英语作文 百慕大三角

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“百慕大魔鬼三角区”名称的由来,是1945年12月5日美国19飞行队在训练时突然失踪,当时预定的飞行计划是一个三角形,于是人们后来把美国东南沿海的大西洋上,北起百慕大,延百慕大三角风光集萃(20张)伸到佛罗里达州南部的迈阿密,然后通过巴哈马群岛,穿过波多黎各,到西经40°线附近的圣胡安,再折回百慕大,形成的一个三角地区,称为百慕大三角区或“魔鬼三角”。在这个地区,已有数以百计的船只和飞机失事,数以千计的人在此丧生。从1880到1976年间,约有158次失踪事件,其中大多是发生在1949年以来的30年间,曾发生失踪97次,至少有2000人在此丧生或失踪。这些奇怪神秘的失踪事件,主要是在西大西洋的一片叫“马尾藻海”地区,为北纬20°-40°、西经35°-75°之间的宽广水域。这儿有世界著名的墨西哥暖流以每昼夜120-190千米流过,且多漩涡、台风和龙卷风。不仅如此,这儿海深达4000-5000米,有波多黎各海沟,深7000米以上,最深达9218米。 "The Bermuda triangle" is the origin of the name, on December 5, 1945 the United States and in training group, when scheduled suddenly missing flight plan is a triangle, so people later put the southeastern coast of the U.S. Atlantic ocean, the north on Bermuda, delay the Bermuda triangle re (20 copies) scenery out into the southern Florida Miami, and then through the Bahamas, through Puerto Rico, 40 ° to the west of the line, and then back to near SAN Juan, a form of the Bermuda triangle area, known as the Bermuda triangle, or the "devil's triangle". In this area, there have been hundreds of ships and aircraft crash, thousands of people were killed in this. From 1880 to 1976, about 158 times, most of which are missing events occurred in the 30 years since 1949, have happened at 97 missing, at least 2000 people were killed or missing in this. These strange mysterious disappearances, mainly in the west of the Atlantic a call "the Sargasso Sea" area, for 20 ° latitude 40 °, 75 ° 35 ° west-between the broad waters. Here are the world's famous Mexican per day and night-120 warm current flows through more than 190 kilometers, and the vortex, typhoon and tornadoes. Not only that, here to a depth of 4000-5000 meters sea, Puerto Rico, deep trenches 7000 meters above the deepest, 9218 meters.追问


第1个回答  2011-06-12
Bermuda Triangle lies between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Florida upon the Atlantic Ocean. Ships, people and aeroplanes have been reported mysteriously disappearing off the face of the earth while traveling inside this triangle. The myth of the mysterious triangle was first begun in an Associated Press dispatch of September 16, 1950. Reporter E. V. Jones wrote of “mysterious disappearances” of ships and planes between the Florida coast and Bermuda. Two years after this article appeared Fate magazine ran an article by George X. Sand about a “series of strange marine disappearances, each leaving no trace whatever, that have taken place in the past few years in a watery triangle bounded roughly by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico”.
It was not long before ideas and suggestions started forming about this piece of ocean. M. K. Jessup wrote about the disappearances and gave ideas about alien intelligences being behind them in the book The Case for the UFO. The view was also echoed by Donald E. Keyhoe who is noted for his The Flying Saucer Conspiracy of 1955. Frank Edwards agreed with the theory of aliens having a local hangout in the triangle as well. Finally a man by the name of Vincent H.追问


第2个回答  2011-06-11
第3个回答  2011-06-12
Bermuda Triangle lies between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Florida upon the Atlantic Ocean. Ships, people and aeroplanes have been reported mysteriously disappearing off the face of the earth while traveling inside this triangle. The myth of the mysterious triangle was first begun in an Associated Press dispatch of September 16, 1950. Reporter E. V. Jones wrote of “mysterious disappearances” of ships and planes between the Florida coast and Bermuda. Two years after this article appeared Fate magazine ran an article by George X. Sand about a “series of strange marine disappearances, each leaving no trace whatever, that have taken place in the past few years in a watery triangle bounded roughly by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico”.
It was not long before ideas and suggestions started forming about this piece of ocean. M. K. Jessup wrote about the disappearances and gave ideas about alien intelligences being behind them in the book The Case for the UFO. The view was also echoed by Donald E. Keyhoe who is noted for his The Flying Saucer Conspiracy of 1955. Frank Edwards agreed with the theory of aliens having a local hangout in the triangle as well. Finally a man by the name of Vincent H. Gaddis came up with the phrase “Bermuda Triangle”.追问


第4个回答  2011-06-09

额 如果没有难度 我还求助干哈


The Bermuda Triangle is in the Atlantic Ocean,near Florida in the United States. During the past 30 years, some 1,000 seamen and pilots have lost their lives there. It is known as "The Triangle of Death" for its mysterious calms, waterspous and sudden storms. What's strangest is the light, so bright that it has been seen by US astronauts from outer space.
At 2 pm on December 5, 1945,five military planes took off in perfect flying weather from an airport in Florida on a training task. Two hours later, the leader aboard radioed that he was "completely lost". The Navy also failed to find the planes.
One of the largest ships that disappeared in the Triangle was an American coal ship, 500 feet long. The weather was good, and there were no messages for help before it was"gone". There was no wreckage, no sign of the 309 men abroad after it disappeared. It is said that many "ghost" ships have been found floating there without any people on them.
So far no one is able to tell how aii these events happebed. A group of Japanese scientists went to explore the Triangle in 1995, but nothing has been heard of them since.


喂 上面的有些都没有出现...





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