急求 一首欧美女歌手唱的pieces!!

歌名好像叫pieces 歌词里有broken ,pieces什么的 是个女的唱的 歌的mv感觉好像是描写战争后亲人分离 很感人的一首歌 mv拍的是一个女的在一个像仓库的地方唱歌 有乐队伴奏 下面的听众都是士兵的亲人 我在网上找不到 大家帮帮忙啊 告诉我下在地址 还有着歌手的名字 谢谢!~~
我是在乡村音乐节目里看到的好像 歌名中文叫碎片好像

A Piece of Broken Mind还是??(Peace Of Mind)

Goddam earthquake!
Poor overseas internet!!
I've written a lot,but everything just gone!!!
And now i got only a piece of broken mind left...

Because of the heavy "Kyill"(Oh,that was the another disaster after the earthquake.What wrong with our nice world??),everyone have a complete staying-at-home weekend.

But actually not that bad, at least I don't need to go outside but have plenty of time to check out all the MSN Spaces~How wonderful!

I kickt and kickt and kickt...

I've read a lot from friends and acquaintances.Words, photos,music... remind me our sweeeeeeeeeet Broadcast Institut and every single happy moments there.

Drowning in the memory.

I wanna go back there.
I cann't go back there.

Before landing back on those earth,i still have a lot to do,more than i can imagin,more than enough.

so~Zack zack~Moving!

参考资料:http://arieltiger.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!47ea42808a1b32cf!816.entry http://www.eou.cn/play.asp?id=19498




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