
1. - I called you this morning, but nobody answered.
- I _____ the flowers in my garden at that time.
A. watered B. was watering C. water
2. - What's wrong with your coat?
- Just now when I wanted to get off the bus, the man next to me _____ on it.
A. is sitting B. had sat
C. sits D. was sitting
3. I _____ my homework while my parents_____ TV last night.
A. did; have watched B. was doing; were watching
C. had done; were watching D. would do; were watching
4. My sister _____ her book in the classroom when her teacher came in.
A. read B. reads
C. was reading D. is reading
5. - I saw the lights on in your office at nine last night.
- Oh, I _____ on the report to the boss.
A. worked B. am working C. was working
6. We _____ basketball on the playground when it _____ to rain.
A. played; began B. were playing; began
C. played; was beginning D. were playing; was beginning
7. - Did you see Mr Chen yesterday afternoon?
- No. When I got to school he _____ already.
A. left B. has left
C. was leaving D. had left
8. - I called you at six yesterday, but there was _____ answer.
- Did you? I _____ dinner at my friend's home.
A. not an, had B. no, was having
C. not, was having D. no, had
9. - I knocked into a tree when 1 went to the railway station for my friend.
- I suppose you _____ too fast.
A. drive B. are driving
C. drove D. were driving
10. The shopkeeper said they _____ the shoes_____.
A. have sold out; in my size
B. sold out; of my size
C. had sold out; for my size
D. has sold out; in my size
11. - Where did you put the keys?
- Oh, I _____ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _____ in.
A. remembered; come B. remembered; was coming
C. remember; come D. remember; was coming
12. James has just arrived, but I didn't know he_____ until yesterday.
A. will come B. is coming
C. was coming D. comes
13. He told me he _____ care of my child while I _____ away.
A. will take, am B. took, was
C. would take, was D. has take, am
14. I _____ to leave the loom when there was a knock at the door.
A. had been B. am coming
C. was going D. has gone

1~5 B.D.B.C.D,这几个题都是考查的过去进行时,表示过去的某个时在做什么。用第一个做代表吧,就是说你打电话给我的时候我正在浇花。
6~14 B。D。B。D。C。B。A。C。C。
6题考查结构:was /were doing ……when :正在做某事,这时……
12“ James刚刚到达,但是昨天他要来时我才知道!”所以用过去将来时
14考查结构:was /were doing ……when :正在做某事,这时……
第1个回答  2011-02-20
1 B
2 D
3 B
4 C
5 C
6 B
7 D
8 B
11 D
12 C
13 C
14 C
第2个回答  2011-02-20
第3个回答  2011-02-20



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