谁有"Assessment Paper for Unit


  hours on ______.
  A. public holidays B. Sundays
  C. Saturdays D. Fridays
  A 17-year-old boy from the northeastern state of Massachusetts has won the top prize in the Intel Science Talent Search. The competition is the oldest program in the United States that honors the science projects of high school students. The Intel Science Talent Search is 63 years old this year. The winners receive a new computer and money for a college education. A record says 1,652 students from 46 states entered projects for the competition this year. Their research involved nearly every area of science, including chem.-istry, medicine, physics, mathematics, engineering, computer science and social science. 40 students were invited to Washington, D.C. for the final judging. A group of well-known scientists judged them on their research abilities, critical thinking skills and creativity. The judges also questioned the students about scientific problems before deciding on the winners.
  The top winner is Herbert Mason Hedberg. He received 100,000 dollars for his college education. He developed a faster, more effective method to tell if a person has cancer. He explored a way to separate telomerase, an enzyme(酶) found in most cancer cells. His findings have helped advance research into ways of stopping cancer cells from growing. Herbert said he started the project after watching his grandmother struggle against cancer. The second place winner is 17-year-old Boris Alexeev. He received a 75,000-dollar scholarship. His research in computer science could be used in the study of genetics(遗传学). The third place winner is 17-year-old Ryna Karnik. She won 50,000 dollars for describing a new way to build microchips(芯片) used in computers.
  Andrew Yeager of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center was chairman of the judges for the Intel Science Talent Search this year. Past competition winners have gone on to receive many of the world’s highest honors for science and mathematics.
  72. ______ of the competitors were invited for the final judging.
  A. 1,652 B. More than 40 percent
  C. Less than 3% D. Ten in thousand
  73. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
  A. Ryna Karnik is a 17-year-old schoolgirl.
  B. 10,000 dollars was given to the top winner.
  C. The competition is the oldest program in the United States.
  D. Andrew Yeager is one of the winners.
  74. The purpose of the Intel Science Talent Search is to _______.
  A. continue the program with a long history in the United States of America
  B. give the winners a new computer and money for a college education
  C. support the students to take part in the Inter Science Talent Search
  D. encourage more high school students to devote themselves to science
  75. What is the best title for this passage?
  A. Three Top Winners
  B. The Intel Science Talent Search Winners
  C. Intel Science Talent Search
  D. A Famous Competition
  What should you do when your parents become angry? If your 76. __________
  parents get mad, try to have conversation with them 77. __________
  about it. Remembering not to shout at them. They also 78. __________
  try to change. But they will take some time because they 79. __________
  get angrily all their lives, and that is all they know. You 80. __________
  might have to change for your methods a couple of times. 81. __________
  Do any nice things for your parents that they don’t expect 82. __________
  like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean 83. __________
  the floor. If this doesn’t work, turn to your friends that 84. __________
  you feel comfortable with, and have him or her to help you. 85. __________
  以“Why a sense of humor is important”为题写一篇100词左右的短文.提示如下:
  1. 幽默能体现个性;
  2. 幽默有益于身心健康;
  3. 幽默能融洽与他人的关系.
  Unit 11 听力材料及参考答案
  (Text 1)
  M: Liu Xiang became an athlete in 1999 and has taken part in many competitions in the world.
  W: I know. He set a new record at 2004 Olympic Games.
  (Text 2)
  M: I need some stamps and some envelopes as well.
  W: Will you step right over to the second window, please?
  (Text 3)
  M: I hear you are playing at a concert tomorrow. How do you feel about it?
  W: Oh, I’m really worried about it.
  M: I’m not surprised.
  (Text 4)
  W: Excuse me, sir. What’s the time by your watch? I don’t know whether I can catch the 9: 00 train.
  M: Take it easy. You still have a quarter of an hour left.
  (Text 5)
  W: Which tie would you prefer, the blue one or the yellow one?
  M: I prefer blue. But I’ll take them both to have a change sometimes.
  (Text 6)
  M: Let’s go!
  W: Wait a minute. We have to get some things ready.
  M: Like what?
  W: Well, we might want to take some food for our picnic! I’ll take some sandwiches.
  M: Thanks. Can you take some soda? I think there’s some in the fridge.
  W: And get some fruit out, too.
  M: OK. And don’t forget the cookies and potato chips.
  W: I won’t forget. We’ll have plenty to eat.
  M: OK, the soda is in the cooler. I’ll go and get the car ready now.
  W: Good idea.
  (Text 7)
  M: It’s been 37℃ every day since last week.
  W: Just be glad our house has air conditioning!
  M: Believe me, I am!
  W: And I’m sure you’re glad to have a few days off.
  What do you want to do today?
  M: Relax and stay cool. But I’m tired of staying at home and doing nothing.
  W: Nothing? You’ve been reading, watching TV and talking on the phone.
  M: I know. I’m tired of doing those things. I’m bored.
  W: Can we do something fun today? Let’s go to Green Park. It’s cool under the trees. And we can go swimming.
  M: When can we go?
  W: How about right now?
  M: Great!
  (Text 8)
  M: Hi, Ann. How’s it going?
  W: I have to take a trip.
  M: A trip! That’s great!
  W: No, it’s not. You know I don’t like to travel.
  M: So why do you have to take a trip?
  W: My sister is getting married in Hawaii.
  M: Hawaii! That’s a great place. You can swim, relax on the beach and play golf.
  W: That would be fun. But getting there isn’t going to be any fun.
  M: Getting there will be no problem. There are lots of flights to Hawaii. When will you go?
  W: In a couple of days. My sister’s wedding is on October 12th.
  M: Then you need to buy your ticket now.
  W: OK. I’ll leave on the 9th. How long does it take to get there?
  M: Well, first you have to fly to Los Angeles. You’ll change planes there. Hawaii is a four and a half-hour flight from Los Angeles.
  (Text 9)
  W: Dad, what are you watching on television?
  M: I’m watching the news, Linda. Why don’t you join me and watch it too?
  W: The news is boring. It’s always the same thing.
  M: You should know what’s going on in the world. There’s always the possibility that things could affect you.
  W: I like things that are more active, more creative and more interesting.
  M: If you watched the news regularly, you would find it very informed.
  W: Well, if you want me to watch the news with you, can we change to Channel 7?
  M: Why?
  W: Because the anchorman on Channel 7 has a personality.
  (Text 10)
  Sally entered a college planning to study physics. But she felt torn between tennis and college so she left the school to play professional tennis. She practiced hard for just three months. Then she decided that she would never be good enough to become a top player.
  After giving up her tennis dreams, she entered Stanford University in 1970. There she earned her degrees, one in English and one in physics. Sally continued her education at Stanford. After earning her PhD, she planned on more study. But one day in 1977, a newspaper article caught her attention. The article talked about how young scientists were wanted. Sally asked for the space program but did not expect to be chosen. Just 35 were selected among over 8,000 people. Sally was one of them. She entered astronaut training in 1978 with five other women.
  1-5 ABCAC 6-10 BCACB 11-15 AACBA
  16-20 CCBBC 21-25 AABCA 26-30 CABDA
  31-35 AABCC 36-40 BCDAA 41-45 CDCAA
  46-50 BCDAB 51-55 DBBAD 56-60 ABDDC
  61-65 CCDBD 66-70 BBCCD 71-75 DCADB
  76. ∨ 77. have后加a 78. Remembering→Remember
  79. 第一个they→it 80. angrily→angry 81. 去掉 for
  82. any→some 83. clean→cleaning
  84. friends→friend 85. 去掉 to
  One possible version:
  Why a sense of humor is important
  Humor always shows a person’s characteristics. If you can see everything with a sense of humor, you are an interesting person, and people will never feel dull together with you. It also shows that you are a welleducated man.
  You are healthy and happy with your sense of humor, for it can always keep you in high spirits, which will do good to your health mentally and physically. A sense of humor changes the color of the whole world before you.
  You will also have plenty of friends with your sense of humor. People feel it a pleasure to be with you, for you help them to see things from an entirely different and a much brighter point of view. You give people strength to face a world full of struggle.



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