
Al Jazeera TV must have a presence in China," said Ezzat Shahrour, chief correspondent of the Arabic news satellite channel's Beijing branch, during a visit by this Chinese reporter.

"As an Arabic national TV station from the Middle East, we hold great responsibilities to introduce a genuine and objective China to Arabic audiences through the eye of us Arabic people," he said.

"In the past, the Arabic media relied heavily on reports by Western media when covering things in China, but now we can look at China in a different way."

Al Jazeera TV was established in Doha in February 1996, the capital of Qatar. As one of the largest Arabic news networks in the Arabic World, Al Jazeera TV is also one of the most popular channels in the world, with branches in more than 30 foreign countries.

Ever since the opening of the Beijing Branch in July 2002, Ezzat Shahrour and his colleagues have been very busy working on stories about such different fields as 16th Communist Party of China (CPC) Congress, Six-Party Talks on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, Beijing Opera and major overhauls of the Imperial Palace in downtown Beijing.

Their strenuous efforts have paid off. Al Jazeera TV's reports about China have won applause from Arabic audiences.

In June 2005, Qu Jun, director of the Department of West Asian and North African Affairs of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, became the first Chinese official interviewed by the Arabic satellite news channel in a program televised live. Hundreds of phone calls and emails flooded the Beijing Branch afterwards to convey congratulations for its success.

The Beijing Branch sends back China news to its headquarters almost daily as China gains an increasingly higher share in its international reports. "We plan to report more and better about China and expand the Beijing Branch," said Ezzat Shahrour.

Currently, the branch is recruiting a sports reporter to prepare for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, he said.

In the first half of next year, Al Jazeera TV is expected to open a special weekly report about China to cover political, economic and cultural sectors as well as the life of the ordinary Chinese people. "In addition, we are going to add a Chinese Language page on our website," he said.

In May 2005, Al Jazeera TV signed an agreement of cooperation with China Central Television (CCTV). Moreover, it also plans to forge cooperative ties with Xinhua News Agency and China Radio International.

"One of our main jobs in the current period is to strengthen cooperation with Chinese media," Ezzat Shahrour said. "This kind of cooperation is expected to make our China reports more varied and more vivid. And there will be a bright future for business cooperation and exchanges between Chinese and Arabic media."

"Al Jazeera TV must have a presence in China," said Ezzat Shahrour, chief correspondent of the Arabic news satellite channel's Beijing branch, during a visit by this Chinese reporter.
在一次接受中国记者的采访时,阿拉伯新闻卫星频道北京分社的首席特派员Ezzat Shahrour说道:"Al Jazeera TV有必要在中国落地"

"As an Arabic national TV station from the Middle East, we hold great responsibilities to introduce a genuine and objective China to Arabic audiences through the eye of us Arabic people," he said.

"In the past, the Arabic media relied heavily on reports by Western media when covering things in China, but now we can look at China in a different way."

Al Jazeera TV was established in Doha in February 1996, the capital of Qatar. As one of the largest Arabic news networks in the Arabic World, Al Jazeera TV is also one of the most popular channels in the world, with branches in more than 30 foreign countries.
Al Jazeera TV 是于1996年2月在卡塔尔首都多哈成立的,作为阿拉伯世界最大的新闻组织之一的Al Jazeera TV 也是世界上最流行的频道之一,在超过30个国家设有分社。

Ever since the opening of the Beijing Branch in July 2002, Ezzat Shahrour and his colleagues have been very busy working on stories about such different fields as 16th Communist Party of China (CPC) Congress, Six-Party Talks on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, Beijing Opera and major overhauls of the Imperial Palace in downtown Beijing.
自从2002年七月北京分社成立以来,Ezzat Shahrour和他的同事们就忙于报道各个不同领域的新闻,例如中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会、朝鲜半岛六方会谈、京剧和圆明园修复等话题。

Their strenuous efforts have paid off. Al Jazeera TV's reports about China have won applause from Arabic audiences.
他们的努力有了回报。Al Jazeera TV的报道赢得了阿拉伯观众的赞赏。

In June 2005, Qu Jun, director of the Department of West Asian and North African Affairs of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, became the first Chinese official interviewed by the Arabic satellite news channel in a program televised live. Hundreds of phone calls and emails flooded the Beijing Branch afterwards to convey congratulations for its success.
2005年6月,中国外交部西亚及南非事务部的部长Qu Jun成为第一位接受现场直播访谈的中国官方人员,在节目播出后接到了上百通电话及邮件祝贺节目的成功。

The Beijing Branch sends back China news to its headquarters almost daily as China gains an increasingly higher share in its international reports. "We plan to report more and better about China and expand the Beijing Branch," said Ezzat Shahrour.
北京分社几乎每天都会将中国的新闻发回总部,关于中国的报道在其国际新闻中的比例愈来愈高。“我们计划更多更好的报道中国同时扩展北京分社”,Ezzat Shahrour说。

Currently, the branch is recruiting a sports reporter to prepare for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, he said.

In the first half of next year, Al Jazeera TV is expected to open a special weekly report about China to cover political, economic and cultural sectors as well as the life of the ordinary Chinese people. "In addition, we are going to add a Chinese Language page on our website," he said.
在开始的半年里,Al Jazeera TV希望能够开播一档涉及政治、经济和文化以及普通中国人生活的每周报道.他说," 另外,我们还会在我们的网站上加上中文"

In May 2005, Al Jazeera TV signed an agreement of cooperation with China Central Television (CCTV). Moreover, it also plans to forge cooperative ties with Xinhua News Agency and China Radio International.
2005年5月,Al Jazeera TV和CCTV签署了一份合作协议,此外,它还计划同新华社及中国国际广播电台建立稳固的联系。

"One of our main jobs in the current period is to strengthen cooperation with Chinese media," Ezzat Shahrour said. "This kind of cooperation is expected to make our China reports more varied and more vivid. And there will be a bright future for business cooperation and exchanges between Chinese and Arabic media."
"现阶段我们的主要工作就是同中国的媒体加强合作”Ezzat Shahrour说,“期待这种合作能够使我们对中国的报道变得更加广泛和生动。中国和阿拉伯媒体间的商务合作和交换会有一个美好的未来”


第1个回答  2007-04-10
第2个回答  2007-04-10
第3个回答  2007-04-10
Al Jazeera 电视一定在中国有出现,"Ezzat Shahrour ,阿拉伯语的新闻人造宇宙站频道的北京部门的主要通讯记者说,在这一位中国记者的一次拜访期间。

" 如来自中东的一个阿拉伯语的国家电视台,我们维持很棒的职责经过眼睛我们介绍阿拉伯语的听众给真正的和客观的中国认识阿拉伯语人 ",他说。

" 过去,当包含的事物在中国的时候,阿拉伯语的媒体很重地在西方传媒的报告上信赖,但是现在我们能以一不同的方式看中国 " 。

Al Jazeera 电视被在 1996 年二月在 Doha 建立,卡塔尔的首都。 在超过 30个外国的国家中有部门如在阿拉伯语的世界中最大的阿拉伯语的新闻网络之一, Al Jazeera 电视也是在世界上最流行的频道之一。

自从北京部门的开始在 2002 年七月, Ezzat Shahrour 和他的同事已经是如中国 (CPC) 的第 16 共产党国会的关于如此不同的领域在故事上的非常忙碌的工作,六-党在市中心的北京说话在韩国半岛核子上议题,北京歌剧和帝王的宫殿主要彻底检查。

他们的奋发努力已经见效。 关于中国的 Al Jazeera 电视的报告已经嬴得来自阿拉伯语的听众鼓掌。

在 2005 年六月, Qu 六月,西亚洲人部的指导者和中国外交部的北非洲事件,现场变成第一的华人官员被一个计画的阿拉伯语的人造宇宙站新闻频道接见广播。 数以百计电话和电子邮件然后泛滥了北京部门为它的成功传达祝贺。

当中国得到它的国际报告的逐渐比较高的部份时候,北京部门几乎每日送后面的中国新闻给它的总部。 " 我们计划报告更多和好有关中国的事而且扩张北京部门",Ezzat Shahrour 说。

现在,部门正在恢复一位运动记者在 2008 年准备北京奥运会的游戏,他说。

在第一个中一半的在明年, Al Jazeera 电视被期望打开一项特别的每周报告有关中国的事包括政治上的,经济的和文化的部门和平常的中国人的生活。 " 除此之外,我们将要增加在我们的网站上的一种中国语言页 ",他说。

在 2005 年五月, Al Jazeera 电视签署了与中国的合作中央的电视 (CCTV) 的协议。 而且,它也计划用新华社和中国收音机伪造合作的关系国际的。

" 我们的主要工作之一在现在的时期中是加强与中国媒体的合作",Ezzat Shahrour 说。 "这种合作被期望变得更不同和更生动。 而且在华人和阿拉伯语媒体之间为生意合作和交换将会有明亮的未来。"
第4个回答  2019-08-12



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