
在中国,适当体罚孩子常常被认为是让孩子知道对错的一种方法,这种方法从古延续至今在中国人的思想中根深蒂固,但在一开始就注重humanright的美国,任何对孩子的体罚行为都是不被认可的,由此就造成了boss对大同打孩子的不理解,文化差异带来的矛盾由此产生。此外,大同打孩子的另一个原因是给boss面子也源自(给面子大家可以翻译成show respect to)长期以来的儒家思想,这在外国人眼中是不可理喻的,但以一个中国人的角度看来却又在情理之中。果然文化的差异有时候并不是靠语言就能说的清楚的,文化上的理解还需要一个人真正融入到一个社会中去感受才行。

第1个回答  2011-06-12
In China, appropriate corporal punishment is often considered children let the children know that right or wrong a kind of method, this method from the ancient continue today in the Chinese thought, but in an ingrained in the beginning of the United States, any humanright attention to the child's physical punishment behavior all is not acceptable, which created the boss to play the child's don't understand of datong, cultural differences of the resulting conflict brought. In addition, datong dozen children another reason to boss face also comes from (face you can translate into he fendi poem to respect for a long time) Confucianism, and this in the foreigner eyes is the unreasonable, but with a Chinese point of view of the but again in reason. Indeed as expected cultural differences sometimes and not by language can say clear,
第2个回答  2011-06-12
In China, children are often considered the appropriate punishment is to let children know right from wrong in a way, this approach continues today in the ancient Chinese people deeply rooted in ideology, but focused humanright at the outset of the United States, any corporal punishment of children behavior is not recognized, and this has caused the boss is not spank their own children on the common ground understanding of cultural differences brought about by the resulting contradictions. In addition, another reason for children to play Datong to the boss is also from the face (to face we can translate into show respect to) long-Confucianism, which is not reasonable in the eyes of foreigners
第3个回答  2011-06-12
In China,some proper physical punishment is considered as a method to let the children know what's right or wrong.This method has been used ever since the ancient time till rencently and it is ineradicable in people's mind.However,among the Americans who regard the human rights as an important thing from the very beginning,any physical punishment to the children is considered totally unacceptable,and that caused the misunderstanding on DaTong's beating his child.The variety of the culture brings conflict from then on.Moreover,the other reason that DaTong beat his child origins from the respect that he wanted to show to his boss and the Confucianism which has existed for a long time.This is considered totally unreasonable in foreigners' eyes.However,but it is reasonable from a Chinese person's thought.Sure enough,the difference in the culture can't be explained by language sometimes.If a person wants to comprehend a culture,he needs to truly blends into the society to feel.
第4个回答  2011-06-12
In China, appropriate corporal punishment is often considered children let the children know that right or wrong a kind of method, this method from the ancient continue today in the Chinese thought, but in an ingrained in the beginning of the United States, any humanright attention to the child's physical punishment behavior all is not acceptable, which created the boss to play the child's don't understand of datong, cultural differences of the resulting conflict brought. In addition, datong dozen children another reason to boss face also comes from (face you can translate into he fendi poem to respect for a long time) Confucianism, and this in the foreigner eyes is the unreasonable, but with a Chinese point of view of the but again in reason. Indeed as expected cultural differences sometimes and not by language can say clear, cultural understanding also need a man really into a society to feel the to just go.



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