provide的动词搭配是什么~ 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


1. provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物。如:
Sheep provides wool for us. 羊为我们提供羊毛。
The villagers provided food for the soldiers. 村民们为士兵们提供食物。
These rivers provide water for irrigation. 这些河流提供灌溉用水。
注:该句型中的介词 for 有时也可用介词 to 代之,但不如用介词 for 普通。
2. provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物。如:
Sheep provides us with wool. 羊为我们提供羊毛。
The villagers provided the soldiers with food. 村民们为士兵们提供食物。
These letters should provide us with all the information we need. 这些书应该会提供给我们所需要的信息。
注:该句型中的介词 with 有时也可省略(即 provide 后接双宾语),但以不省略为普通。
第1个回答  2011-02-16
~+名词provide a meal 提供一餐
provide blankets 提供毯子
provide education 提供教育
provide employment 提供就业
provide equipment 提供装备
provide money 提供金钱
provide support 提供支持
provide vehicle 提供交通工具
provide weapons 提供武器

副词+~ill provide 供应差
well provide 供应好,准备得很好

~+副词provide abundantly 充裕地供给
provide adequately 充分提供
provide copiously 大量地提供
provide duly 适当地准备
provide expressly 迅速准备
provide graciously 仁慈地提供
provide handsomely 优厚地提供
provide hospitably 殷勤地提供
provide liberally 充分地提供,充分地准备
provide properly 适当地提供
provide specifically 专门提供
provide suitably 适合提供

~+介词provide against unemployment 防备失业
provide for 抚养…,为…提供,为…准备
provide for children 供养孩子
provide for family 养家
provide with 提供…给…
provide sb with money 为某人提供钱款

provide against(v.+prep.)
为…做好准备; 预防 take care for the future
▲provide against sth
They provided against the attack.他们做好准备以防受攻击。
The government has to provide against a possible oil shortage in the coming months.政府必须为未来几个月中可能出现的油荒做好准备。
It is wise to provide against emergency.预防意外是明智的。

provide for(v.+prep.)
▲provide for sb/sth
1.为…提供生活费 supply with the necessary things
It is incumbent on you to provide for your parents.赡养父母是你应尽的义务。
There is something over to provide for unusual requirements.这里有些剩余物资可供急用。
2.为…作准备 get ready; prepare beforehand
I think we have provided for every possible hazard.我认为我们已经准备好了应付每一种可能的危险。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
Every possible risk has been provided for in this project.此项方案对各种可能发生的风险都作了准备。
3.规定 arrange in advance
The agreement provided for a cease-fire.协议规定停火。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
The book being translated is provided for in your contract.在你们的合同中已确定要翻译这本书。
第2个回答  2011-02-16
provide sb。 with sth

provide sth,for sb。



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