请英语好的 帮我翻译一段关于拳击的内容


sparring is when the boxer works with an opponent in the ring. sparring can be divided into situation, isolated and free sparring.

situation sparring is is when a certain boxing situation such as clinching is practiced. for example the boxers agree before the sparring that only clinching and

punching at close range is allowed. another situation might be that one boxer tries to get inside and the other tries to keep the distance with straight punches.

isolated sparring is when specific punches and moves are drilled. you can find examples of such drills in the exercises section starting at page 81

free sparring is when both boxer do their best to beat their opponent . this form of sparring is the closest the boxer will get to actual boxing fight in training


sparring is when the boxer works with an opponent in the ring. sparring can be divided into situation, isolated and free sparring.

situation sparring is is when a certain boxing situation such as clinching is practiced. for example the boxers agree before the sparring that only clinching and punching at close range is allowed. another situation might be that one boxer tries to get inside and the other tries to keep the distance with straight punches.


isolated sparring is when specific punches and moves are drilled. you can find examples of such drills in the exercises section starting at page 81

free sparring is when both boxer do their best to beat their opponent . this form of sparring is the closest the boxer will get to actual boxing fight in training



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