英语翻译 帮忙啊!急啊

※ 诚实、随和、乐观,能快速适应环境,有融洽的人际关系
※ 乐于也勇于承担责任,有很强责任感和使命感
※ 有较强的组织协调能力,语言表达能力及文字驾御能力,做事严谨细心,吃苦耐劳

※ 诚实、随和、乐观,能快速适应环境,有融洽的人际关系
Honest; easy-going; optimistic; adapting quickly to any environment; having good interpersonal relationships.
※ 乐于也勇于承担责任,有很强责任感和使命感
Happy, and also willing, to take responsibilities; having a strong sense of responsibility and of calling.
※ 有较强的组织协调能力,语言表达能力及文字驾御能力,做事严谨细心,吃苦耐劳
Strongly capable in coordination and organization, in languange skills and the employment of words; having care to minute detail; hard-working.

纯手工翻译,有几个地方(如 sense of calling 作”使命感“)是机器翻译做不到的
第1个回答  2011-02-17
It seems like you are introducing a person (like yourself) or describing someone who has the qualities that you required. There is a distinctive difference between doing this in Chinese and English. So it is not really the type of "translation" you would accustom to. It is definitely not about replacing those Chinese words with English but re-writing what you want to say in a way that is normally said in the "English world". I would call it bilingual writing. 双语撰文. That's my point of view for your reference only.

1. Honest, friendly and positive. Able to adapt to new environment quickly. Good interpersonal skills.
2. Very helpful and responsible. OR 2. Willing to help and have a strong sense of responsibility.
3. Good coordination and language skills, proficient in written English, attention to details and hard-working.
另有一点忠告:用什麽方式写英文履历视读者而定,若你肯定看的所有人,尤其是 decision-makers 还是习惯国内惯用的英语表达形式,就提供他们看得顺眼的吧。Give what your audience expected.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-02-17
Honest, easy-going, optimistic, can quickly adapt to the environment, with harmonious interpersonal relationship
Willing to also willing to assume responsibilities, and have a strong sense of responsibility and mission
Strong organization coordinated ability, language skills and language drive ability, scrupulous care, bears hardships and stands hard work
第3个回答  2011-02-17
1.Honest, easy-going, optimistic, can quickly adapt to the environment, with harmonious interpersonal relationship 。
2.Willing to also willing to assume responsibilities, and have a strong sense of responsibility and mission 。
3.Have stronger organization coordinated ability, language skills and language drive ability, scrupulous care, bears hardships and stands hard work
第4个回答  2011-02-19
1.Honest, easy-going, optimistic, an ability plus flexibility, with good people skills.
2. High sense of responsibility, career-ambition/ aggressiveness a must.
3. Good people management skills, team player, Proficiency in written and spoken, conscientious and careful. preparedness to work hard.




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