谁能帮我翻译一下这几个中文句子 翻译成英文哦

1当唯美的容颜掉眼泪时,这眼泪只为你贡献。 2遗矢的记忆,让我忘掉了了一切 ,我却忘不掉你。3 请你为我点亮一颗星 一颗永不消失的星

1. When tears runing down my cheek, it is for you.
2. The lost memory made me forget everything but you.
3. Please light up a star for me, the one never vanish.
第1个回答  2011-05-28
the lost memory made me forget everything .however YOU are an exception.
Please light a star that will never go dark for me.
第2个回答  2011-05-28
1.When the beautiful face of tears, this tears for you contribution.
2.Loss of memory, so I forget everything, but I can not forget you.
3.Please light a star for me, a star will never disappear.
第3个回答  2011-05-28
1.When the only beautiful facial appearance drops tears, this contributes for you
2.Loose arrowy memory port, let me forget the whole, but I forget anti to drop you
3.Please click a bright star.. a star that never disappear for me
第4个回答  2011-05-28
when tears running down my cheek, it's for you
the lost memory get everything away from me but you
please be a star for me, the one never disappears




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