
1 中国人口的三分之二是农民
2 这两位女士都不是宇航员
3 他们以及下定决心要按时完成那项工作
4 刘翔成功的打破世界纪录
5 中国的人口比日本要多
6 这个人很容易相处
7 作为一名探险者,他学会了冒险

第1个回答  2011-01-04
1. Two thirds of Chines population are peasants.2. Neither of the two ladies is an astronaut.3. They have made up their minds to finish the work on time.4. Liu xiang succeeded in breaking the world record.5. The population in China is larger than that in Japan.6. The person is easy to get along with.7. As an explorer, he learned how to adventure.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-01-04
1. Two thirds of population are peasants in China.
2. The two ladies are not astronauts.
3. They have make their minds to finish the work on time.
4.Liu Xiang succeeded to break the world record.
5. China is more population than Japan.
6. This man is easy to get along with.
7. As an explorer, he has learned adventure.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2011-01-04
Two-third of chinese are farmers.2.Neither of the ladies are astronauts.3.They have determined that they will finish the task on time.4.Liu Xiang broke the world record successfully.5.The population in china is larger than japanese.6.This guy is easy to go with.7.As a adventurer,he learns to take risks.


第4个回答  2011-01-04
1、wo-thirds of the Chinese population are peasants
2、These two women are not astronauts
3、They and are determined to finish the job
4、Liu xiang broke the world record of success
5、The population of China is larger than Japan
6、It was very easily getting along with the man
7、As an adventurer, he learned to adventure



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