帮我流畅准确翻译一下这一小段英文, 请不要粘贴在线翻译出来的前言不搭后语的文字。翻译好的另外给加分

You do not have to chat with the non-single guys too casually,because you are nothing for him at least now,even though he may love you once.

Please do not try again and again to SMS the guy who never replies you or seldom does that,which makes you sounds so free

Stop having the ambiguous relationship with the guy who has a crush on you but was rejected by you ,you are not that short of guys and lonely

Please stop bothering the EX-,even if he does that actively.Since you two were over,why should you cheat on yourself?

Please take good ,good care of yourself,nobody is going to strike you down because you are a brave girl

This world is giant,and quite safe,with kind guys all over.You may definitely meet one very ,very nice guy next time,next time

There are some guys not good at words.But if he wakes up in the mid-night just to pull the quilt for you,then,you got to believe that is more essential than rose

Actually,you are a pretty young lady,he is a real fool who does not know how to cherise you.

If there is one guy who always smiles at you,or laugh by himself,then he is absolutely falling love on you

If you were hurt by some one once,please do not afraid,do not desperate.It will be a bright day after dark night,and sun-arising is really beautiful.

Please do not rely on others totally since you are a woman.You are an independent human being,and forever.You may be allowed to cry in depression,but you have to smile after wiping tears.

Living a good life,try to be happy

Of course,the society is confused

You are a nice girl.

There is only once true love in your life,do not miss it only after losing

You do not have to chat with the non-single guys too casually,because you are nothing for him at least now,even though he may love you once.

Please do not try again and again to SMS the guy who never replies you or seldom does that,which makes you sounds so free

Stop having the ambiguous relationship with the guy who has a crush on you but was rejected by you ,you are not that short of guys and lonely

Please stop bothering the EX-,even if he does that actively.Since you two were over,why should you cheat on yourself?

Please take good ,good care of yourself,nobody is going to strike you down because you are a brave girl

This world is giant,and quite safe,with kind guys all over.You may definitely meet one very ,very nice guy next time,next time

There are some guys not good at words.But if he wakes up in the mid-night just to pull the quilt for you,then,you got to believe that is more essential than rose

Actually,you are a pretty young lady,he is a real fool who does not know how to cherise you.

If there is one guy who always smiles at you,or laugh by himself,then he is absolutely falling love on you
如果有一个男人总是对你微笑,或者自己(大)笑, 他一定是爱上你了。

If you were hurt by some one once,please do not afraid,do not desperate.It will be a bright day after dark night,and sun-arising is really beautiful.

Please do not rely on others totally since you are a woman.You are an independent human being,and forever.You may be allowed to cry in depression,but you have to smile after wiping tears.

Living a good life,try to be happy


Of course,the society is confused


You are a nice girl.

There is only once true love in your life,do not miss it only after losing
第1个回答  2011-06-09



请你不要再打扰的EX -,即使他说actively.Since你们俩是结束了,你为什么要欺骗自己?











第2个回答  2011-06-09
纯手工翻译 快累死了 .欢迎采纳。 你没有必要和一个不是单身的男性聊得过于随意,因为对于他来说目前你现在什么都不是,即使他可能以前爱过你




当然 这个社会依然是困惑的


你一生之中 只有一次真爱,失去之后千万不要再错过
第3个回答  2011-06-09
You do not have to chat with the non-single guys too casually,because you are nothing for him at least now,even though he may love you once.不是单身的家伙,跟他们聊天不用太随意,因为至少现在你对他而言啥也不是,哪怕他以后会爱上你一次两次的

Please do not try again and again to SMS the guy who never replies you or seldom does that,which makes you sounds so free对从不回短信的家伙,不要不停地发消息,这样显得你是个很随便的人

Stop having the ambiguous relationship with the guy who has a crush on you but was rejected by you ,you are not that short of guys and lonely对你心动但被你拒绝过的人,别维持那种不清不楚的关系,你还没那么孤单,要这种人填补空虚

Please stop bothering the EX-,even if he does that actively.Since you two were over,why should you cheat on yourself?前男友就别再打搅人家了,哪怕人家主动来找你。你俩都已经结束了,干嘛还自己对不起自己呢。

Please take good ,good care of yourself,nobody is going to strike you down because you are a brave girl一定要好好照顾自己,如果你很勇敢,没人能打败你

This world is giant,and quite safe,with kind guys all over.You may definitely meet one very ,very nice guy next time,next time世界很大,很安全,到处都是男生。总有一次你会碰到自己的白马王子的

There are some guys not good at words.But if he wakes up in the mid-night just to pull the quilt for you,then,you got to believe that is more essential than rose有的人不善言辞,不过如果他夜里起床就是为了给你盖被子,这个举动比送你朵玫瑰重要多了

Actually,you are a pretty young lady,he is a real fool who does not know how to cherise you.你实际上很是个年轻美丽的女孩,而他不过是个不懂珍惜你的蠢货

If there is one guy who always smiles at you,or laugh by himself,then he is absolutely falling love on you如果有人总是向你微笑然后自己一个人傻笑,他一定是爱上你了

If you were hurt by some one once,please do not afraid,do not desperate.It will be a bright day after dark night,and sun-arising is really beautiful.如果有人伤过你的心,别害怕也别绝望。黑夜之后是白天,日出总是美丽的

Please do not rely on others totally since you are a woman.You are an independent human being,and forever.You may be allowed to cry in depression,but you have to smile after wiping tears.,别因为你是个女孩就完全依赖别人。你是个独立的人,永远都是。你可以在感到绝望时哭泣,可擦干眼泪后,还是要笑对生活

Living a good life,try to be happy好好生活,学着快乐

Of course,the society is confused当然,社会很复杂,常让人困惑

You are a nice girl.你是个好女孩。

There is only once true love in your life,do not miss it only after losing人一生中真爱只有一次。别失去之后才感到惋惜!




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