【终极版】高分求翻译,高手来帮忙~~ !比较简单的一封信~~

豁出去了!!! 管理员过分的很,删了我的问题还扣了我四百分~~
翻译部分见下(显示实力的时机到了,高手们~) 注意啊:

很冒昧的打扰您,向您请教一个问题,请问"**"具体是做什么的? 具体工作有哪些?





记得您以前还问过我是否愿意做"**"的工作,您是否也希望我能在您的部门学到有用的知识呢? 现在我想说"非常乐意",不知是否还来得及呢?



要求用词准确,措辞礼貌。有分段最好~ 我需要英国式的~ 很礼貌的~


高手怎么都潜水了啊? 刚才很多的我都没记下联系方式~ 请再来趟好吗?



真心感谢用自己的能力帮助我的每一个朋友,现在答案好多,该选谁的呢? 选择好难啊... 不论选哪位的对别的朋友的都感觉抱歉,因为有好多很不错的,



很冒昧的打扰您,向您请教一个问题,请问"**"具体是做什么的? 具体工作有哪些?
Dear xx (英国人不介意别人叫名字,也可以写sir)

Sorry to bother you. But may I ask you a question please. Could you tell me what exactly "xx" is doing, and what detail jobs involved?

Would you like me to work for you?

As I evalua myself that I am not really good at the job which I am doing at the moment, and my manager is not that happy with me either. I think my experience is still far not enough for my position at the moment.

I would be please If I could join your department and I promise to do my best to assist you with all my abilities at my position, obey your orders and follow your commands.

Besides, I will learn my English harder and harder so that I could be more helpul.

记得您以前还问过我是否愿意做"**"的工作,您是否也希望我能在您的部门学到有用的知识呢? 现在我想说"非常乐意",不知是否还来得及呢?
I still remember you did ask me before that will I prefer to do the "xx" job, and I holp you would really like to teach me more useful knowledges in the future. But I'm wondering am I too late to say 'yes I do' now?

Expecting your reply.

I would appreciate if you could email me your advice and please could you keep this in secret for me at the moment? Thanks very very much.

第1个回答  2007-04-01
Takes the liberty to disturb you very much, consults a question to you, asked what "**" is concrete is does? Which the concrete work has? If I work for you speech you whether do want? Because links I also to think present works I not to excel, to look like the department to lead to me is not very satisfied, my experience is also insufficient, possibly is unable to be competent present this work If you can the good intention let me join your department's speech, I can own assist you to complete own with all one's strength work, obeys your assignment and appoints Moreover, I also can diligently learn in the language aspect, thus better assists you Remembered you before also has asked me whether is willing to make "**" the work, whether you also did hope I can learn the useful knowledge in yours department
Presumptuous interrupt you to ask you a question. Does "**" specifically so what? What specific work? If I am, then you are willing to work for you? Even I also feel that the work I do not do well, it seems to me it is not satisfied with the department, my experience is not enough. Now this may not be competent work. Let me join you if you could kind of sectors, I will do all they can to help you do our work well, you listen to the allocation and assignment. In addition, I will try my best to learn the language. thus better assist you. remember you asked me whether or not willing to do before "1998". Do you also hope that I have been able to learn useful knowledge in your department

很冒昧的打扰您,向您请教一个问题,请问"**"具体是做什么的? 具体工作有哪些?
Dear xx (英国人不介意别人叫名字,也可以写sir)

Sorry to bother you. But may I ask you a question please. Could you tell me what exactly "xx" is doing, and what detail jobs involved?

Would you like me to work for you?

As I evalua myself that I am not really good at the job which I am doing at the moment, and my manager is not that happy with me either. I think my experience is still far not enough for my position at the moment.

I would be please If I could join your department and I promise to do my best to assist you with all my abilities at my position, obey your orders and follow your commands.

Besides, I will learn my English harder and harder so that I could be more helpul.

记得您以前还问过我是否愿意做"**"的工作,您是否也希望我能在您的部门学到有用的知识呢? 现在我想说"非常乐意",不知是否还来得及呢?
I still remember you did ask me before that will I prefer to do the "xx" job, and I holp you would really like to teach me more useful knowledges in the future. But I'm wondering am I too late to say 'yes I do' now?

Expecting your reply.

I would appreciate if you could email me your advice and please could you keep this in secret for me at the moment? Thanks very very much.
第2个回答  2007-04-03
Dear Sir/madam
Sorry to intrrupt you.I am so interested in your position you advertised on ....But I have some questions to ask.First, I wonder what does *** refers to ?Second ,....
第3个回答  2007-04-06
How are you!
Bother you very presumptuously, ask to you a problem, please ask the "**" in a specific way is to do what? What concrete works are there?

If I work for you do you would like to?

Because connect myself to also feel the work of now that I be not good at long, like the section leads to also is not very satisfied to me, my experience returns not enough, may can't be competent current of this work.

If you can the good heart let me join your section, I will offer the own helping with all strength you work well own work, listenning to your allotment with point the parties.

Moreover, in the aspects of language I also will work hard to learn good, from but better help you.

Remember you to still asked before I would like to the work that do the "**", you also hope that can I learn the useful knowledge in your section? I mean to say now" very glad" know whether still in time?
第4个回答  2007-04-06
Hello! Presumptuous interrupt you to ask you a question. Does "**" specifically so what? What specific work? If I am, then you are willing to work for you? Even I also feel that the work I do not do well, it seems to me it is not satisfied with the department, my experience is not enough. Now this may not be competent work. Let me join you if you could kind of sectors, I will do all they can to help you do our work well, you listen to the allocation and assignment. In addition, I will try my best to learn the language. thus better assist you. remember you asked me whether or not willing to do before "1998". Do you also hope that I have been able to learn useful knowledge in your department? I wanted to say "very happy" I wonder if in time.
第5个回答  2007-04-06
Takes the liberty to disturb you very much, consults a question to you, ask what "**" concrete is does? Which the concrete work has?If I work for you speech you whether wants?

Because links me also to think the present works I not to excel, probably the department leads to me is not very satisfied, my experience is also insufficient, possibly is unable to be competent present this work.

If you can the good intention let me join your department's speech, I can own assist you to complete own with all one's strength work, obeys your assignment and the designation.

Remembered you before also has asked me whether is willing to make "**" the work, whether you also did hope I can learn the useful knowledge in yours department? Now I want to say " is glad extremely ", did not know whether also with enough time?



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