
A visitor of our Penfriend Club at www.aj.cz/penfriends has found your advertisement and would like to contact you. If you are interested, you can reply.

E-mail: disturbed@poczta.fm
Gender: Male (man)
Year of birth: 1988
Country: Poland
Details: Hello your highness,
Im an 18 years old boy from Poland who is looking for a person who will like to be his friend. But I need a speciphic kind of friend. Well, being frank I want to be a kind of internet servant. Im shamed and embarrassed to offer it to the people whom I know personaly therefore Im looking for a help by the internet.
I'll be very happy if you'll like to use me anyway you like such as your free english practiser, an object which will make you laughing at him, I will be also happy if you'll offend me and call me with vulgarisms. Believe me that I'll obay each your command even if you will command me to send you money. Everything Im able to do if only you will like to treat me as your slave and footrest. Believe me, in a reality, during our meet I would be able to crawl in front of you and kiss your toes (of course if you would like to make me this honour to permit me to do it), to bring you the slippers by my mouth (like a dog) to lick your saliva when you'll like to spit on a floor, to sleep under your bed to be able to serve you anytime at night when you could just kick me by your precious foot to order me to be ready to serve you.
So, Im begging on my knees to use me and if you'll like i'll send you money for each email you'll send to me. We could discuss about it as you are a person for me who will give the orders and I have to obey to them like a polite slave.

Regards from your footrest

我们的Penfriend俱乐部网站<a href="http://www.aj.cz/penfriends" target="_blank">http://www.aj.cz/penfriends</a>的一位访问者看到了你的
<br>性别: Male (man)
<br>出生日期: 1988
<br>国籍: 波兰
第1个回答  2020-02-03



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