


Where are from ?你从哪里来?

I’m from China我来自中国

How do you do你好

How are you ?你好吗?

Fine thank you很好,谢谢

Nice to meet you很高兴见到你

Thank you very much非常感谢

Thank you all the same仍然感谢你

You are welcome不用谢

Of course当然

Thank you for your help谢谢你的帮助

I’m so sorry我很抱歉

Sorry to bother you对不起,给你添麻烦

Please Never mind请别介意

It doesnt matter没关系

That's right你说的对
Never mind没关系

Have a nice trip祝你旅途平安

I am alone我独自一人

I’m very Poor我很穷

I can’t speak Thai我不会说泰语

Can you speak EngLish or Chinese ?你会说英语或者中文吗?

My EngLish is so bad我的英语很差

I can speak a little English我会说一点英语

I can’t understand what you mean我不明白你的意思

Can you Speak slowly?你能说得慢一点吗?

Please say it again请再说一次

Please write it in English请用英语写下来

Can you help me to Write some places with Thai it


You are too nice你人太好了!

It’s kind of you你真是太好了!

This is the first time I came to ThaiLand这是我第一次来泰国

ThaiLand is a beautiful country泰国是一个美丽的国家

I’m just a tourist我只是一名游客

二.买东西 (问价,讨价还价)

I’d like to buy this.我想买这个
How much ?多少钱?
How much is this?这个多少钱?
How much is that?那个多少钱?
How much it all together一共多少钱?
Too expensive太贵了
It’s too expensive for me对我来说太贵了
What a price! Lower it,please!这么高的价格,请降点
Do you have any cheaper?有更便宜点的吗?
What’s the last price最低价多少钱?
Do you have anything cheaper than this ?有没有比这个更便宜一点的?
Could you show me another one ?能给我看看另一件吗?
Can I have a paper bag能给我一个纸带吗?
May I try it ?我能试试吗?
I already paid我已经付钱了
I’m just looking. Thank you我只是随便看看,谢谢
Could you give me a little discount你能给我一点折扣吗?
Can I pay here ?可以在这儿付帐吗?
Keep the change, please不用找钱了,(给小费的一种方式)
注:Thai Bath(泰铢)
温馨提示:泰国人在告诉你价格的时候,都会在数字后面加一个 Bath,读
作:“吧”…比如10泰铢,会读作: Ten bath (Ten吧)…就好像我们说多少元


May I ask something ?我能问点事吗?
I don’t know the way我不认识路
I took the wrong way我走错路了
I lost my way我迷路了
I don’t know how to get there我不知道如何去那儿?
Can you take me through你能带我过去吗?
What is the best way to get there?去那里最好的方式是什么?
How far is it from here ?离这里有多远?
Can you show me on the map ?可以在地图上指给我看吗?
What is the name of this street ?这条街叫什么名字?
Can I walk down there ?我能步行到那里吗?
Is it possible to walk there?可以走路到那里吗?
I want to go to there我想去那里
How should I go ?我该怎么走?
Which way should I go ?我该往哪条路走?
Where is the bus stop ?巴士车站在哪里?
Where is the taxi stand?计程车站在哪里?
Where is the railway station ?火车站在哪里?
where is the airport?飞机场在哪里?
Where is the toilet,please请问厕所在哪里?
Where is the Subway station ?地铁站在哪里?
Where is the MRT ?地铁在哪里?
Where is the BTS ? BTS在哪里?
I want to go to the ...我想去...
I want to go to the toilet我想去厕所
Where is the toilet ?厕所在哪里?
Is there a toilet near here ?附近有厕所吗?
Please use the meter请按表(打表)
Take me to this address,please!请带我去这个地址
I’m in a hurry我时间很急
Can you drive more slowly ?可以开得慢点吗?
I'm scared我很害怕
Stop here,Please!请停在这儿


Where can I buy a ticket我在哪里可以买到票?
Where is the ticket office ?卖票的地方在哪里?
May I see the time table ?我可以看看时间表吗?
What time does it leave ?几点发车?
A ticket to Chiengmai please !一张去清迈的车票
Second class one way,please !二等单程
I’d like the upper berth我想要上铺
Where can I check in ?在哪里办登机手续?
Where is boarding gate for AirAisa airline ?亚航的登机口在哪里?
What is the gate number ?在几号登机口登机?
Airline ticket飞机票
Could you tell me how to fill in?请告诉我如何填写?(填出入境单)
Where is my seat ?我的座位 在哪里?
Can I have a window seat,please可以给我一个靠窗的位置吗?
Where can I get my baggage?我去哪里取行李?
Your passport and declaration card, please请出示你的护照和海关申报单
Do you have anything to declare?你携带的东西有必须申报的吗?
No. I don't没有
Please open this bag请打开这件行李
What are these?这是什么东西?
These are for my personal use这是我的个人用品


duty-free items免税品
Passport control护照检查
Outgoing passenger card入境登记卡
Ongoing passenger card出境登记卡
Customs declaration card海关申报单
Currency declaration现金申报单
Valid (invalid)有效(无效)


I'm very hungry我很饿
Where is the restaurant near here ?这附近餐馆在哪里?
Can I see the menu?我可以看一下菜单吗?
Do you have Chinese or English menu ?有中文或英语菜单吗?
Have a little spicy food ?有辣一点的食物吗?
Which is more delicious ?哪个更好吃?
It’s very delicious非常美味
I like this我喜欢这个
Can you tell me how to eat this ?你能告诉我如何吃这个吗?
How to eat ?怎么吃?
I want to eat rice我想要吃米饭
I want to eat noodles我想吃面条
I’m thirsty我口渴
I want to drink我想喝水
I want to a cold drink我想喝一杯冷饮
I’d like a glass of water,please我想要一杯水
I want to drink a cup of coffee我想喝一杯咖啡


I made a reservation in the internet我在网上预订了房间
Is there a youth hotel near here ?这附近有青年旅社吗?
Excuse me,do you have any rooms ?请问有房间吗?
I want a single room我想要单人间
I want a double room我想要双人单
Can I see the room我能看一下房间吗?
Can you tell me how to find my room?请问我的房间怎么走?
The toliet is public or private?厕所是公共的还是私用的?
may I take a shower我可以淋浴吗?
It’s too hot in here这儿太热了
Is there a electric fan in the room ?房间里有电风扇 吗?
I want a room with air conditioning我想要一间带空调的房间
I want a room with electric fan我想要一间带电风扇的房间
风扇房(room of fan)
空调房(room of air-condition)
Is it safe?这里安全吗?

Could you keep my valuables ?能帮我保管贵重物品吗?
I’d like to stay for one night,please我要住一晚
Can I stay here for one night ?我可以在这里住宿一晚吗?
What is the check out time?退房时间是几点?
How much is the room per night?每晚多少钱?
Do I have to pay a deposit?我需要支付押金吗?
Key deposit (钥匙押金)
Do you have a cheaper room?你们有便宜一点的房间吗?
I will take this room我想要这间房
Does the price include breakfast?价钱包括早餐吗?
I go out for a while我出去一会儿
When do you close你们什么时候关门?
I’d like to check out now我想要退房


can I take a picture in here ?我可以在这里拍照吗?
Could you take a picture for me ?你能帮我拍张照吗?
Can I take a photo with you ?我能和你合影吗?
when I am ready,please press this button当我准备好以后,请按这个键
one day trip一日游
half day trip半日游
I want to ride the elephant我想骑大象
Have a rest休息一下
How long shall I wait我需要等多久?
what's time to start什么时间开始?
I will return as soon as possible我会尽快回来
Where can I rent[rent] a bike(bicycle)我在哪里可以租一辆自行车?
What time must be reture ?什么时间必须归还? Is this free ?这是免费
的吗? One thousand two hundred and fifty一千两百五十
let's think about让我们想想/考虑一下


I feel sick我感觉不舒服(感觉恶心)
I caught a cold我感冒了
I can’t sleep well我睡眠不好
I have a fever我发烧
I have diarrhea我腹泻
Is there a drug store near here这附近有药店吗?
Is there a hospital near here ?附近有医院吗?
Is there a doctor who speaks Chinese ?这儿有会说中文的医生吗?
Do you have any medicine ?你有药吗?
I will call pliceman我会找警察
where is the police station ?请问警察局在哪里
第1个回答  2016-03-23

Where are from ?你从哪里来?

I’m from China我来自中国

How do you do你好

How are you ?你好吗?

Fine thank you很好,谢谢

Nice to meet you很高兴见到你

Thank you very much非常感谢

Thank you all the same仍然感谢你

You are welcome不用谢

Of course当然

Thank you for your help谢谢你的帮助

I’m so sorry我很抱歉

Sorry to bother you对不起,给你添麻烦

Please Never mind请别介意

It doesnt matter没关系

That's right你说的对
Never mind没关系

Have a nice trip祝你旅途平安

I am alone我独自一人

I’m very Poor我很穷

I can’t speak Thai我不会说泰语

Can you speak EngLish or Chinese ?你会说英语或者中文吗?

My EngLish is so bad我的英语很差

I can speak a little English我会说一点英语

I can’t understand what you mean我不明白你的意思

Can you Speak slowly?你能说得慢一点吗?

Please say it again请再说一次

Please write it in English请用英语写下来

Can you help me to Write some places with Thai it


You are too nice你人太好了!

It’s kind of you你真是太好了!

This is the first time I came to ThaiLand这是我第一次来泰国

ThaiLand is a beautiful country泰国是一个美丽的国家

I’m just a tourist我只是一名游客

二.买东西 (问价,讨价还价)

I’d like to buy this.我想买这个
How much ?多少钱?
How much is this?这个多少钱?
How much is that?那个多少钱?
How much it all together一共多少钱?
Too expensive太贵了
It’s too expensive for me对我来说太贵了
What a price! Lower it,please!这么高的价格,请降点
Do you have any cheaper?有更便宜点的吗?
What’s the last price最低价多少钱?
Do you have anything cheaper than this ?有没有比这个更便宜一点的?
Could you show me another one ?能给我看看另一件吗?
Can I have a paper bag能给我一个纸带吗?
May I try it ?我能试试吗?
I already paid我已经付钱了
I’m just looking. Thank you我只是随便看看,谢谢
Could you give me a little discount你能给我一点折扣吗?
Can I pay here ?可以在这儿付帐吗?
Keep the change, please不用找钱了,(给小费的一种方式)
注:Thai Bath(泰铢)
温馨提示:泰国人在告诉你价格的时候,都会在数字后面加一个 Bath,读
作:“吧”…比如10泰铢,会读作: Ten bath (Ten吧)…就好像我们说多少元


May I ask something ?我能问点事吗?
I don’t know the way我不认识路
I took the wrong way我走错路了
I lost my way我迷路了
I don’t know how to get there我不知道如何去那儿?
Can you take me through你能带我过去吗?
What is the best way to get there?去那里最好的方式是什么?
How far is it from here ?离这里有多远?
Can you show me on the map ?可以在地图上指给我看吗?
What is the name of this street ?这条街叫什么名字?
Can I walk down there ?我能步行到那里吗?
Is it possible to walk there?可以走路到那里吗?
I want to go to there我想去那里
How should I go ?我该怎么走?
Which way should I go ?我该往哪条路走?
Where is the bus stop ?巴士车站在哪里?
Where is the taxi stand?计程车站在哪里?
Where is the railway station ?火车站在哪里?
where is the airport?飞机场在哪里?
Where is the toilet,please请问厕所在哪里?
Where is the Subway station ?地铁站在哪里?
Where is the MRT ?地铁在哪里?
Where is the BTS ? BTS在哪里?
I want to go to the ...我想去...
I want to go to the toilet我想去厕所
Where is the toilet ?厕所在哪里?
Is there a toilet near here ?附近有厕所吗?
Please use the meter请按表(打表)
Take me to this address,please!请带我去这个地址
I’m in a hurry我时间很急
Can you drive more slowly ?可以开得慢点吗?
I'm scared我很害怕
Stop here,Please!请停在这儿


Where can I buy a ticket我在哪里可以买到票?
Where is the ticket office ?卖票的地方在哪里?
May I see the time table ?我可以看看时间表吗?
What time does it leave ?几点发车?
A ticket to Chiengmai please !一张去清迈的车票
Second class one way,please !二等单程
I’d like the upper berth我想要上铺
Where can I check in ?在哪里办登机手续?
Where is boarding gate for AirAisa airline ?亚航的登机口在哪里?
What is the gate number ?在几号登机口登机?
Airline ticket飞机票
Could you tell me how to fill in?请告诉我如何填写?(填出入境单)
Where is my seat ?我的座位 在哪里?
Can I have a window seat,please可以给我一个靠窗的位置吗?
Where can I get my baggage?我去哪里取行李?
Your passport and declaration card, please请出示你的护照和海关申报单
Do you have anything to declare?你携带的东西有必须申报的吗?
No. I don't没有
Please open this bag请打开这件行李
What are these?这是什么东西?
These are for my personal use这是我的个人用品


duty-free items免税品
Passport control护照检查
Outgoing passenger card入境登记卡
Ongoing passenger card出境登记卡
Customs declaration card海关申报单
Currency declaration现金申报单
Valid (invalid)有效(无效)


I'm very hungry我很饿
Where is the restaurant near here ?这附近餐馆在哪里?
Can I see the menu?我可以看一下菜单吗?
Do you have Chinese or English menu ?有中文或英语菜单吗?
Have a little spicy food ?有辣一点的食物吗?
Which is more delicious ?哪个更好吃?
It’s very delicious非常美味
I like this我喜欢这个
Can you tell me how to eat this ?你能告诉我如何吃这个吗?
How to eat ?怎么吃?
I want to eat rice我想要吃米饭
I want to eat noodles我想吃面条
I’m thirsty我口渴
I want to drink我想喝水
I want to a cold drink我想喝一杯冷饮
I’d like a glass of water,please我想要一杯水
I want to drink a cup of coffee我想喝一杯咖啡


I made a reservation in the internet我在网上预订了房间
Is there a youth hotel near here ?这附近有青年旅社吗?
Excuse me,do you have any rooms ?请问有房间吗?
I want a single room我想要单人间
I want a double room我想要双人单
Can I see the room我能看一下房间吗?
Can you tell me how to find my room?请问我的房间怎么走?
The toliet is public or private?厕所是公共的还是私用的?
may I take a shower我可以淋浴吗?
It’s too hot in here这儿太热了
Is there a electric fan in the room ?房间里有电风扇 吗?
I want a room with air conditioning我想要一间带空调的房间
I want a room with electric fan我想要一间带电风扇的房间
风扇房(room of fan)
空调房(room of air-condition)
Is it safe?这里安全吗?

Could you keep my valuables ?能帮我保管贵重物品吗?
I’d like to stay for one night,please我要住一晚
Can I stay here for one night ?我可以在这里住宿一晚吗?
What is the check out time?退房时间是几点?
How much is the room per night?每晚多少钱?
Do I have to pay a deposit?我需要支付押金吗?
Key deposit (钥匙押金)
Do you have a cheaper room?你们有便宜一点的房间吗?
I will take this room我想要这间房
Does the price include breakfast?价钱包括早餐吗?
I go out for a while我出去一会儿
When do you close你们什么时候关门?
I’d like to check out now我想要退房


can I take a picture in here ?我可以在这里拍照吗?
Could you take a picture for me ?你能帮我拍张照吗?
Can I take a photo with you ?我能和你合影吗?
when I am ready,please press this button当我准备好以后,请按这个键
one day trip一日游
half day trip半日游
I want to ride the elephant我想骑大象
Have a rest休息一下
How long shall I wait我需要等多久?
what's time to start什么时间开始?
I will return as soon as possible我会尽快回来
Where can I rent[rent] a bike(bicycle)我在哪里可以租一辆自行车?
What time must be reture ?什么时间必须归还? Is this free ?这是免费
的吗? One thousand two hundred and fifty一千两百五十
let's think about让我们想想/考虑一下


I feel sick我感觉不舒服(感觉恶心)
I caught a cold我感冒了
I can’t sleep well我睡眠不好
I have a fever我发烧
I have diarrhea我腹泻
Is there a drug store near here这附近有药店吗?
Is there a hospital near here ?附近有医院吗?
Is there a doctor who speaks Chinese ?这儿有会说中文的医生吗?
Do you have any medicine ?你有药吗?
I will call pliceman我会找警察
where is the police station ?请问警察局在哪里本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  推荐于2017-06-14
英语不好的话,你下一个出国翻译官APP,google地图(输入中文也能找到地方的),弄个马蜂窝APP很多攻略的,记得到酒店拿名片,然后去地图上,大概看看你的地理方位,或给同伴发一个定位,心里要 有个底,然后就好出去玩了,多吃水果 海鲜,超级划算,因为是自由行,不想旅行团带去的都是旅游控价的,基本可以自己发掘一些好玩好吃的地方,海滩,潜泳、跳伞都是不可错过的,其他游乐项目看你去的地点,可以在马蜂窝上看看附近攻略。玩的开心哈~哦对了,泰国是国际惯例有小费的,多准备点20铢的纸币,酒店起床在床头放一张,帮你搬行李给一张,吃饭也是,拍照也一样,不要硬币哦,不礼貌,还有打的,记得一定要打表,打开手机导航,提早跟司机说要转弯的点,因为泰国很多单行线,错过路口要绕很多路才能回来,这些都是容易被宰的地方。其他不要去不三不四的地方,在泰国还是很安全的,也超级好玩,开心哈本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2017-05-22



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