








    First, useful English, English is part of the professional ability

    A normal logic is: Education and career, decent, proportional to income, of course, there will be many exceptions.

    On the university really have a career plan for the future, this time I know English in the end there is no use. Many occupations are not English, so I think after entering college,  the English can become an elective, volunteered for CET exams, your  major if you do not need English, do not bother to learn.

    However,  when you graduate to find a job, you will find that you will find more  career opportunities and choices when you have a good command of  English. This is why many people began to make up for English after working.

    If  a student enters college and chooses a major, college graduates will  find English useful when looking for career opportunities, but if he  does not learn English in elementary and secondary schools, he is  tantamount to automatically giving up many good career opportunities. Therefore, the existence of English as a part of basic education has its rationality. Language learning is a continuous process, is a process of upgrading and development. You can not wait to go to college and find English useful to your  major before starting to learn English, it is impossible to find useful  English at work to learn English.

    So  from a fair perspective, compulsory education should include English as  a compulsory course, so that everyone has the opportunity. However, China is too big and the gap between the levels of English teaching is too large. The English level of secondary school students in Beijing and Shanghai is much higher than that in some backward regions.




    Second, expand their horizons, English still represents advanced culture and productivity

    Speaking above is that English will give you a career choice plus points, from a practical point of view. From the perspective of quality education, the best way to learn advanced culture is still to learn English. To  put it plainly: the English-speaking United States remains the most  powerful country in the world, representing the most advanced productive  forces and democracies.

    Miao Wei, minister of  industry and information technology, made a comprehensive interpretation  of "Made in China 2025" at the two sessions this year. He pointed out  that among the four echelon manufacturing industries in the world, China  is in the third tier and this pattern is hard to come by in a short  period of time Fundamental change. At least 30 years to become a manufacturing power.






    Some people say that China is a large LAN country, a lot of information can not be seen. In order to obtain information, they choose to go over the wall. Turn  over the wall to see is still the Chinese message, the content is often  very alarming, they will be treasured, go to their own media up. And I saw that this information is false, the Chinese information outside the wall is extremely difficult to fly.

    I never go through the wall, nor Google. I use English search in Baidu, cross-search the contents of several cross-contrast can get accurate information. The English websites of America's leading universities and the media are open and easily accessible. If you want to see accurate information from the U.S. government, you  will not find any restrictions on the websites of the White House, the  U.S. Department of State, and the Department of Defense.

    This  month I have been studying history textbooks in American universities,  including the history of the United States and the world. Their  perspectives, the structure of historical arrangements and the way of  interpretation are much more substantial and interesting than the  history books in the United States. More than history, domestic Chinese information is often selective under the control of the authorities concerned.

    There is an argument is very interesting: learn English, you can better understand China.


第1个回答  2015-07-29
When a tiger comes, see the ponies in the leisurely grazing, thought: it seems I have to attack plan will succeed! So it would take to lift the tigers and pony pony, but deftly jump, tiger rushed to empty. The tiger is very angry, directly to chase the pony, pony本回答被网友采纳



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