短文翻译 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a music maker who lived from 1756 to 1791.

He was born in Salzburg, Austria.
Mozart was soon called “the wonder boy”. One day at age three, he listened to his sister play a piece of music on the clavier. The clavier was an early kind of piano. Mozart was then able to sit down and play that same piece all by himself. When he was four, Mozart started taking music lessons. By the time he was five, he had begun to write his own music.
Soon people all over Europe began learning about “the wonder boy”. When Mozart was seven years old, he and his sister began playing for the people of Germany. Later, they gave concerts in Vienna, Paris, and London.
Mozart never stopped surprising people with his talent. Once in Vienna, Mozart was asked if he could play when the keys were covered by a cloth. After the keys were covered, Mozart still played beautifully. When he was thirteen, he was invited to hear some special music in Italy. He was not allowed to see the music. After he had listened to it, Mozart returned to his room and wrote out all of the music from memory. No one had ever thought this was possible.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(莫扎特)从1756年活到1791年,是个音乐家。




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