

1 The______Killing of ten innocent children is most barbaric
2 Mr Kaniko is known to be______as he conspired with some colleagues to spread rumours about their boss
3 Do not spread______lies to taint the reputation of my company
4 we should not be______and argue over trivial matters
5 Miss Lam tends to be______so do not submit your script your script unless you are sure that it has been well edited
6 It is unwise to share your secrets with a_____person like Mondial as he might use it against you
7 The board members are_______as they are hatching a plot to force the resignation of the Managing Director
8 I was unlucky to have made the acquaintance of that_____salesman who managed to persuade me to buy a defective
9 Mrs Crumble is a______person as she is not willing to donate even a dollar to save the dying koalas in the park
10 It is_____of john to claim that he has never littered before as I saw him dumping a heap of rubbish in a deserted lan last night


1 His_____qualities of politeness thoughtfulness,has gained him many friend
2 Florence Nightingale is a______person who tended to relative values of the various building in the city
3 Terry is known to be a______developer,he knows the relative values of thevarious buildings inthe city
4 You need to be rather____to glean the implication of these historical
5 It is a____act of Tan kee to have donated million of dollars to set up a university in Fukien
6 Lee Kuan Yew is a_____leader for he has transformed a swampy singapore into a sophisticated metropolis
7 Andrew is a____worker who makes sure that the job assigned to him is done thoroughly
8 Bill clinton,the_______former American president still wields some power after he has relinquishedthe presidency
9 The school counsellor is______to the feelings of the emotionally fragile student
10 You have to be______to ensure that every question has been adequately answered

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童生 一级 ( 59 )
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• 王长喜90分突破词汇分册
• 我想就英语,可是我一点都不会,该怎么办?
• 北京15中高中怎么样??
• 英文名:Bob 这个单词怎么读? 有什么含义?(读法最好用中文写出来,谢谢!)
• 我的英语四级分数



悬赏分:100 - 离问题结束还有 4 天 5 小时

1 The______Killing of ten innocent children is most barbaric
2 Mr Kaniko is known to be______as he conspired with some colleagues to spread rumours about their boss
3 Do not spread______lies to taint the reputation of my company
4 we should not be______and argue over trivial matters
5 Miss Lam tends to be______so do not submit your script your script unless you are sure that it has been well edited
6 It is unwise to share your secrets with a_____person like Mondial as he might use it against you
7 The board members are_______as they are hatching a plot to force the resignation of the Managing Director
8 I was unlucky to have made the acquaintance of that_____salesman who managed to persuade me to buy a defective
9 Mrs Crumble is a______person as she is not willing to donate even a dollar to save the dying koalas in the park
10 It is_____of john to claim that he has never littered before as I saw him dumping a heap of rubbish in a deserted lan last night


1 His_____qualities of politeness thoughtfulness,has gained him many friend
2 Florence Nightingale is a______person who tended to relative values of the various building in the city
3 Terry is known to be a______developer,he knows the relative values of thevarious buildings inthe city
4 You need to be rather____to glean the implication of these historical
5 It is a____act of Tan kee to have donated million of dollars to set up a university in Fukien
6 Lee Kuan Yew is a_____leader for he has transformed a swampy singapore into a sophisticated metropolis
7 Andrew is a____worker who makes sure that the job assigned to him is done thoroughly
8 Bill clinton,the_______former American president still wields some power after he has relinquishedthe presidency
9 The school counsellor is______to the feelings of the emotionally fragile student
10 You have to be______to ensure that every question has been adequately answered

提问者:xinjiapo522 - 助理 二级

答复 共 9 条

1.brutal 残忍的 残忍的杀害了10个无辜儿童的举动太野蛮了
2.scheming 诡计多端的 Kaniko先生是很狡猾,诡计多端,他撺掇几个同事去传老板的闲话。
3.malicious 恶毒的 别散布恶毒的谎言,诋毁我们公司的名誉。
4.petty 小器的,小气的 我们不应该太小气,在一些琐事上争吵。
5.hypercritical 苛评的,事儿妈。 Lam小姐人很事儿妈,稿子没改好就先别给她
6.treacherous 背叛的 和一个背叛的人分享秘密太不明智,他会用秘密攻击你。
7.conniving密谋的 董事会的成员都爱密谋(暗箱操作),他们正密谋一个计划迫使董事长辞职
8.deceitful 欺诈的 和那个骗人的商人认识太倒霉了,他劝过我买假货
9.mean 吝啬的(经济方面) Crumble太太很吝啬,她都不愿拿一美元挽救公园里考拉的生命
10.hypocritical 伪善的 约翰是个伪君子,他说从不乱仍垃圾,可我看到他昨晚就在小区里倒了一对垃圾

1.endearing 令人喜爱的 他招人喜爱,优雅,慎重,赢得了很多朋友
2.philanthropic 博爱的 南丁格尔是个博爱的人,她护理...(句子不完整)
3.sagacious精明的,敏锐的 Terry是个精明的开发商,他知道这个城市里不同建筑的相对价值
4.insightful 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的 从史事里看出门道你得有相当得见解才行。
5compassionate 负有同情心的 Tan Kee相当有同情心,他捐赠了几百万美元在福建建了所大学。
6.charismatic 能力超凡的 李光耀是个能力非凡得领导人,他把新加坡从泥潭变成了大都会。
7.conscientious 尽责的 安德鲁是个负责的工人,给他的工作他都能好好干。
8.visionary 空想的 比尔克林顿,空想的美国前总统,下台后还握着一些权力

9.sensitive 敏感的 学校的顾问对情绪脆弱学生的感情很敏感
10.meticulous小心意义的 你必须小心,才能使所有问题恰当的回答

回答者:miracle77 - 见习魔法师 三级 1-13 00:33


回答者:水人冰 - 试用期 一级 1-13 07:59


1.brutal 残忍的 残忍的杀害了10个无辜儿童的举动太野蛮了
2.scheming 诡计多端的 Kaniko先生是很狡猾,诡计多端,他撺掇几个同事去传老板的闲话。
3.malicious 恶毒的 别散布恶毒的谎言,诋毁我们公司的名誉。
4.petty 小器的,小气的 我们不应该太小气,在一些琐事上争吵。
5.hypercritical 苛评的,事儿妈。 Lam小姐人很事儿妈,稿子没改好就先别给她
6.treacherous 背叛的 和一个背叛的人分享秘密太不明智,他会用秘密攻击你。
7.conniving密谋的 董事会的成员都爱密谋(暗箱操作),他们正密谋一个计划迫使董事长辞职
8.deceitful 欺诈的 和那个骗人的商人认识太倒霉了,他劝过我买假货
9.mean 吝啬的(经济方面) Crumble太太很吝啬,她都不愿拿一美元挽救公园里考拉的生命
10.hypocritical 伪善的 约翰是个伪君子,他说从不乱仍垃圾,可我看到他昨晚就在小区里倒了一对垃圾

1.endearing 令人喜爱的 他招人喜爱,优雅,慎重,赢得了很多朋友
2.philanthropic 博爱的 南丁格尔是个博爱的人,她护理...(句子不完整)
3.sagacious精明的,敏锐的 Terry是个精明的开发商,他知道这个城市里不同建筑的相对价值
4.insightful 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的 从史事里看出门道你得有相当得见解才行。
5compassionate 负有同情心的 Tan Kee相当有同情心,他捐赠了几百万美元在福建建了所大学。
6.charismatic 能力超凡的 李光耀是个能力非凡得领导人,他把新加坡从泥潭变成了大都会。
7.conscientious 尽责的 安德鲁是个负责的工人,给他的工作他都能好好干。
8.visionary 空想的 比尔克林顿,空想的美国前总统,下台后还握着一些权力

9.sensitive 敏感的 学校的顾问对情绪脆弱学生的感情很敏感
10.meticulous小心意义的 你必须小心,才能使所有问题恰当的回答
回答者:luyaococa - 童生 一级 1-13 10:54


1 The(brutal)Killing of ten innocent children is most barbaric残忍的杀害10个无辜的儿童是极其野蛮的
2 Mr Kaniko is known to be(scheming)as he conspired with some colleagues to spread rumours about their boss 。Kaniko 先生计划了给他老板造谣的阴谋被同事看穿了
3 Do not spread(malicious)lies to taint the reputation of my company。不要散布谣言来破坏我公司的声誉
4 we should not be(petty)and argue over trivial matters 我们不要太小气了总在琐事上争吵
5 Miss Lam tends to be(hypercritical )so do not submit your script your script unless you are sure that it has been well edited。Lam 小姐非常苛刻,在你没确定手稿已经编辑好之前不要交给她。
6 It is unwise to share your secrets with a(treacherous)person like Mondial as he might use it against you把你的秘密告诉像Mondial那样奸诈的人实在是太傻了,他会利用这个秘密反对你
7 The board members are(conniving)as they are hatching a plot to force the resignation of the Managing Director 这个会议的议员正在密谋迫使常务董事交辞职申请书。
8 I was unlucky to have made the acquaintance of that(deceitful )salesman who managed to persuade me to buy a defective computer
9 Mrs Crumble is a(mean)person as she is not willing to donate even a dollar to save the dying koalas in the park。Crumble夫人非常吝啬,她甚至不愿意为公园里奄奄一息的树袋熊捐一元钱。
10 It is(hypocritical)of john to claim that he has never littered before as I saw him dumping a heap of rubbish in a deserted lan last night
当我看到john 昨晚在废弃的场地仍了一大堆垃圾的时候他说他以前从没扔过,他真是太虚伪了。

1 His(endearing )qualities of politeness thoughtfulness,has gained him many friend他那招人喜欢的优雅的性格,和做事谨慎为他赢得了很多朋友
2 Florence Nightingale is a(philanthropic)person who tended to relative values of the various building in the city。
南丁格尔(Florence,1820-1910, 英国著名女护士, 近代护理制度的创始人, 红十字会创办人之一)是个博爱的人她。。(你的句子后半句和下面那道题重复)
3 Terry is known to be a(sagacious)developer,he knows the relative values of thevarious buildings inthe city
4 You need to be rather(insightful )to glean the implication of these historical你需要有点洞察力去收集历史留下的线索。
5 It is a(compassionate)act of Tan kee to have donated million of dollars to set up a university in Fukien。Tan kee 捐献数百万在福建修建了一所大学,这个举动是非常有同情心的
6 Lee Kuan Yew is a(charismatic )leader for he has transformed a swampy singapore into a sophisticated metropolis。李光耀是个拥有超凡能力的领导人,他把新加坡从沼泽变成了城市。
7 Andrew is a(conscientious)worker who makes sure that the job assigned to him is done thoroughly。Andrew 是个非常尽责的人分派给他的任务他都能确保工作很好的完成。
8 Bill clinton,the(visionary)former American president still wields some power after he has relinquishedthe presidency。比尔克林顿,空想家,美国前总统,再放弃任期后仍绕拥有一些权力。
9 The school counsellor is(sensitive)to the feelings of the emotionally fragile student
10 You have to be(meticulous)to ensure that every question has been adequately answered

回答者:想念远远 - 见习魔法师 二级 1-14 13:09


1 The(brutal)Killing of ten innocent children is most barbaric残忍的杀害10个无辜的儿童是极其野蛮的
2 Mr Kaniko is known to be(scheming)as he conspired with some colleagues to spread rumours about their boss 。Kaniko 先生计划了给他老板造谣的阴谋被同事看穿了
3 Do not spread(malicious)lies to taint the reputation of my company。不要散布谣言来破坏我公司的声誉
4 we should not be(petty)and argue over trivial matters 我们不要太小气了总在琐事上争吵
5 Miss Lam tends to be(hypercritical )so do not submit your script your script unless you are sure that it has been well edited。Lam 小姐非常苛刻,在你没确定手稿已经编辑好之前不要交给她。
6 It is unwise to share your secrets with a(treacherous)person like Mondial as he might use it against you把你的秘密告诉像Mondial那样奸诈的人实在是太傻了,他会利用这个秘密反对你
7 The board members are(conniving)as they are hatching a plot to force the resignation of the Managing Director 这个会议的议员正在密谋迫使常务董事交辞职申请书。
8 I was unlucky to have made the acquaintance of that(deceitful )salesman who managed to persuade me to buy a defective computer
9 Mrs Crumble is a(mean)person as she is not willing to donate even a dollar to save the dying koalas in the park。Crumble夫人非常吝啬,她甚至不愿意为公园里奄奄一息的树袋熊捐一元钱。
10 It is(hypocritical)of john to claim that he has never littered before as I saw him dumping a heap of rubbish in a deserted lan last night
当我看到john 昨晚在废弃的场地仍了一大堆垃圾的时候他说他以前从没扔过,他真是太虚伪了。

1 His(endearing )qualities of politeness thoughtfulness,has gained him many friend他那招人喜欢的优雅的性格,和做事谨慎为他赢得了很多朋友
2 Florence Nightingale is a(philanthropic)person who tended to relative values of the various building in the city。
南丁格尔(Florence,1820-1910, 英国著名女护士, 近代护理制度的创始人, 红十字会创办人之一)是个博爱的人她。。(你的句子后半句和下面那道题重复)
3 Terry is known to be a(sagacious)developer,he knows the relative values of thevarious buildings inthe city
4 You need to be rather(insightful )to glean the implication of these historical你需要有点洞察力去收集历史留下的线索。
5 It is a(compassionate)act of Tan kee to have donated million of dollars to set up a university in Fukien。Tan kee 捐献数百万在福建修建了一所大学,这个举动是非常有同情心的
6 Lee Kuan Yew is a(charismatic )leader for he has transformed a swampy singapore into a sophisticated metropolis。李光耀是个拥有超凡能力的领导人,他把新加坡从沼泽变成了城市。
7 Andrew is a(conscientious)worker who makes sure that the job assigned to him is done thoroughly。Andrew 是个非常尽责的人分派给他的任务他都能确保工作很好的完成。
8 Bill clinton,the(visionary)former American president still wields some power after he has relinquishedthe presidency。比尔克林顿,空想家,美国前总统,再放弃任期后仍绕拥有一些权力。
9 The school counsellor is(sensitive)to the feelings of the emotionally fragile student
10 You have to be(meticulous)to ensure that every question has been adequately answered

回答者:帅气横行 - 试用期 一级 1-15 13:44



回答者:mawenjia - 试用期 一级 1-17 17:34


1.brutal 残忍的 残忍的杀害了10个无辜儿童的举动太野蛮了
2.scheming 诡计多端的 Kaniko先生是很狡猾,诡计多端,他撺掇几个同事去传老板的闲话。
3.malicious 恶毒的 别散布恶毒的谎言,诋毁我们公司的名誉。
4.petty 小器的,小气的 我们不应该太小气,在一些琐事上争吵。
5.hypercritical 苛评的,事儿妈。 Lam小姐人很事儿妈,稿子没改好就先别给她
6.treacherous 背叛的 和一个背叛的人分享秘密太不明智,他会用秘密攻击你。
7.conniving密谋的 董事会的成员都爱密谋(暗箱操作),他们正密谋一个计划迫使董事长辞职
8.deceitful 欺诈的 和那个骗人的商人认识太倒霉了,他劝过我买假货
9.mean 吝啬的(经济方面) Crumble太太很吝啬,她都不愿拿一美元挽救公园里考拉的生命
10.hypocritical 伪善的 约翰是个伪君子,他说从不乱仍垃圾,可我看到他昨晚就在小区里倒了一对垃圾

1.endearing 令人喜爱的 他招人喜爱,优雅,慎重,赢得了很多朋友
2.philanthropic 博爱的 南丁格尔是个博爱的人,她护理...(句子不完整)
3.sagacious精明的,敏锐的 Terry是个精明的开发商,他知道这个城市里不同建筑的相对价值
4.insightful 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的 从史事里看出门道你得有相当得见解才行。
5compassionate 负有同情心的 Tan Kee相当有同情心,他捐赠了几百万美元在福建建了所大学。
6.charismatic 能力超凡的 李光耀是个能力非凡得领导人,他把新加坡从泥潭变成了大都会。
7.conscientious 尽责的 安德鲁是个负责的工人,给他的工作他都能好好干。
8.visionary 空想的 比尔克林顿,空想的美国前总统,下台后还握着一些权力

9.sensitive 敏感的 学校的顾问对情绪脆弱学生的感情很敏感
10.meticulous小心意义的 你必须小心,才能使所有问题恰当的回答

回答者:飘渺‰小生 - 魔法学徒 一级 1-18 12:59


brutal --> 1
conniving --> 7
malicious --> 3
petty --> 4
deceitful --> 8
mean --> 9
hypocritical --> 10
hypercritical --> 5
treacherous --> 6
scheming --> 2

1 The __brutal__Killing of ten innocent children is most barbaric
2 Mr Kaniko is known to be__ scheming ____as he conspired with some colleagues to spread rumours about their boss
3 Do not spread__ malicious __lies to taint the reputation of my company
4 we should not be___ petty ___and argue over trivial matters
5 Miss Lam tends to be___ hypercritical ___so do not submit your script your script unless you are sure that it has been well edited
6 It is unwise to share your secrets with a___ treacherous __person like Mondial as he might use it against you
7 The board members are___ conniving ____as they are hatching a plot to force the resignation of the Managing Director
8 I was unlucky to have made the acquaintance of that__ deceitful ___salesman who managed to persuade me to buy a defective
9 Mrs Crumble is a___ mean ___person as she is not willing to donate even a dollar to save the dying koalas in the park
10 It is__ hypocritical ___of john to claim that he has never littered before as I saw him dumping a heap of rubbish in a deserted lan last night

compassionate --> 2
sagacious --> 3
insightful --> 4
sensitive --> 9
philanthropic --> 5
visionary --> 6
charismatic --> 8
conscientious --> 7
meticulous --> 10
endearing --> 1

1 His__ endearing ___qualities of politeness thoughtfulness,has gained him many friend
2 Florence Nightingale is a___ compassionate ___person who tended to relative values of the various building in the city
3 Terry is known to be a___ sagacious ___developer,he knows the relative values of thevarious buildings inthe city
4 You need to be rather__ insightful __to glean the implication of these historical
5 It is a__ philanthropic __act of Tan kee to have donated million of dollars to set up a university in Fukien
6 Lee Kuan Yew is a__ visionary ___leader for he has transformed a swampy singapore into a sophisticated metropolis
7 Andrew is a__ conscientious __worker who makes sure that the job assigned to him is done thoroughly
8 Bill clinton,the___ charismatic ____former American president still wields some power after he has relinquishedthe presidency
9 The school counsellor is___ sensitive ___to the feelings of the emotionally fragile student
10 You have to be___ meticulous ___to ensure that every question has been adequately answereder06
回答者:liangsue - 秀才 二级 1-20 04:39


回答者:gxqcj - 试用期 一级 1-21 21:29


回答即可得2分,回答被采纳则获得悬赏分以及奖励20分。 积分规则



©2006 Baidu
第1个回答  2006-01-14
1 The(brutal)Killing of ten innocent children is most barbaric残忍的杀害10个无辜的儿童是极其野蛮的
2 Mr Kaniko is known to be(scheming)as he conspired with some colleagues to spread rumours about their boss 。Kaniko 先生计划了给他老板造谣的阴谋被同事看穿了
3 Do not spread(malicious)lies to taint the reputation of my company。不要散布谣言来破坏我公司的声誉
4 we should not be(petty)and argue over trivial matters 我们不要太小气了总在琐事上争吵
5 Miss Lam tends to be(hypercritical )so do not submit your script your script unless you are sure that it has been well edited。Lam 小姐非常苛刻,在你没确定手稿已经编辑好之前不要交给她。
6 It is unwise to share your secrets with a(treacherous)person like Mondial as he might use it against you把你的秘密告诉像Mondial那样奸诈的人实在是太傻了,他会利用这个秘密反对你
7 The board members are(conniving)as they are hatching a plot to force the resignation of the Managing Director 这个会议的议员正在密谋迫使常务董事交辞职申请书。
8 I was unlucky to have made the acquaintance of that(deceitful )salesman who managed to persuade me to buy a defective computer
9 Mrs Crumble is a(mean)person as she is not willing to donate even a dollar to save the dying koalas in the park。Crumble夫人非常吝啬,她甚至不愿意为公园里奄奄一息的树袋熊捐一元钱。
10 It is(hypocritical)of john to claim that he has never littered before as I saw him dumping a heap of rubbish in a deserted lan last night
当我看到john 昨晚在废弃的场地仍了一大堆垃圾的时候他说他以前从没扔过,他真是太虚伪了。

1 His(endearing )qualities of politeness thoughtfulness,has gained him many friend他那招人喜欢的优雅的性格,和做事谨慎为他赢得了很多朋友
2 Florence Nightingale is a(philanthropic)person who tended to relative values of the various building in the city。
南丁格尔(Florence,1820-1910, 英国著名女护士, 近代护理制度的创始人, 红十字会创办人之一)是个博爱的人她。。(你的句子后半句和下面那道题重复)
3 Terry is known to be a(sagacious)developer,he knows the relative values of thevarious buildings inthe city
4 You need to be rather(insightful )to glean the implication of these historical你需要有点洞察力去收集历史留下的线索。
5 It is a(compassionate)act of Tan kee to have donated million of dollars to set up a university in Fukien。Tan kee 捐献数百万在福建修建了一所大学,这个举动是非常有同情心的
6 Lee Kuan Yew is a(charismatic )leader for he has transformed a swampy singapore into a sophisticated metropolis。李光耀是个拥有超凡能力的领导人,他把新加坡从沼泽变成了城市。
7 Andrew is a(conscientious)worker who makes sure that the job assigned to him is done thoroughly。Andrew 是个非常尽责的人分派给他的任务他都能确保工作很好的完成。
8 Bill clinton,the(visionary)former American president still wields some power after he has relinquishedthe presidency。比尔克林顿,空想家,美国前总统,再放弃任期后仍绕拥有一些权力。
9 The school counsellor is(sensitive)to the feelings of the emotionally fragile student
10 You have to be(meticulous)to ensure that every question has been adequately answered

第2个回答  2006-01-15
1 The(brutal)Killing of ten innocent children is most barbaric残忍的杀害10个无辜的儿童是极其野蛮的
2 Mr Kaniko is known to be(scheming)as he conspired with some colleagues to spread rumours about their boss 。Kaniko 先生计划了给他老板造谣的阴谋被同事看穿了
3 Do not spread(malicious)lies to taint the reputation of my company。不要散布谣言来破坏我公司的声誉
4 we should not be(petty)and argue over trivial matters 我们不要太小气了总在琐事上争吵
5 Miss Lam tends to be(hypercritical )so do not submit your script your script unless you are sure that it has been well edited。Lam 小姐非常苛刻,在你没确定手稿已经编辑好之前不要交给她。
6 It is unwise to share your secrets with a(treacherous)person like Mondial as he might use it against you把你的秘密告诉像Mondial那样奸诈的人实在是太傻了,他会利用这个秘密反对你
7 The board members are(conniving)as they are hatching a plot to force the resignation of the Managing Director 这个会议的议员正在密谋迫使常务董事交辞职申请书。
8 I was unlucky to have made the acquaintance of that(deceitful )salesman who managed to persuade me to buy a defective computer
9 Mrs Crumble is a(mean)person as she is not willing to donate even a dollar to save the dying koalas in the park。Crumble夫人非常吝啬,她甚至不愿意为公园里奄奄一息的树袋熊捐一元钱。
10 It is(hypocritical)of john to claim that he has never littered before as I saw him dumping a heap of rubbish in a deserted lan last night
当我看到john 昨晚在废弃的场地仍了一大堆垃圾的时候他说他以前从没扔过,他真是太虚伪了。

1 His(endearing )qualities of politeness thoughtfulness,has gained him many friend他那招人喜欢的优雅的性格,和做事谨慎为他赢得了很多朋友
2 Florence Nightingale is a(philanthropic)person who tended to relative values of the various building in the city。
南丁格尔(Florence,1820-1910, 英国著名女护士, 近代护理制度的创始人, 红十字会创办人之一)是个博爱的人她。。(你的句子后半句和下面那道题重复)
3 Terry is known to be a(sagacious)developer,he knows the relative values of thevarious buildings inthe city
4 You need to be rather(insightful )to glean the implication of these historical你需要有点洞察力去收集历史留下的线索。
5 It is a(compassionate)act of Tan kee to have donated million of dollars to set up a university in Fukien。Tan kee 捐献数百万在福建修建了一所大学,这个举动是非常有同情心的
6 Lee Kuan Yew is a(charismatic )leader for he has transformed a swampy singapore into a sophisticated metropolis。李光耀是个拥有超凡能力的领导人,他把新加坡从沼泽变成了城市。
7 Andrew is a(conscientious)worker who makes sure that the job assigned to him is done thoroughly。Andrew 是个非常尽责的人分派给他的任务他都能确保工作很好的完成。
8 Bill clinton,the(visionary)former American president still wields some power after he has relinquishedthe presidency。比尔克林顿,空想家,美国前总统,再放弃任期后仍绕拥有一些权力。
9 The school counsellor is(sensitive)to the feelings of the emotionally fragile student
10 You have to be(meticulous)to ensure that every question has been adequately answered


第3个回答  2006-01-13
1.brutal 残忍的 残忍的杀害了10个无辜儿童的举动太野蛮了
2.scheming 诡计多端的 Kaniko先生是很狡猾,诡计多端,他撺掇几个同事去传老板的闲话。
3.malicious 恶毒的 别散布恶毒的谎言,诋毁我们公司的名誉。
4.petty 小器的,小气的 我们不应该太小气,在一些琐事上争吵。
5.hypercritical 苛评的,事儿妈。 Lam小姐人很事儿妈,稿子没改好就先别给她
6.treacherous 背叛的 和一个背叛的人分享秘密太不明智,他会用秘密攻击你。
7.conniving密谋的 董事会的成员都爱密谋(暗箱操作),他们正密谋一个计划迫使董事长辞职
8.deceitful 欺诈的 和那个骗人的商人认识太倒霉了,他劝过我买假货
9.mean 吝啬的(经济方面) Crumble太太很吝啬,她都不愿拿一美元挽救公园里考拉的生命
10.hypocritical 伪善的 约翰是个伪君子,他说从不乱仍垃圾,可我看到他昨晚就在小区里倒了一对垃圾

1.endearing 令人喜爱的 他招人喜爱,优雅,慎重,赢得了很多朋友
2.philanthropic 博爱的 南丁格尔是个博爱的人,她护理...(句子不完整)
3.sagacious精明的,敏锐的 Terry是个精明的开发商,他知道这个城市里不同建筑的相对价值
4.insightful 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的 从史事里看出门道你得有相当得见解才行。
5compassionate 负有同情心的 Tan Kee相当有同情心,他捐赠了几百万美元在福建建了所大学。
6.charismatic 能力超凡的 李光耀是个能力非凡得领导人,他把新加坡从泥潭变成了大都会。
7.conscientious 尽责的 安德鲁是个负责的工人,给他的工作他都能好好干。
8.visionary 空想的 比尔克林顿,空想的美国前总统,下台后还握着一些权力

9.sensitive 敏感的 学校的顾问对情绪脆弱学生的感情很敏感
10.meticulous小心意义的 你必须小心,才能使所有问题恰当的回答

第4个回答  2006-01-13
1.brutal 残忍的 残忍的杀害了10个无辜儿童的举动太野蛮了
2.scheming 诡计多端的 Kaniko先生是很狡猾,诡计多端,他撺掇几个同事去传老板的闲话。
3.malicious 恶毒的 别散布恶毒的谎言,诋毁我们公司的名誉。
4.petty 小器的,小气的 我们不应该太小气,在一些琐事上争吵。
5.hypercritical 苛评的,事儿妈。 Lam小姐人很事儿妈,稿子没改好就先别给她
6.treacherous 背叛的 和一个背叛的人分享秘密太不明智,他会用秘密攻击你。
7.conniving密谋的 董事会的成员都爱密谋(暗箱操作),他们正密谋一个计划迫使董事长辞职
8.deceitful 欺诈的 和那个骗人的商人认识太倒霉了,他劝过我买假货
9.mean 吝啬的(经济方面) Crumble太太很吝啬,她都不愿拿一美元挽救公园里考拉的生命
10.hypocritical 伪善的 约翰是个伪君子,他说从不乱仍垃圾,可我看到他昨晚就在小区里倒了一对垃圾

1.endearing 令人喜爱的 他招人喜爱,优雅,慎重,赢得了很多朋友
2.philanthropic 博爱的 南丁格尔是个博爱的人,她护理...(句子不完整)
3.sagacious精明的,敏锐的 Terry是个精明的开发商,他知道这个城市里不同建筑的相对价值
4.insightful 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的 从史事里看出门道你得有相当得见解才行。
5compassionate 负有同情心的 Tan Kee相当有同情心,他捐赠了几百万美元在福建建了所大学。
6.charismatic 能力超凡的 李光耀是个能力非凡得领导人,他把新加坡从泥潭变成了大都会。
7.conscientious 尽责的 安德鲁是个负责的工人,给他的工作他都能好好干。
8.visionary 空想的 比尔克林顿,空想的美国前总统,下台后还握着一些权力

9.sensitive 敏感的 学校的顾问对情绪脆弱学生的感情很敏感
10.meticulous小心意义的 你必须小心,才能使所有问题恰当的回答



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