
摘要:作为高等教育的重要组成部分,高等职业教育发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文在了解高等职业教育能力本位理论,特罗(Martin Trow)理论,以及社会职能理论的基础上,分析浙江省高等职业教育的现状,指出浙江省高等职业教育在教学资源配置,专业特色,以及职业发展体系上的不足,借鉴美国,德国和日本的发展经验,以及省内宁波和温州两所高等职业学校的成功办学模式,提出采用产学研合作教学,以市场为导向设置新专业,以及提供灵活开放的职业培训促进浙江省高等职业教育的健康发展。

key words:高等职业教育 专业特色 产学研 职业培训

Along with the continuous deepening of the eduction reform, the class management is also under a ceaseless grope and innovation.The old traditional management style cannot meet new era's requirement any longer. The new era is appealing to a new mode of clss management.
Current class management is no longer only for student management, but also for a better cultivation environment for students, founding a platform more suitable for the development and capabilities exhibition of students, so as to let the students can actually grow up healthily and happily.
Therefore, first of all, a management style of self-management should be advocated in the class to exercise the students' self-management and organization abilities. During the course of the management, the director teacher should carry out a necessary tutorship and adjustment of psychology timely and moderately, to make the students get along harmoniously and keep in a same pace.As well, the director teacher should pay attention to integrate the strictness and love, together with wielding some war wisdom to make the management mroe perfect and humanized.

Key words: Self-Management, Psychology Adjustment, Strictness and Love Integration, War Wisdom
第1个回答  2007-05-23
Abstract: As the higher education important constituent, the highervocational education is playing the more and more vital role. Thisarticle in the understanding higher vocational education abilitystandard theory, 特罗 (Martin Trow) the theory, as well as in thesocial function theory foundation, analyzes the Zhejiang Provincehigher vocational education the present situation, pointed out theZhejiang Province higher vocational education in the teachingresources disposition, the specialized characteristic, as well as inthe occupation development system insufficiency, profits from US,German and Japan's development experience, as well as in the provinceNingbo and the Wenzhou two higher vocational schools success schoolpattern, proposed uses producing study to grind the cooperationteaching, establishes the new specialty take the market as theguidance, as well as provides the nimble opening occupation trainingto promote the Zhejiang Province higher vocational education healthdevelopment.

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