young foryou歌词是什么?


《Young For You》是北京的英伦风格摇滚乐队GALA的一首歌曲。以下是其歌词:


Sunday's coming i wanna drive my car

to your apartment with present like a star

forecaster said the weather may be rainy hard

but i know the sun will shine for us

Oh lazy seagull fly me from the dark

I dress my jeans and feed my monkey banana

then I think my age how old, skyline how far

or we need each other in california

*You show me your body before night comes down

I touch your face and promise to stay ever young

On this ivory beach we kissed so long

It seems that the passion's never gone

*You sing me your melody and I feel so please

I want you to want me to keep your secret

And we'd never find out that we're growing old

We keep on dancing, and love is never freed

*You show me your body before night comes down

I touch your face and promise to stay ever young

On this ivory beach we kissed so long

It seems that the passion's never gone

*You sing me your melody and I feel so please

I want you to want me to keep your secret

And we'd never find out that we're growing old

We keep on dancing, love is never freed

*So you're fast and I'm slow

Why don't we match our step

Hello hello

Just give me your hand

and we'll conquer the land

Hello hello

The world is waiting for me now

I'm here to conquer, conquer the world


首先,歌曲以“Sunday's coming i wanna drive my car”开始,描述了一个周末即将到来的轻松和愉悦的心情。歌手想开车去恋人的公寓,带着像星星一样的礼物,预示着一段美好的时光即将开始。

接着,歌曲通过“Oh lazy seagull fly me from the dark”等词句,描绘了一个逃离黑暗、追求光明的场景。歌手穿着牛仔裤,喂猴子吃香蕉,这些生活琐事都显得那么美好和惬意。

然后,在“You show me your body before night comes down”这段歌词中,歌曲的情感达到了高潮。歌手和恋人在海滩上拥吻,激情似乎永远不会消退。他们彼此承诺永远保持年轻,这体现了他们对爱情的坚定和执着。


最后,歌曲以“Hello hello”和“I'm here to conquer, conquer the world”结束,展现了年轻人的自信和勇气。他们面对世界无所畏惧,准备征服一切困难和挑战。这种积极向上的精神,也是这首歌想要传达给听众的重要信息。




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