请帮忙解答3道高中英语题 O(∩_∩)O谢谢

1.The director had her assistant ___ some hot dogs for the meeting.
A picked up B picks up C pick up D picking up

2.I recognized her ___ she appeared in front of me, ___ touch for so many years.
A at the moment , losing B at the moment ,having been out of C the moment , losing
D the moment ,having been out of

3.How do you find travel to Hainan?
___ ,i enjoyed it very much ,although the weather of some days was unpleasant.
A In addition B On the whole C In other words D on the other hand

1. A. 描述发生过的事情,用过去式。
2. D. the moment 表示时间状语,在。。。时刻,后面表示从过去到现在一直没有联系过,用现在分词的完成时形式。
3. B. 总的来讲,。。。。

第1个回答  2011-01-26
1.The director had her assistant ___ some hot dogs for the meeting.
A picked up B picks up C pick up D picking up
答案:C。have sb do sth.让某人做某事。不带to的不定式做使役动词have的宾补。
2.I recognized her ___ she appeared in front of me, ___ touch for so many years.
A at the moment , losing B at the moment ,having been out of
C the moment , losing D the moment ,having been out of
答案:D。首先,the moment意为”一...就...“(=as soon as)。排除A和B;再则, "for so many years"说明前面的动词必须是延续性动词,排除C。
3.How do you find travel to Hainan?
___ ,I enjoyed it very much ,although the weather of some days was unpleasant.
A In addition B On the whole C In other words D on the other hand
答案:B On the whole“基本上,大体上”。A "另外",C “换句话说”,D “另一方面”。
第2个回答  2011-01-26
have sb. do 让某人做某事
have sth. done 让人将某事做好
这里中间的assistant是人,主管让她的助理带些热狗回来开会,所以用原先 pick
2. D
at the moment 表示此刻,目前 通常用现在时
the moment 是时间状语,……的瞬间
因为后面有for 所以用持续性动词 have been out of 。主动 所以用ing
A. in addition 并且,表递进
B on the whole 总的来说,表总结
C in other words 换句话来说,用法跟A 类似
D on the other hand 另一方面,用法跟A 和C 类似

第3个回答  2011-01-26
1、C have sb do sth,固定的词组搭配,主任让助手去弄些热狗来为会议准备!
2、D the moment/the minute译为 一...就;后面有for so many years表明需用完成时,她一在我面前出现我就认出了她,(尽管)失去联系这么多年!
3、B in addition 进一步说;on the whole基本上,大体上;in other words换句话说;on the other hand 另一方面。 你觉得去海南旅游怎么样啊?~~~~~总的来说,我很喜欢,尽管有些天 天气并不太好!



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