
The owner of the copyright has the exclusive right to reproduce the copyrighted work in copies,and "copies" are defined as "material objects....in whichia work is fixed by any method now known or later perceived,reproduced,or otherwise communicated,either directly or with the aid of a machine or device."The Copyright Act was changed to include this definition at the advent of the digital era when new forms of media-the silicon chip,the magnetic disk,etc.-gve rise to hard cases over whether a computer program burned into a chip was a copy of the same program that was visible only as the printed version of the code.Nowadays there is no question that it it.
The reproduction right is fundamental because it captures the majority of infringements:most things that amount to an infringing work copy some part of the original work.

第1个回答  推荐于2016-05-14
版权所有者拥有完全的权限来复制受版权保护的东西,这里的复制品指的是实物,不管是用现行的制作方法或者是以后的方式,不管是直接的还是借助机器或者其他的设备。 版权保护法也修改了用以完善电子化背景下的需求,在新形势下如半导体芯片,磁盘等。把以前的争议点关于电脑程序是否与打印版本的编码一致是否需要版权予以修正。今天毫无疑问已经成为事实。





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