam to accommodate.



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