bad massage什么意思?

老友记中有一句台词:You give the best bad-massages. 请给我解释一下bad massage什么意思?

[14:55.76]-What? -My boyfriend said he didn't like my massages. 什么事? 我男朋友说他不喜欢我的按摩
[14:59.66]You don't have to be best at everything. 你又不必事事都抢第一
[15:02.33]Oh,my God! You don't know me at all! 天哪,你一点也不?沤馕
[15:09.30]You give the worst massages in the world. 好,你的按摩技术天下第一烂
[15:12.07]I'm crying here! 我在哭耶
[15:14.78]Look,hear me out. 听我说完
[15:16.18]You give the best bad-massages. 比烂的话你天下第一
[15:20.45]If anybody was looking for the best bad-massage... 如果有人在找最棒的烂按摩
[15:23.75]...and they thought, "Who's the best?" 他们自问:谁的烂技术最棒?
[15:26.25]They'd have to go to you. 那绝对非你莫属
[15:33.86]So you're saying that if there was an award... 你的意思是 如果有...
[15:37.33]...for the best bad-massage.... Who would get that? ...最佳烂按摩技术奖 那谁会得奖? 247 00:15:42,140 --> 00:15:43,760 It would be you! 一定是你
[15:44.00]You,Monica! And you'd get all the votes. 你,摩妮卡 你会大获全胜
[15:48.31]So they could call the award, "The Monica"? 或许这个奖可以叫摩妮卡奖?
[15:52.95]Absolutely. 一定会的
[15:57.48]-I suck! -Yeah. 我烂透了 没错



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