

一次,两人出海,返航时,飓风将小艇摧毁,幸亏女友抓住了一块木板才保住了两人的性命。女友问男友:"你怕吗?"男友从怀中掏出 一把水果刀,说:怕,但有鲨鱼来,我就用这个对付它。"女友只是摇头苦笑。

不久,一艘货轮发现了他们,正当他们欣喜若狂时,一群鲨鱼出现了,女友大叫:'我们一起用力游,会没事的!"男友却突然用力将女 友推进海里,独立扒着木板朝货轮了,并喊道:"这次我先试!"女友惊呆了,望着男友的背影,感到非常绝望。鲨鱼正在靠近,可对女 友不感兴趣而径直向男友游去,男友被鲨鱼凶猛地撕咬着,他发疯似地冲女友喊道:"我爱你!"

女友获救了,甲板上的人都在默哀,船长坐到女友身边说:"小姐,他是我见过最勇敢的人。我们为他祈祷!""不,他是个胆小鬼。" 女友冷冷地说。"您怎么这样说呢?刚才我一直用望远镜观察你们,我清楚地看到他把你推开后用刀子割破了自己的手腕。鲨鱼对血腥味 很敏感,如果他不这样做来争取时间,恐怕你永远不会出现在这艘船上....."


There are a rightness of loverses, male of very weak in character, do what affair all let the girlfriend try first before.The girlfriend is very dissatisfied to this.
Once, two people go out to sea, returning a sail, the hurricane destroys small boat, thanksing to the life that the girlfriend holds tight a piece of wooden board to just protect two people.The girlfriend asks male friend:"Are you afraid?"The male friend takes out a fruit knife from the bosom, say:Afraid, but there is shark, I deal with it with this."The girlfriend just shakes head wry smile.
Soon, a goods round discovered them, proper when they are jubilantly happy, a group of sharks appear, the girlfriend shout loudly:'We make an effort to swim together, will has no matter!"Male friend but make an effort to push forward female friend suddenly nautical mile, picked a dynasty of wooden board the goods round independently, and shout a way:"I try first this time!"The girlfriend was surprised and foolish, hoping the figure of the male friend, feeling very despair.The shark is close to, can be uninterested to the female friend but the path keep toward male friend to swim to go to, the male friend is tored to bite fiercely by the shark, he grow crazy ground the blunt girlfriend shout a way:"I love you!"
The girlfriend rescue, the persons of the deck all Be stand in silent, the captain sits to girlfriend to say nearby:"Young lady, he is I saw most brave man.We pray for him!""Not, he is a chicken heart." The girlfriend says coldly."Do you how to say so?Just I have been observing you with the telescope, I see him clearly mow to break own wrist with the knife after push away you.Shark to the blood gamey smell very sensitive, if he does like this to fight for time, afraiding of you can never appear is on the boat at this....."




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