高悬赏~跪求,韩剧Dream High的英语剧情简介(大概60~80字) 各个主演的角色介绍(每个人30~50字)


金秀炫 饰演 宋森动(宋三东) 金秀炫将饰演的角色是一名农村出身,最初梦想成为一名农场主,但后来由于偶然的机会进入艺术士官学校学习后发现了音乐方面才能的人物。电视剧将展示男主角通过严酷的训练最终成为明星的过程。
JinXiuXuan plays SongSen move (east) will JinXiuXuan song three plays the role of is a rural background, initial dream to become a farmer, but later by chance into art 2.1st school music can be found in the characters. TV will showcase actor through rigorous training eventually become a star process.
玉泽演 饰演 玄振国(玄镇国、玄施赫) 2PM成员玉泽演饰演天才舞者振国一角,振国曾因暴力行为被学校开除过,是一个叛逆的问题学生,但此后他的才能被理事长发现,因此让他重新插班入学,他也发现了自己的天才般的才能并由此开始梦想成为世界级的明星。
2PM members jade ze play plays genius dancers enterprise one horn, enterprise violence was being expelled from school, is a rebellious problem students, but then he's talent was chairman found, so let him again, and he also before admission found his genius' ability and thereby start to dream of becoming a world-class stars.
裴秀智 饰演 高惠美 秀智饰演的高惠美从小聪明自尊心强,是做什么都没有错过第一名的天才。学习,芭蕾,钢琴,声乐,掌握所有东西的同时具有高度回头率的美貌.没有害怕的东西,没有可惜的东西。收到世界TheJuilliard School的入学许可以后梦想成为第二个曹秀美,但却因为父亲生意失败家道开始没落,为了成为可以挣很多钱的大众歌手参加了麒麟艺高的入学面试.本来无视麒麟高中是三流学校的她对自己的合格一点怀疑担心都没有,这时候淘汰这个晴天霹雳的消息传到她耳中,加上本来一直以为不如自己的朋友白熙却合格了,大大打击了她.通过郑夏明理事长的特别选拔好不容易进入了麒麟高中,但对于除了自尊心以外什么都没有的她来说学校生活是屈辱的连续。加上因为受到日就月将白熙的发展的刺激发动了竞争心,为了在激烈的竞争中生存下来,为了成为明星开始变身。
Show wisdom as high huimei from strong self-respect, it is to make intelligent nothing missed the first of genius. Learning, ballet, piano, singing and master all things at the same time with high rates of beauty. Not afraid of the same things, no regrettable thing. Receive the world TheJuilliard used admission later dream to become the second cao comely, but because my father began to decline, waning business failed to become could make a lot of money of mass singer attended the kirin daredevil for the interview. Originally ignore kylin high School was third-rate School of her qualified a bit skeptical worries were eliminated the thunderbolt, at that time the news to her ears, plus had always thought of as their friends BaiXi but qualified, greatly hit her. Through the special selection of ZhengXia Ming very not easy to enter the kirin high School, but for besides self-esteem has nothing of her to School life is the manner of continuous. With the development of RiJiuYueJiang because get BaiXi stimulation of the heart, launched a competition to survive in the keen competition, in order to become a star began to change.
含恩静 饰演 尹白熙 恩静饰演学院最佳女王惠美的竞争对手尹白熙。曾经白熙是惠美的好朋友,也是其他人眼中的惠美跟班,结果因为入学式的原因,与惠美反目成仇,得到理事长给的K项链后努力奋进,并将惠美视为竞争对手。采取 了一些不正当手段,而后认识到自己的错误,重新出发。
Grace static plays college best queen huimei rivals BaiXi Yin. Once BaiXi is huimei's good friend, also is other and in the eyes of huimei footman, result because admission type of reason, and huimei into beasts of burden, get to the K necklace of efforts, and striving after huimei as competitive. Adopted some unfair means, and then realize his mistakes, restart.
张佑荣 饰演 Jason 2PM成员张佑荣饰演的Jason以优美的舞姿在新生选拔上首席合格,是个具有超凡舞蹈实力的海外派。有着自由奔放性格的角色,对必淑有着特殊的感情。入学之后成为了全校最棒的舞者并向着自己的明星梦想努力的人物。 佑荣对此表示:“平时就对演技有很大的关心和兴趣,希望能通过这样好的角色给大家展示出色的演技。”
Jason ZhangYouRong 2PM members as with beautiful dances in newborn selection chief qualified, a dance with extraordinary strength of overseas pie. With bold and unrestrained character role, for will accomplishment has a special affection. Admission after became the school the best dancers and towards his star dreams characters. U-right rong expressed: "at ordinary times to have very big concern and acting interest, hopefully through such a good role to show you excellent acting skills."
IU(李智恩) 饰演 金碧淑 17岁,个性开朗活泼。被长相帅气的Jason,更因为Jason在别人嘲笑必淑时主动帮了碧淑,从此必淑开始了对Jason的喜爱,为了爱情努力减肥的她拥有天生的好嗓子,最终与Jason有情人终成眷属,蜕变成为一颗耀眼的明星。
17 years old, personality, cheerful and lively. Be looks handsome Jason, more because Jason in laughed at when volunteered to help the accomplishment will ubisoft's accomplishment, and there will be accomplishment began to Jason love, for love trying to lose weight of she has natural good voice, final with Jason, jack shall have Jill, become a a shining star.追问


第1个回答  2011-03-04



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