

/ laɪv; laɪv/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语]
having life 有生命的; 活的: live fish 活鱼.
(used esp of surprising or unusual experiences, etc 尤用於指惊人的或异常的经历等) actual; not pretended 真正的; 不是假装的: We saw a real live rattlesnake! 我们看到一条真的响尾蛇!
glowing or burning 发着光的; 点燃着的: live coals 燃烧着的煤.
not yet exploded or lit; ready for use 还未爆炸或点火的; 随时可用的: a live bomb 未爆炸的炸弹 * several rounds of live ammunition 几发待用的炮弹 * a live match 未用过的火柴.
(of a wire, etc) charged with or carrying electricity (指电线等)带电的, 通着电的: That terminal is live. 那个接头有电. * the live rail, eg on an electric railway 带电的铁轨(如在电气铁路上).
of interest or importance at the present time 当前令人关切的; 当前重要的: Pollution is still very much a live issue. 污染现象仍然是当前的大问题.
(a) (of a broadcast) transmitted while actually happening, not recorded or edited (指广播)现场直播的, 实况转播的: live coverage of the World Cup 世界杯实况报道. (b) (of a musical performance or recording) given or made during a concert, not in a studio (指音乐演奏或录音)音乐会现场播出或录制的: a live recording made at Covent Garden in 1962 1962年在考文特公园的现场录音. Cf 参看 pre-record.
(idm 习语) a live `wire lively and energetic person 活跃而精力充沛的人.
> live adv broadcast, played or recorded at an actual performance, etc without being edited 实地; 从现场; 以直播方式: This show is going out live. 这场演出正在进行实况转播.
# `live birth baby born alive 出生时活着的婴儿. Cf 参看 stillbirth (still1).
/ lɪv; lɪv/ v
[I] (less common than be alive in this sense 用於本义时, 不如be alive通俗) have life; be alive 有生命; 活着.
[I, Ipr, It] remain alive 活; 生存: live to be old/to a great age 活到老[高龄] * The doctors don't think he will live through the night. 医生认为他活不过今晚了. * Some trees can live for hundreds of years. 有些树可以活上百年. * How long do elephants live? 象能活多久? * live to see many changes 活着看到很多人事的变化.
[I, Ipr] make one's home; reside 居住; 住: Where do you live? 你住在哪儿? * live at home, in London, in a flat, abroad 住在家中、 伦敦、 单元房、 国外.
[Ln, I, Tn] conduct one's life in a specified way 以某种方式生活: live and die a bachelor 过一辈子独身生活 * live honestly, happily 活得清白、 幸福 * He lives well, ie enjoys the luxuries of life. 他过得很好. * live like a saint 像圣徒般生活 * live a peaceful life 过平静的生活.
[I] (fig 比喻) (of things without life) remain in existence; survive (指无生命的事物)继续存在, 留存: The memory will live in my heart for ever, ie I will never forget it. 这记忆将永远留在我的心中.
[I] enjoy life fully 充分享受生活的乐趣: I don't call that living. 我认为那不叫生活. * I don't want to work in an office all my life I want to live! 我不想一辈子坐办公室--我要享受人生的乐趣!
(idm 习语) how the other half lives => half1. live and `let live (saying 谚) be tolerant of others so that they will be tolerant in turn 自己活, 也让别人活; 容让别人, 别人也容让你. live be,yond/with,in one's `means spend more/less than one earns or can afford 入不敷出[量入为出]. ,live by one's `wits earn money by clever and sometimes dishonest means 靠小聪明, 有时用不诚实手段捞钱. live from hand to mouth => hand1. live in hope(s) (of sth) remain hopeful 满怀希望: live in hopes of better times to come 生活在憧憬更好的未来中 * The future looks rather gloomy, but we live in hope. 前景似颇暗淡, 但我们仍满怀希望. live in the `past behave as though circumstances,values, etc have not changed from what they were earlier 在回忆过去的环境中生活. live in `sin (dated or joc 旧或谑) live together as if married 姘居; 同居. live it `up (infml 口) live in a lively and extravagant way 享乐: Now you've been left some money you can afford to live it up a bit. 既然留有这些钱, 你就可以痛快享受一番了. live a `lie suggest by one's way of living that sth untrue is true 过骗人的生活; 虚伪做人: She lived a lie for 20 years by pretending to be his wife. 她假扮他的妻子已经20年了. live like `fighting cocks enjoy the best possible food 吃得好. live like a `lord enjoy a luxurious style of living 过豪华生活. live off/on the ,fat of the `land enjoy the best food, drink, lodging, entertainment, etc 锦衣玉食. live off the `land use agricultural products for one's food needs 靠农产品生活. live `rough live without comforts or amenities, esp out of doors 过艰苦生活; (尤指)餐风宿露: He's a tramp and used to living rough. 他是流浪汉, 惯於风餐雨卧. you/we ,live and `learn (used to express surprise at some new or unexpected information, etc 用以表示对新事物或意外信息的惊讶).
(phr v) live by doing sth earn one's living by doing sth 靠做某事物为生. live sth `down live in such a way that (a past embarrassment, scandal, crime, etc) is forgotten 以某种方式生活使(往日的难堪、 丑闻、 罪行等)淡忘: Beaten by the worst team in the league? They'll never live it down! 让联赛中最差劲的队打败了? 这是永远也忘不了的事! live for sth regard sth as the aim of one's life 以某事物为生活目标: She lives for her work. 她为工作献身. * After she died he had nothing to live for. 她去世后, 他便没有了生活目标. live in/out (of an employee) live on/off the premises where one works (指雇员)居住在受雇处内[外]: They both go out to work and have a nanny living in. 他们俩都外出工作, 雇了个保姆看家. live on continue to live or exist 继续生活或存在: She lived on for many years after her husband died. 丈夫死后她继续活了多年. * Mozart is dead but his music lives on. 莫扎特人已作古, 但他的音乐作品却万世流传. live on sth (a) have sth as one's food 以某物为食: live on (a diet of) fruit and vegetables 靠吃水果和蔬菜(的规定食谱)生活 * You can't live on 200 calories a day. 一天200大卡是维持不了生命的. (b) depend on sth for financial support 靠某种经济来源生活: live on one's salary, on 8000 a year, on charity 靠自己的工资、 年收入8000英镑、 救济金过活. live through sth experience sth and survive 经历某事物而幸存: He lived through both world wars. 他经历过两次世界大战. live together (a) live in the same house, etc 在一起生活. (b) live as if married 姘居; 同居. live up to sth behave in accordance with sth 依照某事物行事; 表现出符合某事物的标准: failed to live up to his principles, his reputation, his parents' expectations 没有遵守自己的原则、 不符个人的声誉、 辜负父母的期待. live with sb = livetogether. live with sth accept or tolerate sth 接受或容忍某现象: You'll have to learn to live with it, I'm afraid. 我看, 你得学会容忍这种现实.
第1个回答  2007-03-23

1.生存;活着〔现常用 be alive 或 be living〕。





6.(人物形像等)栩栩如生,生动如真;留在别人的记忆中。 L- and let live. 〔谚语〕自己活也让别人活。 He lives what he teaches. 他言行如一。 He lives [is living] in France. 他住在法国。 live under the same roof 住在一幢房子里。 She lived and died a virgin. 她终身没有结婚。 I have lived today. 我今天过得很高兴。 L- and learn. 〔谚语〕活到老,学到老。 live to be a hundred 活到一百岁。 The ship lived in the storm. 这船没有在风浪中沉没。 make a historical character live把历史人物描写得非常生动。 His memory lives. 他活在人的心中。




(as sure) as I live 的的确确。
(He is dead, as I live. 他确实死了)。
He lives long that lives well. 〔谚语〕活得好就是活得久。
live a double life 过双重(人格)生活。
live a lie 过虚伪的生活。
live above [beyond] one's income [means] 生活和收入不相称,入不敷出。
live by 1. 靠…为生 (live by one's hands 自食其力。live by one's fingers' ends 靠手艺过活)。
2. 住在…附近。
live by oneself 独居。
live carefully 俭省地[有节制地]过日子。
live down 靠以后的行为洗清污名等。
live down to (sb.'s expectation) 辜负(某人的期望等)。
live from hand to mouth 做一天吃一天地过日子。
live hard 过困俭生活。
live in 1. 住进。
2. (雇员)住在东家。
(opp. live out). live in ease 过得逍遥自在。
live in [within] oneself 孤独地生活。
live in the past 靠着缅怀往昔过日子〔意味着目前生活不如意等〕。
live it up 〔俚语〕狂欢;纵情作乐。
live off 1. 住在…之外。
2. 以…为生。
live on [upon] 1. 以…为主食 (live on rice 以米为主食)。
2. 靠…生活 (live on sixpence a day 每天花六便士维持生活)。
3. 继续活着。 live on forever 万古长青。
live on the cross 〔俚语〕以偷窃为生;行为不正。
live out 1. (雇员等)外宿,住在外面。
2. 活过,多活(一定期间) (live out another month 又多活一个月)。
live rough 过苦日子。
live single 过独身生活。
live through 度过。 (live through an economical crisis 度过经济危机)。
live to oneself 过孤独的生活。
live up to 量…过日子;实行(主义等);生活得无愧于,配得上,够得上;达到预期标准 (live up to expectations 终于取得预期的东西[事业的成功等])。
live well 1. 过有道德的生活。
2. 过优裕生活。
live with sb. 1. 和某人同居。
2. 寄住在某人处 (live with sb. in peace 和某人和平共处)。
where sb. lives 〔美俚〕某人的要害
( The word goes right where I live. 这话正刺中我的要害)。


1.活的,有生命的 (opp. dead)。 a live fish 活鱼。 a live fence 树篱。

2.〔戏谑语〕〔常接在real之后〕真的,活生生的。 a real live mountain 真正的山。 There's a real live burglar under my bed! 我床下面真有一个窃贼。

3.活泼的,有精神的,生气勃勃的。 a live man 精力旺盛的人。 live eyes 炯炯有神的眼睛。 the live murmur of a summer's day 夏天的虫声。

4.目前大家感觉兴趣的,当前的。 a live issue [question] 尚在争论中的问题。

5.(机器等)能开动的;传动的;动力发动的。 a live axle 传动轴。

6.燃烧着的。 live coals 燃烧着的炭。 a live hatred 盛怒。

7.装着炸药的实弹,有作用,充电的。 a live bomb 未爆炸的炸弹。 live shell shooting 实弹射击。

8.未使用过的;(岩石等)未采掘的;原状的。 live feathers 由活鸟身上拔下来的羽毛。 a live match 没擦过的火柴。

9.正在使用着的;(球等)正在玩的。 a live machine 可以使用的机器。 a live runway 现用跑道。


11.(空气)清新的;(颜色)鲜艳的。 live air 空气新鲜。


It was a live broadcast, not a recording. 那是实况转播,不是录音。


在(表演)现场,从(表演)现场,实况地。 The trial was broadcast live from the courtroom. 审判情况是从审判室实况转播的。
第2个回答  2007-03-23
1. 活,活着
Are your parents living?
2. 继续活
He lived to the age of 70.
3. 住,居住[Q]
She lives about ten miles from my house.
4. 生活,过活[Q]
The family lived on relief.
5. 享受人生
I want to live, not just to exist.
6. 存留
These books will live through out the ages.
1. 过(生活);度过
That young man lived a life of luxury.
2. 实践;经历
None of the others have lived my experiences.
KK: []
DJ: []
1. 活的,有生命的[B]
We sell live fish.
2. 燃着的
We cooked the steak over live coals.
3. (炸弹等)未爆炸的
4. 通着电流的
Stay away. That wire is live.
5. 实况播送的
We watched a live television show.
1. 在(或从)表演现场;以实况(转播)
The football game was televised live.


第3个回答  2007-03-23
live: [ liv,lɑiv ]

a. 活的,生动的,精力充沛的,直播的
v. 活,居住,过著
名词:liveness 动词过去式:lived 过去分词:lived 现在分词:living 第三人称单数:lives

1. inhabit or live in
同义词:dwell, inhabit

2. lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style

3. continue to live; endure or last
同义词:survive, last, live on, go, endure, hold up, hold out

4. support oneself
同义词:exist, survive, subsist

5. have life, be alive

6. have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations
同义词:know, experience

7. pursue a positive and satisfying existence


1. actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing

2. exerting force or containing energy

3. possessing life

4. highly reverberant

5. charged with an explosive

6. elastic; rebounds readily
同义词:bouncy, lively, resilient, springy

7. abounding with life and energy

8. in current use or ready for use

9. of current relevance

10. charged or energized with electricity

11. capable of erupting


1. not recorded
第4个回答  2007-03-23
活的, 生动的, 精力充沛的, 实况转播的, 点燃的
活着, 生活, 居住, 流在人们记忆中
过着, 度过, 经历



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