
开始是一群朋友在饭店聚餐.那名女子估计已经身亡~~男主角提议潜逃.他们驾车离开了车祸现场~~ 男主角是个摄影师~第二天帮朋友照毕业照的时候……发现一女子的脸出现在人群中…… 女主角来到暗房中
浴盆的水里.....漂浮着黑色的头发~~`女主角尖叫向后跑~头发慢慢浮上来……注意看,还有手……恐怖~~~ 一卷胶卷上面的每张照片都同样出现一道白影洗出来的照片~~有个模糊的女子面容~~~~需要仔细看女人开始不安,男人认为是相机出现的问题~
男人到暗房重新冲那张照片~~结果发现一个侧脸的女人,他凑近去看,不想那个女人猛的把脸转过来~ 自从车祸后。.男人的脖子开始无缘无故的痛~~~ 一个老人的话~~“鬼魂会舍不得他们的挚爱” 醒来发现原来一大学朋友来找他~变的神经兮兮他大学同学向男人索要照片..男人不明白他在说什么~~~
男人打电话给他同学老婆时~~不知道他同学看见了什么……然后不知所踪~~~ 女主角珍从照片中发现白影出现的地方是大学的一生物室~在里面发现了这样一张女人的照片,叫娜塔…… 回到家又发现了一张娜塔与男人大学时的合影~~~ 此刻,男人去汤家里找他……他却跳楼自杀了~~~ 接着自杀男人的老婆告诉他……其他两个也自杀了。他们是四个人。(最开头第一张聚餐图片中的四个) 他不爱她~~要和她分手~我想是因为娜塔太爱他……他觉得她烦~娜塔伤心……见她自残~男人厌烦的离去~~~非常绝情~看到这里有些心寒男人不明白为什么同学都死了~坐在汽车上~从后望镜中看见远处一个女人
,害怕的赶紧发动汽车~结果却出现在女友旁边 .睡觉了
睡的时候身上的毯子就一直向下滑.等他抬起头的时候,鬼在他旁边 .他吓的冲出屋外,可是鬼依然跟着他跑来跑去都是在4楼,怎么也跑不出去.珍的表情忽然变的狰狞.男主角从窗外的梯子往下爬~~~结果听到奇怪的声音,抬头看, 娜塔倒着顺着梯子也爬下来了,大头朝下~ 终于从梯子上掉下去了男主角在医院中醒来了看到这里,似乎平静一些了~~ (这是暴风雨前的宁静)终于火化了,但这样真的解决了吗?
发现一卷胶卷,拿去冲洗.娜塔痛苦的神情,她恨他啊,当初他的同学调戏她的时候他还在旁边一起笑,她痛苦自残的时候他也不关心她而是冷漠地走开啊。这个禽兽男人不但不救,居然拍照。可怜娜塔那么爱他,还以为他会救她 .看到照片,东明白了自己为什么脖子一直痛 受不了刺激,从楼上跳下~~~想以死赎罪!!尾声:珍去神经病院探望东 以为他已经解脱,结果在倒映的玻璃上发现娜塔还是在他身上,永远都摆脱不了~~~~

Beginning with a group of friends at a restaurant dinner. Whether the woman had been dead ~ ~ Actor estimates suggested fled. They left motorists ~ ~ ~ character is a photographer accident scene the next day to help friends Graduation picture of…… found a woman's face in the crowd…… Actress which went to the darkroom tray floating in the water ..... black hair running-back hair ~~` actress scream …… slowly floating to watch carefully, hand…… Each roll of film ~~~ terrorist photographs have also seen above the white wash the impact a fuzzy picture of the woman ~ ~ Women need to look carefully at the faces ~~~~ insecure. Camera man is the man to the darkroom to re-issue the picture ~ ~ found a facial -- the woman, He drew them to my view, that women do not want to over-emphasize the face while making the switch since after the accident. . ~~~ Pain in the neck for no reason men started an elderly so ~ ~ "ghost would want their beloved" wake-up He found out that a university friend came to the university students - to change the distance he did not realize that his men men in her photographs .. He said students ~~~ man phoned his wife did not know when students see a ~ ~…… Actress Zhen ~~~ then disappeared from the impact of white pictures were found is a biological University found inside Room ~ This photograph of a woman named Sonata…… Sonata has found a home with the man when the university took ~~~ moment, the man goes home to find his soup…… Then he committed suicide ~~~ suicide…… other man's wife told him that the two have committed suicide. They are four individuals. (Photo dinner most of the beginning of the first four) he did not love her and she parted ~ ~ ~ to think it's because I love him too Sonata…… He felt her trouble-Sonata sad…… She men see themselves sick-leave ~~~ very unfeeling see here - students do not understand why some men are scared to death ~ ~ sitting in a car from a distance to see a mirror, look after the woman, afraid of the result immediately launch vehicle-girlfriend in the side. sleep the sleep of the blankets had been found to decline. When he raised his head when the ghosts in his side. He threatened to break through the house. But ghosts are still running around with him in the fourth. how has not run out. Zhen ugly expression suddenly changed. Actor ~~~ results from the window to climb down the ladder heard strange voices rise, the Sonata also lay down the ladder to climb down. big government Hospital - has dropped from the ladder to the actor to wake up in a hospital to see here, ~ ~ Some of the quiet (this is the calm before the storm) was finally cremated, but this is really solved? Found a roll of film are all the same scene, but a white shadow of the ground movement is different. Woman put a roll on top of another, then banging, that shadow has begun to move video stopped at the last white bookshelves. Zhen has found a roll of film ~ ~ see anything, washed away. Sonata painful expression on the face of her hate him ah, When his classmates teased her the next time he also laughed. She painful themselves but when he does not care for her indifference to the path ah. Men not only save the animals, even take photographs. Sonata pitiful love him and thought that he would save her. See photos East has neck pain could not understand why they stimulate, jumped ~~~ World Trade Center atonement want to die! ! Zhen neuropathy : an end to the East thought that he was free to visit the center, reflected in the glass found in his possession or Sonata. always could not escape

第1个回答  2007-03-18
Beginning with a group of friends at a restaurant dinner. Whether the woman had been dead ~ ~ Actor estimates suggested fled. They left motorists ~ ~ ~ character is a photographer accident scene the next day to help friends Graduation picture of…… found a woman's face in the crowd…… Actress which went to the darkroom tray floating in the water ..... black hair running-back hair ~~` actress scream …… slowly floating to watch carefully, hand…… Each roll of film ~~~ terrorist photographs have also seen above the white wash the impact a fuzzy picture of the woman ~ ~ Women need to look carefully at the faces ~~~~ insecure. Camera man is the man to the darkroom to re-issue the picture ~ ~ found a facial -- the woman, He drew them to my view, that women do not want to over-emphasize the face while making the switch since after the accident. . ~~~ Pain in the neck for no reason men started an elderly so ~ ~ "ghost would want their beloved" wake-up He found out that a university friend came to the university students - to change the distance he did not realize that his men men in her photographs .. He said students ~~~ man phoned his wife did not know when students see a ~ ~…… Actress Zhen ~~~ then disappeared from the impact of white pictures were found is a biological University found inside Room ~ This photograph of a woman named Sonata…… Sonata has found a home with the man when the university took ~~~ moment, the man goes home to find his soup…… Then he committed suicide ~~~ suicide…… other man's wife told him that the two have committed suicide. They are four individuals. (Photo dinner most of the beginning of the first four) he did not love her and she parted ~ ~ ~ to think it's because I love him too Sonata…… He felt her trouble-Sonata sad…… She men see themselves sick-leave ~~~ very unfeeling see here - students do not understand why some men are scared to death ~ ~ sitting in a car from a distance to see a mirror, look after the woman, afraid of the result immediately launch vehicle-girlfriend in the side. sleep the sleep of the blankets had been found to decline. When he raised his head when the ghosts in his side. He threatened to break through the house. But ghosts are still running around with him in the fourth. how has not run out. Zhen ugly expression suddenly changed. Actor ~~~ results from the window to climb down the ladder heard strange voices rise, the Sonata also lay down the ladder to climb down. big government Hospital - has dropped from the ladder to the actor to wake up in a hospital to see here, ~ ~ Some of the quiet (this is the calm before the storm) was finally cremated, but this is really solved? Found a roll of film are all the same scene, but a white shadow of the ground movement is different. Woman put a roll on top of another, then banging, that shadow has begun to move video stopped at the last white bookshelves. Zhen has found a roll of film ~ ~ see anything, washed away. Sonata painful expression on the face of her hate him ah, When his classmates teased her the next time he also laughed. She painful themselves but when he does not care for her indifference to the path ah. Men not only save the animals, even take photographs. Sonata pitiful love him and thought that he would save her. See photos East has neck pain could not understand why they stimulate, jumped ~~~ World Trade Center atonement want to die! ! Zhen neuropathy : an end to the East thought that he was free to visit the center, reflected in the glass found in his possession or Sonata. always could not escape ~~~~





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