
我有一把大吉他,但我不会弹 街边五颜六色的小混混在大声吵闹 我站在一边 我满身尘土 眼神迷离 没有女孩注意到我 没什么大不了的 我背者一把大吉他 但我不会弹 地铁站下面的大叔弹着老旧的歌 我站在一边 我满身尘土 眼神阴暗 身边的行人匆匆忙忙 没什么大不了的 我抱着一把大吉他 但我不会弹 酒吧里满身汗水的乐手歇斯底里的喧嚣 我满身尘土 眼神空洞 糜烂的灯光在跳动 没什么大不了的 我有一把大吉他 我唱伏尔加河给你听 我有一把大吉他 断了第六弦 我有一把大吉他 我有一把大吉他 我有一把大吉他 我有一把大吉他 我有一把大吉他

I have a big guitar, but but but I cannot shoot nearby the street colorful slightly mix in am loudly noisy I to stand on one side my whole body dust look not to have the girl to note me blurredly not to have an any at the worst my carrying big guitar I not to be able to shoot the underground station following uncle bullet hit obsolete song I to stand on one side my whole body dust look gloomy side pedestrian hurried any at the worst I not to hold a big guitar I not to be able to shoot in the bar whole body sweat musician hysteria to make noise my whole body dust look empty erosion light not to have a big guitar in beat any at the worst me I to sing the Volga River to listen to you I had a big guitar to break the sixth string I to have a big guitar I to have a big guitar I to have a big guitar I to have a big guitar I to have a big guitar.
第1个回答  2007-03-29
I have a big guitar, but but but I cannot shoot nearby the street colorful slightly mix in am loudly noisy I to stand on one side my whole body dust look not to have the girl to note me blurredly not to have an any at the worst my carrying big guitar I not to be able to shoot the underground station following uncle bullet hit obsolete song I to stand on one side my whole body dust look gloomy side pedestrian hurried any at the worst I not to hold a big guitar I not to be able to shoot in the bar whole body sweat musician hysteria to make noise my



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