文明礼貌 名言英文



Politness is the second Sun of a genteel person.——Heraclitus


Politness can often take place the noblest affection.——ProsperMerimee


Courtesy is mainly a manifestation of self-restraint.——Edison


There are two kinds of peaceful violence: law and courtesy.——Goethe


Politeness delights polite people as well as those who are treated with courtesy——Montesquieu

第1个回答  2019-08-17

1、Politness can often take place the noblest affection.——ProsperMerimee


2、Politeness delights polite people as well as those who are treated with courtesy——Montesquieu


3、In my like, there are many things. Most of them are forgotten. But now,I want to tell you a thing that I won’forget forever.——Goethe

中文翻译:与人友好相处就像阳光, 它使得生活值得回味。——歌德《浮士德》

4、There are two kinds of peaceful violence: law and courtesy.——Goethe


5、There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.——Napoleon 拿破仑


第2个回答  推荐于2017-11-24
We are able to learn a lot from others if we get along well with them.
Getting on well with other is a kind of good charecter.
Getting on well with others brings us peace, happiness and love.
Getting on well with other is just like sunshine and it can make the life worth tasting.
与人友好相处就像阳光, 它使得生活值得回味。
In my like, there are many things. Most of them are forgotten. But now,I want to tell you a thing that I won’forget forever.
Helping others is a happy experience. Doing something for the hometown is also exciting. I have an experience of sweeping the snow.
Great hopes make great man.
Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.
My hopes are not always realized, but I always hope.
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating.
If you can imagine it, you can get it. If you can dream it, you can become it.
Ideals are like the stars we could never reach in the sky, but like most sailors, we can find our directions by them.
Life is happier if it is full of pretty people.
Life is just a field of newly fallen snow, and where you choose to walk every step will show.
Optimist, a man who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery.
Nothing comes between you and success.
There is only one good, that is knowledge, there is only one evil, that is ignorance.
No road is long with good company.
Please give my regards to your parents.
第3个回答  2011-03-07
● etiquette weeks Almighty make concessions to avoid trouble (Joinet Bell) ● the greater title, the more complex rituals (Tennyson) ● Life is short, but nevertheless, people still have time to observe etiquette (love Xian Health) ● If the ritual is higher than the moon, the result will lose the trust of people in good faith (Bacon) ● rituals are in his virtue above all other kinds of ornaments to add a layer of algae enable them to him with the effectiveness of access to all go to him and near him the people's respect and goodwill (Lockerbie) ● held a grand funeral, mourning the dead are not so much as it is in order to satisfy the vanity of living persons (Foucault Laroche) ● human face has never looked so at the funeral in the secular (乔艾琪Chillingworth) ● A person in the street to observe the activities, I believe, he will be at Hope and found on board the most pleasant expression (乔斯威夫特) ● People are the most valued privileges, even if it is the privilege of presiding over the funeral (詹拉Lowell) ● ceremony, and also extremely humane (Xunzi) ● installed Zhimin, MO at ceremony (Book of Filial Piety) ● Road to both Germany and Qi them with propriety (The Analects of Confucius) ● not Tony, no to legislation (The Analects of Confucius) ● ceremony by the country, will be state, public order, and Lee issue (Zuo Zhuan) ● ceremony, days after it, the trip also (Zuo Zhuan) ● Health and people are not rude, impolite things are not, the state is not rude Nanjing (Xunzi) ● security people were polite, impolite is danger (Book) ● opening line justice, just to make a profit, benefit to the civilian population, the large section of government (Zuo Zhuan) ● Honesty and Honor, the country's four-dimensional, four-dimensional non-Zhang, the country is the demise of (pipe) ● food and clothing to thick people's livelihood, righteousness in order to raise their heart (Yuan Xu Heng)



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