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Housing loan against collateral securities' turning is a housing in the last several decades the most important finance innovate in the middle of the financial realm of a, vs the shape meaning of the our country national economy graveness.But the housing loan against collateral of our country contains the trend to continuously increase in recent years, this brought trade bank enormous press.Particularly the explosion of subprime mortgage crisis, knocked for us more to ring a Jing bell.The housing loan against collateral securities turns to face a lot of risks, any operation link appears abnormalities to all probably effect the stability of this financial system and effect housing loan against collateral thus the securities turns of economic effects even success or failure.Therefore, the caution that well draws lessons from American subprime mortgage crisis, study our country housing loan against collateral the securities turn the risk in the process and it defends to control a method, vs accelerate our country housing loan against collateral the securities turn smoothly progress to have great theory meaning and realistic meaning.
This text turns a progress outline to the housing loan against collateral securities first, vs the our country practice housing loan against collateral the securities turn of feasibility progress analysis.Then particularly elaborate the main risk turning to face in the process the our country housing loan against collateral securities.Connect down, set out from the subprime mortgage crisis of the United States, parsed American housing loan against collateral securities to turn with our country of joint use of section, and tally up an American subprime mortgage crisis vs our country of apocalypse.The end is ahead the foundation of text up, propose vs our country housing loan against collateral the securities turn the suggestion that the risk guards against measure.
第1个回答  2011-03-14
翻译这段英语 非高水准的英语达人不可
第2个回答  2011-03-14
The securitization of residential housing mortgage loan is one of the most important financial innovations of real estate finance in recent decades, it has a significant effect on development of national economy. However, the ongoing growth of residential housing mortgage loan brings tremendous pressure towards commercial banks, especially the sub-prime crisis, which has rung an alarm for us.

Securitization of housing mortgage loan faces a number of risks. Any abnormal operations are likely to affect the stability of the financial system, in consequence, it will affect the economic results or even the success or failure of the securitization. Therefore, drawing lessons from sub-prime crisis, discussing the risks and methods of prevention and control, have great theoretical and practical significance in promoting the securitization of housing mortgage loans.

The article gives an overview of securitization of housing mortgage loans and analysis the feasibility of it. Then focus on the main risks during the securitization. Next, base on American subprime crises, analysis the common between securitization of America and that of China to summarize the teaching for China. Finally, on the basis of the former, advise on prevention and controlling of risks of securitization of housing mortgage loan.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-03-14
Housing mortgage-backed securitization is in recent decades, real estate finance sector in one of the most important financial innovation of our country, the development of national economy is of great significance. But in recent years, China's housing mortgage loans have growing trend, which to commercial Banks bringing enormous pressure. Especially the subprime crisis, the more we was a wake-up call. Housing mortgage securitization faced many risks, any abnormal operating links are likely to influence the stability of the financial system, thereby affecting housing mortgage-backed securitization of economic effect even success or failure. Therefore, fully absorb the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis warning and discussion of China's housing mortgage-backed securitization process of risk and its prevention and control method and to promote national housing mortgage-backed securitization smoothly has important theoretical and realistic significance. In this paper, first residential mortgage-backed securitization paper to our country executes housing mortgage-backed securitization of feasibility analysis. Then focuses on China's housing mortgage-backed securitization process facing the main risk. Next, from America's subprime crisis departure, analyzes the U.S. housing mortgage-backed securitization and our common, and summarize the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis their inspiration to China. The last in the above, the author suggests to China's housing mortgage-backed securitization measures to prevent risks suggestion.

第4个回答  2011-03-14
Housing mortgage-backed securitization is in recent decades, real estate finance sector in one of the most important financial innovation of our country, the development of national economy is of great significance. But in recent years, China's housing mortgage loans have growing trend, which to commercial Banks bringing enormous pressure. Especially the subprime crisis, the more we was a wake-up call. Housing mortgage securitization faced many risks, any abnormal operating links are likely to influence the stability of the financial system, thereby affecting housing mortgage-backed securitization of economic effect even success or failure. Therefore, fully absorb the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis warning and discussion of China's housing mortgage-backed securitization process of risk and its prevention and control method and to promote national housing mortgage-backed securitization smoothly has important theoretical and realistic significance. In this paper, first residential mortgage-backed securitization paper to our country executes housing mortgage-backed securitization of feasibility analysis. Then focuses on China's housing mortgage-backed securitization process facing the main risk. Next, from America's subprime crisis departure, analyzes the U.S. housing mortgage-backed securitization and our common, and summarize the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis their inspiration to China. The last in the above, the author suggests to China's housing mortgage-backed securitization measures to prevent risks suggestion.



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