英语剧本,要求:英语故事、台词、还要英汉的! 请各位帮帮忙重金答谢!(好的话Q币、两个钻)


我用的都是最简单的句式,自己随便翻译一下就行了。这是我上学时的小组自编剧本,绝对原创,质量嘛凑合吧Peter Pan
Captain Hook -----
Peter Pan -----
Wendy -----
Tinker Bell -----
Gate -----
Michael -----
John -----
Scene 1
(Peter Pan, Wendy, Michael and John are flying in the sky. Picture: sky)
All: (singing) I can fly, I’m singing in the sky. You once said to me, I must be brave.
(Michael looks at the scene)
Michael: How beautiful scenery!
(John points at Tinker Bell, who is coming)
John: What’s that? A bird?
(John’s action makes Tinker Bell very angry, so she punishes John by her magic stick)
Tinker Bell: I’m not a bird. You are such stupid that can’t distinguish a cute fairy from a bird.
Wendy: The scenery in the sky is truly different, isn’t it?
(Peter Pan takes the opportunity to hold Wendy’s hand)
Peter Pan: Definitely right. Let’s go there. I’ll show something special for you.
(Peter Pan and Wendy fly towards a rainbow. Music: the wizard of Oz. Picture: a rainbow. Peter Pan and Wendy look at each other and smile)
(Michael and John are searching something exciting, and suddenly they notice a pirate. Picture: a pirate. Michael points at it)
Michael: Look at that. A pirate. I like adventure most. Maybe we can find the treasure buried by pirates. I think we should go there to take a adventure.
John: Yes, a gentleman should be fearless.
(Michael and John are in the pirate. Picture: inside of a pirate)
Michael: Woo, it’s gracious.
John: And so cool.
(They continue to walk in the pirate.)
John: Hello, is anyone here?
(There is no response.)
Michael: None?
John: Something like that.
(Suddenly, Gate appears behind Michael and John. He catches the two boys in their collars.)
Gate: Hey, look at what I catch: two little boys! They must be Peter Pan’s spies. I’ll bring them to Hook to get some reward. Ha, Ha, Ha.
(Gate pushes Michael and John to Hook’s room)
Scene 2
(Captain Hook is sleeping in his room. Gate pushes Michael and John into the room. The bang of the door makes Hook wakes up terrified.)
Hook: You, Gate! Didn’t I tell you that you should knock the door before your entering? You terrified me again. So you will get only half of your wage this month. You are a stupid guy.
Gate: Oh no, Hook. Look. I catch two spies of Peter Pan. I should get reward, not punishment. And I’m not stupid. I catch the two boys with my two hands. Which one hand should I spare to knock the door?
Hook: Sounds right. OK, I’ll give you a kiss. (Turn to Michael and John) If you two obey me, I’ll also give you kisses.
Michael: Oh my God.
John: Kill me, please.
Gate: Well, is there any other choices? Say, some money or a bottle of wine?
Hook: Look at all of you. Do you know what the kiss is?
Gate, Michael, John: Of course we know.
(Hook turning to the audience. And began to advertise the candy or so called the kiss. )
Hook: Silly guys never know it. The kiss is a kind of candy with high quality. It can fresh the smell of your mouth, make your throat moist. It also refills your energy and you’re you active whenever you want. It really is a necessity when you either at home or go outside.
(All are vomiting, expect Hook.)
Gate: Oh, Hook. Could I take the two guys to the jail?
(Gate wants to take the two boys to leave there immediately, because what Hook said is really make them disgusting.)
Hook: But I still have something to say. Wait.
(Gate, Michael and John go to the jail with vomiting continuously.)
(In the jail)
Gate: OK, it’s my turn to interrogate you. At first, what’s your mother’s name?
Michael: A gentleman won’t obey the evil.
(Gate punch Michael at once)
Michael: Mrs. Darling.
John: I despise you.
(Gate turn to John)
Gate: OK, it’s your turn. How old are you?
John: Can you ask some sensible questions?
Gate: OK, do you have any clothes outside?
Michael, John: What?
Gate: A huge dark cloud is coming.
(Michael and John are look upwards)
Gate: Is it sensible?
Michael, John: Very sensible.
Michael: My Teddy Bear.
John: My Xi Yangyang. (A Chinese toy, it is a famous character in a recently hot TV Chinese cartoon.)
Gate: Wordy men. I’ll find a sharp knife to cut your tongues.
Scene 3
(Peter Pan and Wendy are chatting continuously. And then Tinker Bell appeared. Picture: a rainbow)
Tinker Bell: Peter Pan, Wendy. Michael and John are caught by Hook, we must to save them immediately.
Scene 4
(Wendy and Tinker Bell go to save Michael and John. Tinker Bell tells Wendy that the guard named Gate. Picture: a room)
Tinker Bell: His name is Gate.
Wendy: I see.
(Gate notices the sound that Wendy makes.)
Gate: Who? Who is there?
Wendy: It’s me, Wendy. And you are Gate, are you?
Gate: So what?
Wendy: Does your brother Gates, Bill Gates, I mean, know you are here?
Gate: Don’t mention him. I don’t want to be him who working hard every day without any leisure time.
Wendy: But now he is the richest man in the world. And the most important is he can do great favor to other people. Since you are his brother, you should learn something from him. At least, you shouldn’t be a pirate.
Gate: Sounds right. But what should I do?
Tinker Bell: To save Michael and John.
(Gate, Wendy and Tinker Bell go to the jail. And find Michael and John are playing cards.)
Michael: A pair of 3.
John: A pair of A.
Michael: Oh, no. You can’t be so lucky. Why all good cards come to your hands?
Wendy: Michael and John, I come to save you.
(John and Michael throw the cards.)
John: So soon.
(They run to find Hook and Peter Pan.)
Tinker Bell: Now, we should go and help Peter Pan. Hook is not a simple pirate.
Scene 5
(Hook is eating roast apple in his room. Picture: Hook’s room)
Hook: I haven’t eaten any meat for a long time. Damn it.
Peter Pan: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Hook: Peter Pan! You dare go here! OK, since you’re here, I won’t let you go out of the room.
Peter Pan: And I will send you to eat roast apple with God.
(Peter Pan fight with Hook, Hook wants to stick Peter Pan with his sword. At the very point, Tinker Bell flies in front of Peter Pan as a shield. So Tinker Bell dies. But Peter Pan takes the opportunity stick Hook. Then Hook hurts severely. He recalls his past sorrow.)
Hook: When I was young, I had a sincere lover, she treated me very well. I didn’t treasure it. Then she left me. After that, I gradually to do something evil, from theft to rob, and in the end, I become a pirate. Even by now, I regret. If God can give me a chance again to live that kind of life again, I will say 3 words to that girl that is “I love you”. If I am asked how long I would keep my feeling not be changed, I will say that is 10,000 years.
(After listening to Hook, Wendy feels great sympathy for Hook. She stands on her knees by the side of Hook, and her tears drop on the face of Hook. Because the innocent girl’s tear has a magic function, Hook gets his second life again. And Hook also falls in love with Wendy.)
Hook: Where is Tinker Bell?
(Tinker Bell is still lying on the ground, dying. Hook gives her bottle of liquid. Tinker Bell drinks it.)
Tinker Bell: What had happened? I find my heart painful.
Peter Pan: Nothing. Everything goes well.
(Wendy falls in love with Hook for Hook’s good action. Picture: beautiful outdoor scenery)
Wendy: Michael, John and I will go back. Would you come with us, Hook?
Hook: It’s my pleasure.
Gate: Captain, I still want to stay here. It really is a carefree place. I don’t want to live a busy and tired life.
Hook: OK, it’s up to you.
Peter Pan: Wendy, I want to stay here with Tinker Bell. I like the life style in Neverland. See you.
(Finally, Wendy, Michael, John and Hook go back their home. Peter Pan, Tinker Bell and Gate stay at the neverland.)
第1个回答  2010-12-28
Drunk One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing two policemen. If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk." "But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman!" 醉酒 一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉’字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。” “可是,爸爸, ”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”



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