

The tide of financial crisis and economic globalization bring great challenges to the survival of enterprises, manyenterprises began to examine their own talent strategy, adjust the basis for judging the value of talent, and comprehensive quality of talents growing importance. Colleges and universities in the process of cultivating personneldo not understand the objective law of social demand and employment changes of society for talents, only with the greatest ability to meet the social and market demand, resulting in the University side blind enrollment and training,while increasing the grim pressure. Thus for the development of higher education and the actual employmentseparation. In recent years the emergence of "enterprise nobody available, students can not find a job" phenomenon.Aiming at these problems, this paper abandons the talent requirement of enterprises and employment and other single issues, on the basis of researching the enterprise, society, school and students themselves, find out the crux of the problem, put forward specific measures, and tries to stand on the macro level, enterprise talent strategy of unified planning, form a system of perfect the connection, to provide help for the development of enterprises and the employment of College students.
第1个回答  2014-04-12
  Wave of the financial crisis hit and bring today's enterprise survival big challenge of economic globalization, many enterprises began to rethink their concept of talent strategy, adjust the talent value judgment, and the growing importance of talent comprehensive qualities.In the process of training talents in colleges and universities do not understand the social demand for talents and the objective laws of social employment change, only to maximize the ability to meet the needs of the society and market, cause and blind expansion of colleges and universities and training, one side is increasing serious pressure.Thus for the development of college education and the actual employment.No one is available, the enterprise appeared in recent years, college students can't find a job "phenomenon.To solve these problems in this paper, abandon the past only to a single problem such as enterprise talent demand and college students employment, through to the enterprise, society, school and college students themselves for further research, find out the question crux, put forward specific response, at the same time try to stand at the macro level to unified planning of enterprise talent strategy, form the perfect system of cohesion, and university students' employment help for the enterprise development.

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第2个回答  2014-04-12
Wave of the financial crisis hit and bring today's enterprise survival big challenge of economic globalization, many enterprises began to rethink their concept of talent strategy, adjust the talent value judgment, and the growing importance of talent comprehensive qualities. In the process of training talents in colleges and universities do not understand the social demand for talents and the objective laws of social employment change, only to maximize the ability to meet the needs of the society and market, cause and blind expansion of colleges and universities and training, one side is increasing serious pressure. Thus for the development of college education and the actual employment. No one is available, the enterprise appeared in recent years, college students can't find a job "phenomenon. To solve these problems in this paper, abandon the past only to single ? enterprise talent demand and college students employment
第3个回答  2014-04-12
  The encroaching tide of the financial crisis and the economic globalization have brought about great challenges for all the existing businesses, which has urged quite a few enterprises to reflect upon their own values regarding the so-called human talent strategy, adjust their judgement criteria in terms of human value and therefore place increasingly greater importance on the comprehensive quality of a talent. Facing such a situation, higher education institutions, with a lack of knowledge concerning the society demand for more real talents as well as the objective laws about the changing employment trend, can only spare no efforts to meet the demands of society and the employment market, which has resulted in the fact that colleges and universities expand the size of enrollment blindly, while the pressure from tough employment situation is always growing, which leads to a problem that what the higher education teach student cannot apply in the future practical career fields. As a result, recent years have witnesses an abnormanl phenomenon where some employers cannot find proper talents, while some graduated students fail to get an ideal job. Focusing upon the issues mentioned above, this essay, instead of the study method of reviewing problems separately, has conducted an in-depth survey targetting businesses, society, education institutions and college students themselves and tried to discover the real cause, besides which the essay has gone further to propose some solutions to related problems. Meanwhile the article, based upom a macrocosmic perspective, suggests an all-inclusive plan for businesses to refier to when they go through the talent strategy, in which, according to the author, a well-established mechanism exists and thus offer helps to student job-seekers and contributes to the growth of businesses.



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