
在下非常感激~~ 谢谢啊~~~~

proposed new corporate income tax law in chinaThe draft of a new Enterprise Income Tax Law (“EIT Law”) was reviewed and discussed by China’s Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (“NPC”) on December 24, 2006.
It is highly anticipated that the new EIT Law will be passed in the upcoming NPC meeting in March 2007 and become effective on January 1, 2008. Following the expected enactment of the EIT Law, the State Council is expected to issue implementation rules that will provide detailed explanations on the basic rules provided in the EIT Law, especially grandfathering arrangements and new incentives policies for foreign investors.
While the draft EIT Law has not been released to the public, the UHY Advisors’ China Group has studied the major changes based on information published in Chinese newspapers, websites and speeches from government officials. We highlight the following major changes proposed in the new law that may impact foreign companies doing business in China:

拟议的新的企业所得税法草案chinathe一个新的企业所得税法( "转型" )综述 并讨论了由中国全国人大常委会人民代表大会(简称"人大" )于2006年12月24日. 这是非常预计新的转型期的法律将在即将召开的人大会议于2007年3月 并即时生效2008年1月1日. 以下预期制定的转型法 国务院预计发行实施细则,将提供详细的说明,关于基本规则的规定 转型期的法律,尤其是不溯既往的安排和新的奖励政策,对外国投资者. 虽然决议eit法律尚未公布 该uhy顾问团中组研究的重大变化-35%中文报纸, 网站,并在发言中,从政府官员. 我们强调了以下重大变化,提出了新的法律,可能会影响外国公司在中国经商:





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