敬请英语高手翻译下面的英语文章,尤其是其中的3句【 】指代意思和整体意义要清晰全面的说清。

A. V., an adult of nervous organization, went half through his race with a great gain over his trial alone, but seeing his antagonist pushing him closely, broke down and lost the most of the gain made in the first half. The time of the trial alone was 38.6 seconds, 【that of the competition was 37.2 seconds】. A comparison of the time in which the halves of the trials were made was computed in the following way: On the ordinate of the graph is measured the distance the stylus travels across the drum during 150 turns of the reel -- 【the number in a trial】. The distance on the abscissa between the ordinates running through the ends of the curve of any trial gives the time of the trial.
Parallel abscissas were drawn at the extremities of the curves, 【and a third one-half way between them】. Half of the turns made in a trial were thus on each side of this middle line, and the times in which these turns were mode were proportional to the segments of this line made by the curve intersecting it. By this means it was found that A. V. made the first [p. 526] 75 turns in his competition trial in 15 seconds, the second half in 22.2 seconds. By the same means, each half of the preceding trial alone was 19.3 seconds -- an exception to the rule that the last half is slower because of fatigue.
Other curves when worked out in this way gave similar results. The time record, therefore, it must be seen, is not always a true index to the amount of stimulation present. Had the trials consisted of but half as many turns the effect of competition as it appears in the tables would have been shown much more constantly. Table II mould have been a smaller group if indeed any necessity existed for retaining it.

第1个回答  2011-03-09
A. V., an adult of nervous organization, went half through his race with a great gain over his trial alone, but seeing his antagonist pushing him closely, broke down and lost the most of the gain made in the first half. The time of the trial alone was 38.6 seconds, that of the competition was 37.2 seconds. A comparison of the time in which the halves of the trials were made was computed in the following way: On the ordinate of the graph is measured the distance the stylus travels across the drum during 150 turns of the reel -- the number in a trial. The distance on the abscissa between the ordinates running through the ends of the curve of any trial gives the time of the trial.
A.V. 是一个紧张型的成年人,比赛前半程的成绩超出单独测很多,但是,看见竞争对手逼近自己时,就崩溃了,失去上半场所取得大部分优势。他单独测试用时38.6秒,比赛测试时间为37.2秒。把两种测试时上下半场所用时间进行对比的计算方法如下:


第2个回答  2011-03-09
第3个回答  2011-03-22

A.V. 是一个紧张型的成年人,他在比赛前半程的成绩比他自己单独试跑超出很多。但是,当他看见竞争对手在后面紧逼自己时,就崩溃了,丢掉了上半场所获得的大部分优势。他单独测试用了38.6秒,而比赛所跑的时间为37.2秒。把两种测试时上下半场所用时间进行对比的计算方法如下:
在曲线的两个远端画出两个平行的横坐标,并在他们之间一半的地方画出第三个横坐标。这样一来,这条中线的两端各有测试中一半的圈,而且跑这些圈的时间与这条线被曲线截成的几段是成正比例的。通过这种办法发现, A. V. 在竞赛测试中前面的75圈每圈花了15秒的时间 [第526页] ,而他跑的第二个75圈则每圈花了22.2秒。通过同一种办法,原来单独试跑时前半部分每圈花了19.3 秒——这对于关于后半部分会由于疲劳使人速度放缓的规则是一种例外。

第二对括号里的短语the number in the trial已用引申词表明它与前面的关系,相当于是划了等号,即指150 turns of the reel。
按英语规律,第三对括号里的them指的是离它最近的名词复数,即the extremities of the curves,而a third后面则是省略了abscissas一词,这也是高级英语的高级之处。

一般人都认为第一个that 表示time ,因为按上下文的英语结构这是很明显的,但是逻辑上完全行不通,因为前一句有: went half through his race with a great gain over his trail alone (单独测试时,(他)前半场,得分很多),The time of the trial alone was 38.6 seconds, that of the competition was 37.2 :为什么竞争(下半场崩溃时),时跑的时间更快(37.2秒)(这个时间大于单独跑38.6秒?

第4个回答  2011-03-21
第5个回答  2011-03-21



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