

Addicted to a higher than 40 - 50 DEG C under the growth, the optimum growth temperature 55 DEG - 65 DEG C microorganisms, most fungi, actinomycetes, archaea is microbial thermal (thermophiles). The thermophilic microbial thermal research is still at the starting stage, so there are many a thermophilic microbial thermal information are also not to be understanding of the public, such as addicted to microbial thermal resistant high temperature mechanism etc. are also only know a part of the surface. Due to the thermophilic microbial thermal special biological structure (cell membrane, protein, genetic material, etc.) and determines the it can grow and reproduce in high temperature, and it is due to the physiological and metabolic product characteristics, so their application in many fields has a very wide open value, has become one of the hot topic nowadays.
第1个回答  2015-05-15
Abstract: The search for thermophilic micro organism (thermophiles) can grow at a temperature higher than 40-50 ℃, the optimum growth temperature of 55 ℃ -65 ℃ microorganisms, mostly fungi, actinomycetes, archaebacteria. Currently still in the early research stage thermophilic microorganisms, so the information about how thermophilic microbes have not understood the public, such as high-temperature mechanism of thermophilic microorganisms and so still only understand part of the surface. Because of the special biological structures thermophilic microorganisms (cell membranes, proteins, genetic material, etc.) can determine the basis for their growth and reproduction at high temperatures, and it is because of the nature of its physiological and metabolic products, so that their application in many areas It has a very broad development value and become one of the hot spot now.



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