英语一些 口语句子 翻译

1 这是免费的吗?
2 这个是收费的吗? ( 语境是,在国外旅行的时候,询问别人的)

3 这是一个收费项目 / 免费项目
4 这是一个收费 / 免费 停车场吗?

5 停车场每小时收费多少钱?
6 停车场每小时收费5元



Is it/this free?
Is it/this free of charge?
Is this no-charge parking?
Is it/this on the house? (on the house = 免费 ,这个表达不适用于停车场)
Is parking complimentary here? (complimentary = 免费)

Is there a charge for this? (询问物主)
Do they charge for this? (询问旁人)
Do you/they charge for parking?

项目 item event program 你选一个
Is this a free program?
Is admission free?
Is there a charge for admission?
Does it cost money to enter?

Is parking free (here)?
It is free parking (here)
Does it cost to park here?
It this a free lot?
Is this a free parking lot?
Can I park for free here?

What does it cost to park here?
What does it cost per hour to park here?
How much does it (per hour) to park here?
What is the parking charge?
How do they charge for parking here?

Do they charge per hour or per day?
Is it flat rate parking? (flat-rate = 划一价格)
Is there a cheaper lot nearby?
Is it safe to park here?
Will I get a ticket if I don't pay? (ticket = parking ticket = 违规停车罚单)追问

Is there a charge for this?

a charge for / charge for 这些都是可以表示费用的是吧? 加不加 a 有什么不同么。

a charge for 看到的比较多用的是名词吧。。嘿嘿 。先采纳了。谢谢帮助


Is there a charge for this?

Do they charge (money) for this?

第1个回答  2014-02-25
1 这是免费的吗?
Is it free?
2 这个是收费的吗? ( 语境是,在国外旅行的时候,询问别人的)
Is it free or No?
3 这是一个收费项目 / 免费项目
This is a charged/free item
4 这是一个收费 / 免费 停车场吗?
Is this parking place charged/free?
5 停车场每小时收费多少钱?
how much money does it charge per hour?
6 停车场每小时收费5元
the parking place charges 5 yuan per hour.追问

谢谢您的帮助和翻译 有两个疑惑

3 这是一个收费项目 / 免费项目

This is a charged/free item charged 形容词意思,貌似没有 收费这个吧?求解释

4 Is this parking place charged/free? 这里的 charged 是过去分词被动语态吧?不是adj ? 吧。谢谢,有点不明白


3 收费项目应该是:chargeable item
4 Is this parking place chargeable?


第2个回答  2014-02-25
Is it toll free?
Is it tolled?
Is it toll free/toll item?
Is it toll free/ toll parking lot?
What is the hourly rate for parking?
The hourly rate of parking is 5 dollars.
第3个回答  2014-02-25
1 这是免费的吗?

Is this a free ?
2 这个是收费的吗? ( 语境是,在国外旅行的时候,询问别人的)

Are you charging for this?
3 这是一个收费项目 / 免费项目

This is a charging items / free items
4 这是一个收费 / 免费 停车场吗?

This is a toll / free parking lot?
5 停车场每小时收费多少钱?

Parking charge per hour how many money?
6 停车场每小时收费5元

Parking charge 5 yuan per hour
第4个回答  2014-02-25

    Is this free of charge? 

    Is this of charge?

    This is a charge/free.

    This is a charge/ free parking lot.

    How much it charges for one hour in this paking lot?

    It is 5RMB for this paking lot per hour.



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