

I like children very much,so I often imagine what I should do if I were a mother.
If I were a mother,during the pregnancy,at first,I would listen to a lot of soft music and read some Chinese ancient poems so that my baby could enjoy the best pre-born education.Maybe it will be a great musician or poet in the future.Second,I would eat plenty of fruits and nuts,because fruits benefit baby’s skin and nuts help it to build up the connection between the two half brains.
If I were a mother,during my baby at 3 years old,I would teach it to remember some basic knowledge like numbers、letters、English names of fruits and vegetables,and simple Chinese characters.At the same time,I would replay the music which I often played during the pregnancy.Some experts believe that baby even could sing those familiar songs without teaching.It proves that genius can be cultivated on purpose.In spite of intelligence,the appearance is also important.My mom told me that baby need to shave its head many times so that it will get beautiful hair,so I would do it.
After my child begins kindergarten,I would let it to choose a kind of instrument or other skills,which it is interested in.I would tell it that if it chooses a way to develop,it cannot give up so easily.Even though it has to give up,it cannot regret.On the other hand,I would request my husband accompany with me to read good books everyday at regular time to set a good stander for my child,because parents are the best teacher of their children.
When my child grows up older,it’s necessary to tell child that it should place emphasis on spiritual fulfillment instead of materials things.It will learn not to be dependent upon others and to pick up skills which make it self-sufficient.Meanwhile I would help them build its self-esteem and self-disciplined to resist temptations from every direction.
I believe that if I were a mother,I should be a good mother.



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