

1. 长大后我想成为什么样的人?
As I grow up, I aspire to become a certain kind of person.
2. 从小时候开始,就有人问我长大后想干什么。
Ever since I was a child, people have asked me what I want to be when I grow up.
3. 我回答得很正常,很有小孩的风格。
I answered quite normally, with a very childlike style.
4. 什么科学家、宇航员...
Things like scientist and astronaut...
5. 现在看来,那时候"很傻,很天真..."
Now, looking back, I was "very naive and innocent..."
6. 然后上了小学,在家长的思想教育下成功地使我有了帆判昌上清华、北大的壮志...
Then I started primary school, and under the ideological education of my parents, I successfully developed a grand ambition to study at Tsinghua or Peking University...
7. 于是,上了初中发现好像有点茫然,接着初三要中考了...
So, when I entered junior high school, I found myself a bit lost, and then it was time for the junior high school entrance exam...
8. 就在社会胜者为王,败者为寇的灌输经验下,开始努力学习,立下第一个志愿就是看到自己想考的学校。
Under the social doctrine of "the winner rules and the loser serves," I began to study hard and set my first goal as seeing the school I wanted to take an exam in.
9. 而,现在快要分科了,从文? 从理??
Now, as the time for subject specialization approaches, should I choose humanities or science?
10. 弄得我很迷茫态扒.于是在这么多的考试成绩下我决定从文了...
This has left me quite confused. So, with so many test scores, I decided to pursue humanities...
11. 接着我就发挥我的特长--想...
Then, I played to my strength—thinking...
12. 想自己到底想做什么?
I pondered what I truly wanted to do.
13. 思考了发现.好像的确可能从文比较好,像我这种看到数字就头痛的仍来说这种决定应该是正确的...
After much thought, I realized that studying humanities might indeed be better for me, considering I get a headache just looking at numbers. This decision seems correct for someone like me...
14. 显然我是正确的...
Clearly, I was right...
15. 在心理课上,就这个问题进行了个心理测试,我们班好像大部分都是什么建冲拍筑设计、科学之类的..
In psychology class, a psychological test was conducted on this issue, and it seems that most of my classmates are interested in things like architectural design and science...
16. 至于我的结果嘛...
As for my results...
17. 我是很满意的,因为我很喜欢...
I am quite satisfied because I really like...
18. 第一个最理想的职业--艺术类..
The first most ideal career is in the arts...
19. 比如画家、歌手、服装设计师、作家、广告设计....
For example, painter, singer, fashion designer, writer, advertising design...
20. 第二个是管理类的...
The second is in management...
21. 比如个体经营企业、经理....
For instance, running an individual business or being a manager...
22. 好像两个答案的差距有点大..
The gap between the two answers seems quite large...
23. 不过我还是很满意的,至少都是我想做的事情!!!
But I am still very satisfied because at least they are things I want to do!!!
24. 无论结果如何,会去做作家也好,经理也好,我都是最好的自己.无愧于自己就好了!!!
No matter the outcome, whether I become a writer or a manager, I will still be the best version of myself. It is enough to live up to my own expectations!!!



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