七年级上 英语 连词成句

1.the in the one red is box cheap
2.bed shirts on like I the the
3.do like competition chorus that you
4.are a fun having you birthday
5.he there buy tickets and hurry two



2.They___________(not,play)basketball today.

3.This is his mother.________(she)name is LiFang.

4.They________(be)running starts.

5.--Is Lucy at home?--No,she________(not,be)at home,she is at school.

三 对括号部分提问

1.My name is (Kate).

2.Their football is (under the desk).

3.(Our teacher's)name is Mrs Black.

4.I'm on duty today.

5.This is (a picture of her family.)

6.The name of oyr cat is( Mimi.)

7.I can see (a boat) in the picture.

8.(Lucy )is not here.

9.Tom's shoes are (black).

10.These are apples.


A:Have you any shoes 1 these(像……一样)?

B: 2 size(尺寸)?

A:Size Five.

B: 3 color?


B:I'm sorry.We haven't 4 .

A:But my sister bought this 5 last month.

B:Did she buy them here?

A:No,she 6 them in the USA.

B:We had some shoes like those a month 7 ,we haven't now.

A:Can you get a pair 8 me please?

B:I"m 9 I can't.They were in fasgion last year and the year before 10 .

But they're not in fashion this year.


1.How much_________(be)these trousers?They are fifteen dollars.

2.I'm sorry I can't remember the length of the desk.Can you tell me how________(length)it is?

3.Can I________(helpful)you?Yes,please.I want a T-shirt.

4.Do you like sweaters?Do you like them_________(expensive)?

5.Look!The red shoes are on________(sell)for $15.


A Two yuan a kilo. B I'd like some milk.

C No,we don't D Can I help you,sir?

E.That sounds great.

1.--Do you have any rice at home?--___________.

2.--Let's have some chicken legs for lunch today.--______________.

3.--____________.--Thank you.I want two kilos of carrots.

4.--What would you like?--__________.

5.--How much is the tofu?--____________.


1.Do you like blue socks?(作肯定回答)

2.The fish is twenty yuan(对画线部分提问)

_________ _________is the fish?

3.The pen is cheap.(改为一般疑问句)


4.The woman wants a kilo of potatoes.(对划线部分提问)


5.They want some pears.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________they want?

6.May I help you?

What_______ ________ _________ __________you?

7.That's very cheap.I'll buy it.

That's not_________,and I'll__________it.


第1个回答  2011-01-01
1.The cheap one is the box in red.
2.I like the shirts on the bed.
3.Do you like that chorus competition?
4.You are having a fun birthday./Are you having a fun birthday.
5.He hurry there and buy two ticket.这个不知道对不对,总觉得怪怪的、、、
第2个回答  2011-01-02
1 The red one in the box is cheap.
2 I like the shirts on the bed.
3 Do you like that competition chorus?
4 You are having a fun birthday.
第3个回答  2011-01-01
1 The red one in the box is cheap.
2 I like the shirts on the bed.
3 Do you like that competition chorus?
4 You are having a fun birthday.本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2011-01-04
5.He hurried there and bought two tickets.



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