语法 关于副词

the moon shone clearly.
副词(cleariy)不是修饰动词 形容词 副词 的吗 为什么 这里没有动词 形容词 副词?
还有以下几道选择题 请详细说明一下
I have got many collections of snow globes .you may take ( ) if you like.
A either B one C it D none
I like the teacher ( ) classes are very interssting and creative.
A which B one C what D whose
The population of China is larger than ( )of China.
A it B that C this D those
I find time ( ) very quickly when I do something interesting.
A goes by B go by


the moon shone clearly.这里clearly修饰实意动词shone(shine的过去式)。

I have got many collections of snow globes .you may take (one) if you like.

I like the teacher (whose) classes are very interssting and creative.
如果把这个句子改成I like the teacher (the teacher's) classes are very interssting and creative. 是不是更好理解呢?whose即表示“老师的”。

The population of China is larger than (that) of China.
that 本题最后一个词不应该是China。that指population,为了避免重复所以用that,且不是指同一个地方,所以不用it。

I find time (goes by) very quickly when I do something interesting.
第1个回答  2011-06-07
1. the moon shone clearly. 其中shone 就是动词
2. 选B, one表示许多中的一个,either表示2者中的任一个,it就特指那一个,none是否定的意思。所以选B。我收集了很多雪景球,如果你喜欢可以拿一个。
3. 选D, whose指的就是the teacher's。表示whose classes. 我喜欢那位老师,他的课有趣而富有创造性。
4. 选B, 题干最后一个应该不是china吧。 选that代指the population, it 不能代指从句,those是复数,而population人口,单复数一样,不用those.
5. 选A,时间是专有名词,表单数。
第2个回答  2011-06-07
B 因为有很多,所以不能选A,它表示两个中的随便哪一个;C是指前面说到的单个事物,所以也不能选,D意思不对,是说一个都不能拿走。
第3个回答  2011-06-07
1. the moon shone clearly. 其中shone 就是动词
2. 选Bone表示许多中的一个,either表示2者中的任一个,it就特指那一个,none是否定的意思。所以选B。我收集了很多雪景球,如果你喜欢可以拿一个。
3. 选D whose指的就是the teacher's。表示whose classes. 我喜欢那位老师,他的课有趣而富有创造性。
4. 选B 题干最后一个应该不是china吧。 选that代指the population, it 不能代指从句,those是复数,而population人口,单复数一样,不用those.
5. 选A时间是专有名词,表单数。背一些副词用法
第4个回答  2011-06-07
the moon shone clearly.
shone是动词 是shine的过去式
I have got many collections of snow globes .you may take ( b ) if you like.
A either B one C it D none
I like the teacher ( d ) classes are very interssting and creative.
A which B one C what D whose
The population of China is larger than ( b )of China.这个应该是不同国家的人口相比较 不应该都是china
A it B that C this D those
I find time ( a ) very quickly when I do something interesting.
A goes by B go by



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