
What It Is?
A decision making tool that can help prioritize a list of feasible options for addressing an issue.
How It Works
Step 1:
Brainstorm a list of ideas for addressing the issue or challenge.
Step 2:
If the list of ideas is very long, narrow the list by using a multi-voting technique.
Step 3:
Evaluate each idea across two dimensions. First, the impact it will have if it is successfullyimplemented: small impact or a big impact. Second, the amount of effort required to implement the idea: difficult to do or easy to do. Place the idea in the corresponding box in the matrix.
Difficult to do Easy to do EFFORT
Big Impact
Small Impact
These ideas should have second priority along with the Small Impact – Easy to do ideas. Select those that are the least effort with the biggest impact.
These ideas are not worth pursuing.
These ideas should have first priority.
These ideas should have second priority along with the Big Impact-Difficult ideas. Select those that are the least effort with the biggest impact.
Difficult to do Easy to doEFFORT
What It Is
A method for clarifying issues that are too complex for brainstorming. The clarification process takes a great deal more time and deliberation than the simpler and quicker process of brainstorming.
What It Can Do
Analyze complex issues in order to:
Create an organizational vision or mission statement.
Develop a general statement for a direction of change.
Develop a set of related priorities to achieve a major organizational breakthrough.
How It Works
Step 1
Select a theme, issue, or critical question that you want to address, for example:
What are the issues, concerns, obstacles, or changes that need to be addressed if we are to move this goal forward?
Step 2
Discuss the selected theme and agree on questions to be used to generate ideas about the theme.
Step 3
Brainstorm ideas on Post-it notes, using one-line statements. Continue the process until everyone on the team feels it has exhausted its ideas on the topic.
Step 4
Place the Post-its on a flipchart.
Step 5
Move the Post-its around on the flipchart, grouping them into sets of no more than five.
Step 6
Write another on-line statement for each set of Post-its to serve as a label or summary statement for that grouping.
Step 7
Group the labeled sets until three to seven sets remain.
Step 8
If appropriate, use group consensus to rewrite the label statements so the ideas are clarified.
Things to Consider
•Take the time needed to:
Discuss and clarify the theme.
Write one-line statements.
Put together sets of one-line statements.
Include a mix of group members who can bring important contributions to the theme selected.
One-line statements should be spontaneous, concrete expressions containing an action verb.
• Do not try to force Post-its into groups. The labels should express the ideas that have been grouped into the set.

一个决策工具,可帮助列出优先处理的问题的可行方案. 它如何一步一:集思广益名单思路解决问题或挑战. 步骤2:如果想法很长的名单,名单上窄用多种方法投票. 第三步:每理念横跨两个层面探讨. 首先,它的影响将是成功实施如:小的冲击或影响很大. 其次,要努力贯彻金额想法:难以做或不容易. 在广场的想法在矩阵相应信箱. 这样做的努力难以轻易这些思想影响很大冲击应该小随着第二优先 小冲击容易做主张. 选择那些最努力的最大冲击. 这些想法都是不值得追求. 这些主张应该最优先. 这些主张应该有二大重点,随着冲击难以设想. 选择那些最努力的最大冲击. 易遇到什么困难的事,是一种明晰的问题太复杂,为集思广益. 澄清过程需要大量时间和酝酿过程较简单和快捷的集思广益. 怎样分析复杂的问题,以便:营造组织远景或使命声明. 一般声明为发展方向的转变. 制定一套有关组织优先取得重大突破. 如何选择一个主题作品1步,问题的关键还是要解决问题,例如: 有哪些问题,关切,障碍还是 改变需要解决,如果我们提出这个目标迈进? 2步选定主题和讨论的问题达成协议用来产生思考的主题. 第三步聚首后指出,使用一个在线报表. 继续进行,直到所有的团队已经耗尽想法感到话题. 步骤4位后的一个翻页挂图. 第五步提出释其周围的翻页挂图、组合成不超过5套. 第六步再写在网上声明每支后其作为标签或作简要说明 该组合. 第七组的标记集步直到6时57套依旧. 步骤8酌情使用组共识改写标签报表等观念澄清. ●考虑把事情需要时间:主题讨论和澄清. 写一个在线报表. 加起来一套在线报表. 小组成员包括各式谁能把主题选定了重要贡献. 一个在线报表应该是自发的,其具体表现为含有一个动词行动. ●不要逼后其编组. 标签应当表达的是被归纳为一套.



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